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Table HSR-8. Year of introduction of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT), high-dosage buprenorphine treatment (HDBT) and heroin-assisted treatment, including trials

CountryMMTSourcesHDBTSourcesHeroin assisted Sources
Belgium(1, 2, 7)1994200322007
Czech Republic(3)199820002
Spain(4, 9)199011996720035
Slovenia1990320052, 5
United Kingdom19681199921920s9


 Updated when new information became available. 

 For MMT and HDBT, the dates reflect the official availability of the treatment. 

 Where data are not available for a country, the table entry is left empty. 

 Substitution treatment programmes are currently under preparation in Cyprus. 

 Methadone is officially registered in Turkey for the treatment of opiate addiction, but information on availability of treatment is missing. 

 See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page

 (1) MMT was introduced following a National Consensus Conference, organised by the Ministry of Health in 1994.  

 (2) Legal basis for HDBT treatment created in Belgium in 2004. 

 (3) A first unofficial programme was already implemented in 1992; see Czech Republic national report 2000. 

 (4) After introduction in 1983, methadone substitution was prohibited again between 1985 and 1990. 

 (5) Methadone maintenance treatment began was on trial basis in 1967 and was introduced on a permanent basis in 1981 in Sweden, see Skretting (2006). 

 (6) A methadone trial took place in Norway in 1994, see Skretting A (2006) Treatment and harm reduction measures, in: Kouvonen P, Skretting A and Rosenqvist P (2006), Drugs in the Nordic Countries, NAD publication 48, pp 73-104. 

 (7) Heroin pilot project for 200 drug users, Autumn 2007 - 2010, Liège (Belgium). See also: "Heroin Delivery under Control: feasibility and follow-up study (DHCo)" at www.belspo.be/belspo

 (8) Randomised controlled trial of heroin-assisted treatment, see http://www.heroinstudie.de/ completed in 2006. Admission of diamorphine for regular treatment under consideration (NR 2006). 

 (9) Clinical trials in Catalonia and Andalucia. http://www.easp.es/pepsa/inicio/ensayo_english.htm 

 (10) In Luxembourg a pilot heroin-assisted treatment scheme is under consultation. 


 (1) Farrell F, Verster A, Davoli M, Nilson M and Merino PP (2000) Reviewing current practice in drug-substitution treatment in the European Union, EMCDDA Insights Series, No. 3, EMCDDA: Lisbon. 

 (2) EMCDDA (2005) Annual report 2005: selected issues. No. 3: Buprenorphine - treatment, misuse and prescription practices, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 

 (3) EMCDDA (2003) The state of the drugs problem in the acceding and candidate countries to the European Union, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 

 (4) According to data on methadone consumption published by the INCB, Technical reports 'Estimated World Requirements for 2001 – Statistics for 1999' Part four. Statistical information on narcotic drugs, INCB, 2000. Tables of reported statistics 1995 - 1999. Table IX. 

 (5) Reitox national reports. 

 (6) Personal communication, Manina Terzidou, 30 May 2006. 

 (7) Decreto 89/1996, of 4 June. 

 (8) Arpa S, Muscat R (P-PG/Epid 2003 37E, p.30). 

 (9) United Kingdom national report, 2005. 

Page last updated: Monday, 12 November 2007