Please note that this page is a static copy of a previously published web page and is no longer actively maintained.
Be aware that the information contained here may be out-of-date.
For the most recent information, we recommend visiting the main website of the EMCDDA.
Ref. | Source |
1 | Reitox national reports. |
2 | Standard tables on 'syringe availability' (ST 10), submitted by NFPs in 2004 and 2006. |
3 | Structured questionnaire 23, 'Prevention of infectious diseases'. |
4 | Personal communication, H Stöver 31.01.05. |
5 | Personal communication, M Camilleri 14.02.05. |
6 | Coutinho R (1995) Am J Public Health 85, 1490-1. |
7 | Personal communication, E Subata 28.02.05. |
8 | Provisional results of national audit of needle exchange, reference period fiscal year 2003/2004, e-mail communication David Best, Head of Research, National Treatment Agency, 13 July 2005. |
9 | Study on pharmacy syringe sales: Zábranský, T., Radimecký, J., Mravcík, V., Gajdošíková, H., Petroš, O., Korcišová, B., Miovský, M., Vopravil, J., Csémy, L. and Kuda, A.a.N. (2002) Výrocní zpráva o stavu ve vecech drog v CR v r. 2001. Praha (Prague): Úrad vlády CR. and National report Czech Republic 2002. |
10 | Communication from Gail Eaton, UK Focal Point, 2 May 2007. |
11 | National Public Health Service for Wales/Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; data refer to number of needles. |
12 | Northern Ireland needle and syringe exchange database. |
13 | Personal communication, B Korcisova 09.03.05. |
14 | Emmanuelli, J. (2003), Siamois: Tendances en matière de réduction des risques chez les usagers de drogues par voie iv, In: Bello, J-Y., Toufik, A., Gandilhon, M., Giraudoin, I. and Bonnet, N., Phénomènes émergents liés aux drogues en 2002, quatrième rapport national du dispositif TREND, Paris, OFDT, pp 263-267. |
Page last updated: Monday, 12 November 2007