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Please note that this page is a static copy of a previously published web page and is no longer actively maintained.
Be aware that the information contained here may be out-of-date.
For the most recent information, we recommend visiting the main website of the EMCDDA.

Downloading, viewing and technical information

Full-screen viewing

Tables can be viewed full-screen by using the [Print] button in the [Further options] menu bar on the lefthand side of the screen. (See also below, ‘Printing tables’). 

Technical note: The tables have been optimised to be viewed either with Internet Explorer 5 upwards or Netscape 6 upwards with a screen resolution width of 1024 pixels on a standard sized monitor. Users with different resolutions and screen sizes, if having difficulty in viewing the tables should decrease the text size using the browser view menu or increase screen resolution on the display settings.

Downloading tables

Tables may be downloaded in spreadsheet format (MS Excel 5 or 6) by using the Excel logo button at the foot of the page. There are no physical restrictions obstructing extraction of information from the downloaded spreadsheet tables.

Technical note: Downloading in an XML format will be implemented at a later date.

Printing tables

A full-screen print-friendly rendering of each table can be obtained by using the [Print] button in the [Further options] menu bar on the lefthand side of the screen. Printing is then best implemented by using the browser [File | Page Setup | Print] menu set for ‘landscape’ printing. The same printing sequence is available for all text and index pages as well as for tables.

Editable graphics

Some data tables are associated with online graphical representations, shared with the online version of the EMCDDA annual report. These charts and graphs are obtained through the link at the foot of the relevant table, when available, and they are listed in the Overall index to tables page of the bulletin under ‘Associated graphics’. They may be edited and printed by using the buttons at the foot of each graphic.  Editing facilities allow re-scaling of diagrams and the filtering of unwanted data points and trend lines prior to printing and viewing.

Technical note: The graphics require Active-X controls to be allowed on the client PC and use Flash software.


An annex to the bulletin contains some of the larger data tables, which are listed in the Overall index to tables page of the bulletin under ‘Annex tables’. These are available in spreadsheet format (MiS Excel) for downloading and viewing. 

Edition/revision information

Current edition: Nov.2004