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Table DLO-1. Number of reports for drug law offences. 1995 to 2005

CountryStudy unit19951996199719981999200020012002200320042005
Bulgaria persons7608797080245327
Czech Republic persons482956115215301765204321602000235721002128
Denmark(2)persons; cases900886788234890094249899985812851142721639019526
Germany offences158477187022205099216682226563244336246518250969255575283708276740
Estonia persons617765388654584761638469705465
Ireland offences385928854156598471378395876879767150730210074
Greece persons4887696197291097310902125431539516045161951282314893
Spain offences6570578846815998999498369129650139264135352164460189395
France persons69432776408928591048959101008708453396740108141121256
Italy(3) (4)persons3265232985772957358477288709816927874197728877634971719
Cyprus cases156183245285250292399442475515612
Latvia persons271362433395521655854653782512
Lithuania offences511630629701926103993795913921106
Luxembourg persons12631368120511701939175817752218227118112034
Malta persons410413410659632
Poland offences4284678079151643215628196492923036178476055935667560
Romania persons1420148719972008
Slovenia offences12491849273729423410480358895528484335833086
Slovakia persons1183132612241716
Sweden persons95739307106251149010400125451371415300161361704018844
United Kingdom persons9363195199114629130643121056104390102896113465117532122459
Norway persons3938445551886486800291901074698449717


 The general term 'reports for drug law offences' is used since definitions and study units differ widely between countries. For definitions of the term 'reports for drug law offences', refer to Drug law offences – methods and definitions.          

 For a longer historical trend, back to 1985, see Table DLO-8 in the Supplementary tables section         

 (1) In 2000-2002, data refer to number of persons (only the main offence is counted), although the same person could be counted several times if arrested several times during the same year. Before 2000 and since 2003, data refer to number of offences (each offence is represented as one separate record in the database). These changes are likely to affect comparability across time.         

 (2) Since 2002, the statistical unit has been changed to cases (persons in previous years). This change is likely to affect comparability across time.         

 (3) Persons for whom the substance is not known are not included in the total: they number 34282 in 2002, 34256 in 2003 and 32608 in 2004.         

 (4) From 1985 to 1994, data include only persons under restriction (criminal offences); while from 1995, persons at liberty (criminal offences) are also included. From 1985 to 1996, figures include only criminal offences; while from 1997, non criminal offences (sentenced by administrative sanctions) are also included. These changes are likely to affect comparability across time.         

 (5) Data refer to the year during which criminal investigations were closed (vs. year during which offences were committed).         

 (6) Data refer to cases registered by the Public Prosecutor.         

 (7) The total number of reports for drug law offences includes reports for drug-related deaths until 1999, and reports for psychotropic substances and precursors since 1998.         

 (8) Since July 2001, drug use and possession for use have been decriminalised and are since then an administrative offence; consequently data on such offences, although included in this table, come from a different monitoring system. However, 2001 data should be viewed with caution as this new monitoring system has been tested for the first time.          

 (9) Since 2002, data are provided by a different source; this change is likely to affect comparability across time.         

 (10) 2002 data refer only to police data, while after 2002 data refer to all data reported by the main prosecuting authorities (police, gendarmerie, customs); this change is likely to affect comparability across time.         


 Reitox national focal points.         

Page last updated: Thursday, 08 November 2007