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Table HSR-0. References for needle and syringe programme information

1Reitox national reports.
2Standard tables on 'syringe availability' (ST 10), submitted by NFPs in 2004 and 2006.
3Structured questionnaire 23, 'Prevention of infectious diseases'.
4Personal communication, H Stöver 31.01.05.
5Personal communication, M Camilleri 14.02.05.
6Coutinho R (1995) Am J Public Health 85, 1490-1.
7Personal communication, E Subata 28.02.05.
8Provisional results of national audit of needle exchange, reference period fiscal year 2003/2004, e-mail communication David Best, Head of Research, National Treatment Agency, 13 July 2005.
9Study on pharmacy syringe sales: Zábranský, T., Radimecký, J., Mravcík, V., Gajdošíková, H., Petroš, O., Korcišová, B., Miovský, M., Vopravil, J., Csémy, L. and Kuda, A.a.N. (2002) Výrocní zpráva o stavu ve vecech drog v CR v r. 2001. Praha (Prague): Úrad vlády CR. and National report Czech Republic 2002.
10Communication from Gail Eaton, UK Focal Point, 2 May 2007.
11National Public Health Service for Wales/Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; data refer to number of needles.
12Northern Ireland needle and syringe exchange database.
13Personal communication, B Korcisova 09.03.05.
14Emmanuelli, J. (2003), Siamois: Tendances en matière de réduction des risques chez les usagers de drogues par voie iv, In: Bello, J-Y., Toufik, A., Gandilhon, M., Giraudoin, I. and Bonnet, N., Phénomènes émergents liés aux drogues en 2002, quatrième rapport national du dispositif TREND, Paris, OFDT, pp 263-267.

Page last updated: Monday, 12 November 2007