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Table DRD-0. Drug-related deaths recorded in EU Member States (25 members and candidates) according to national definitions, sources and bibliographic references

BelgiumAd hoc data extraction from the GMR by National focal point for 2002 Reitox national report.
BulgariaNational Statistical Institute (NSI).
Czech RepublicNárodní monitorovací stredisko pro drogy a drogové závislosti and SSLST CLS JEP (2006) Speciální registr úmrtí spojených s uzíváním drog v r. 2005. Praha: NMS. (Special Mortality Register – Drug-related deaths in 2005. Prague: National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) Notes: unpublished.
GermanyBundeskriminalamt OA21 (2006). Bundeslagebild Rauschgift 2005. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt.
EstoniaDrug Situation 'Estonia 2006' for EMCDDA.
IrelandGeneral Mortality Register, Vital Statistics, Central Statistics Office.
GreeceHellenic Police, 2006.
Spain1990 to 1995 State Information System on Drug Abuse Reports.1996 to 2004 unpublished reports.
FranceOffice central pour la répression du trafic illicite des stupéfiants (2006). Usage et trafic des produits stupéfiants en France en 2005, OCRTIS, Nanterre.
ItalyRelazione 'Annuale 2005' della Direzione Centrale per i Servizi Antidroga – Ministero dell'Interno.
CyprusCyprus National focal point (2006). 2006 Annual Report of EKTEPN, published.
LatviaHealth Statistics and Medical Technologies State Agency; Death Cause Database.
LithuaniaNarkotiku kontroles depertamento prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybes metinis pranešimas: 2006 / parenge Narkotiku kontroles depatramentas prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybes. – Vilnius, 2006.- P. 207.-ISSN 1822-0576.
LuxembourgOriger, A. (2006). National report on the state of the drugs problem – RELIS2005, NF CES/CRP- Sante Luxembourg.
HungaryNational Statistical Data Collection Programme, data corrected by the Institute of Forensic Medicine.
MaltaNational Mortality Registry – Department of Health Information 2005.
NetherlandsCauses of death statistics, Statistics Netherlands (CBS).
AustriaSuchtgiftbezogene Todesfälle-Statistik; Federal Ministry of Health and Women.
PolandAd hoc data extraction from General Mortality Registry for Reitox national focal point.
PortugalRelatório Anual do IDT – 2005.
RomaniaNational Institute of Statistics. Ad hoc data extraction from General Mortality Registry for Reitox national focal point.
SloveniaAd hoc data extraction from General Mortality Registry for Reitox national focal point.
SlovakiaAd hoc data extraction from Special Registry for Reitox national focal point.
FinlandStatistics Finland, Cause of Death Statistics (unpublished data).
SwedenEMCDDA DRD-Standard, version 3.0.
United Kingdom (ONS)Health Statistics Quarterly, Nos 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21, 25 and 29, ONS 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.
United Kingdom (DSD)Health Statistics Quarterly, Nos 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21, 25 and 29, ONS 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.
NorwayStatistics, Norway.

Page last updated: Monday, 12 November 2007