Please note that this page is a static copy of a previously published web page and is no longer actively maintained.
Be aware that the information contained here may be out-of-date.
For the most recent information, we recommend visiting the main website of the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA).
Country |
Clients in methadone treatment in specialised units in 2003 (1) |
Clients in other types of methadone treatment in 2003 (2) |
Clients in all types of methadone treatment in 2003 (3) |
Clients in all types of methadone treatment in 2004 (3) (4) |
Ref. re 2004-data |
Belgium |
1922 |
154 |
2076 |
Czech Republic |
368 |
368 |
696 |
(5) |
Denmark |
4971 |
0 |
4971 |
5129 |
(6) |
Germany |
65000 |
see (8) |
65000 |
48064 |
(7), (8) |
Estonia |
60 |
60 |
253 |
(9) |
Greece |
2018 |
0 |
2018 |
2430 |
Spain |
88678 |
88678 |
67006 |
(10) |
France |
15000 |
see (11) |
23500 |
Ireland |
5561 |
4159 |
9720 |
6883 |
(12) |
Italy |
79065 |
79065 |
Cyprus |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(13) |
Latvia |
67 |
0 |
67 |
54 |
Lithuania |
332 |
0 |
332 |
436 |
Luxembourg |
133 |
851 |
984 |
(14) |
Hungary |
750 |
0 |
750 |
757 |
(15) |
Malta |
698 |
0 |
698 |
681 |
(16) |
Netherlands |
12000 |
930 |
12930 |
12483 |
(17) |
Austria |
(23) |
Poland |
865 |
0 |
865 |
865 |
(24) |
Portugal |
9765 |
9765 |
10438 |
Slovakia |
457 |
0 |
457 |
490 |
Slovenia |
1909 |
334 |
2243 |
Finland |
170 |
170 |
230 |
(18) |
Sweden |
800 |
0 |
800 |
(19) |
United Kingdom |
128000 |
128000 |
(20) |
Bulgaria |
380 |
0 |
380 |
670 |
(21) |
Romania |
400 |
0 |
400 |
315 |
(22) |
Turkey |
Norway |
1947 |
see (8) |
1947 |
Notes: Where data are not available for a country, the table entry is left empty See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page. Sources: (1) Selective update of Table 4 of the 2005 annual report, data-sources: standard table on drug-related treatment availability (2004); national reports 2004; drug treatment overviews. (2) Standard table on drug-related treatment availability, 2004. (3) Minimum number. (4) Reitox national reports 2005. (5) In the Czech Republic, a total of 1043 clients have received substitution treatment in specialised units in 2004. (6) Number of individuals in long-term methadone substitution treatment at the end of 2004 in Denmark. (7) On 01/07/2004, a total of 57700 clients are registered in the substitution register in Germany and 83.3 % receive methadone or levomethadone. (8) Specialised units and other types merged. No separate data available for specialised units. (9) Number includes all substitution clients between September 2003 and December 2004 in Estonia; number of methadone clients not separately available. (10) Clients receiving methadone maintenance treatment in specialised units in 13 autonomous communities (remaining data not available). (11) Among other types, it is estimated that 8500 clients are treated at GPs. Figures for other units: missing. (12) Number of clients in treatment in Ireland at the end of 2003 (Methadone Prescribing Implementation Committee, 2005). (13) National Strategy and Action Plan provides for the creation of substitution programmes; MMT planned for Nikosia and Limmassol. (14) The total number of substitution clients in Luxembourg, including MMT and HDBT, is 1673. (15) In Hungary, methadone is mainly used in short-term substitution treatment. There are between 320 and 420 clients at any one time. (16) Estimate for Malta based on total of 1525 clients in treatment in 2004, of which 44.7 % receive methadone substitution treatment. (17) The data for the Netherlands include only clients in outpatients addiction care. (18) About one third of estimated total number of 750 substitution clients in Finland. (19) The 'roof' (maximum number) was raised from 800 to 1200 clients. Resource limitations at the five units do not allow more than a few new patients per year to enter treatment. (20) Of 163985 treatment episodes in England in 2004/05, 20686 (12.6 %) involved GP prescribing and 60292 involved specialist prescribing (36.8 %) (Best and Abdulrahim 2005). For Scotland alone, Hay et al. (ISD) estimate 19227 methadone clients in 2004. (21) There are treatment places for 670 methadone patients in the country. (22) In Romania, 21 % of all clients in treatment received methadone. (23) In Austria, a total of 6995 clients received substitution treatment in 2004; data on number of methadone clients not separately available. (24) Data for 2003. Thirteen health care centres (including 3 programmes in remand centres) provided 721 treatment slots and treated 865 patients. |