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Figure DUP-1. Studies of lifetime prevalence of use of various drugs among prisoners in some EU Member States, 1999 to 2006


For sources and bibliographic references, the number after the country name refers to Table DUP-0.

Data between brackets refer to sample sizes and study years.

Netherlands: the figure for ecstasy (21%) refers to amphetamines or ecstasy; figures for heroin (4% and 5%) refer to heroin and opiates.

Finland: the figure for heroin (5%) refers to opiates.

United Kingdom: the figure for cocaine (57%) refers to cocaine and crack; the figure for heroin (60%) refers to heroin and opiates.

Bulgaria: Any illicit drug prevalence refers only to 3 733 prisoners in Bobov dol, Bourgas, Varna, Vratsa, Pazardjik and Pleven prisons.


SB2006: Figure Dup-1

For methodological details of studies, refer to Table DUP-01 in the 2006 statistical bulletin.


Reitox National focal points. For detailed sources and bibliographic references, refer to Table DUP-0.

Page last updated: Friday, 14 December 2007