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Table PDU-1. Prevalence of problem drug use at national level: summary table, 2001-2005, rate per 1000 aged 15-64 [see all tables in this series...]

Part (ii) Injecting drug use

CountryYearRate /1000 ages 15-64Interval for rate /1000Number of usersTarget group, data sources and estimation methodsReference
Czech Republic*20054.1[3.4-4.6][26800-33500]IDUs. Low-threshold services and national HCV study among IDUs. Treatment multiplier.5
Germany20051.7[1.4-2.0][78000-110500]Heroin users registered by the police. Mortality multiplier.18
Estonia* #200415.1[8.9-37.1]13801IDUs. Estonian Police Database. Health Insurance Fund. State HIV Reference Laboratory. Capture-recapture.1
Greece*20051.3[1.1-1.5][8187-10883]Last month injecting drug users. Treatment data. Capture-recapture.4
Cyprus*20050.6[0.5-0.9][258-444]Current injectors. Treatment data. Truncated Poisson.2
Hungary20050.6[0.3-0.8][2069-5813]IDUs. Treatment and police data. Capture-recapture.2
The Netherlands20010.3[0.2-0.4]3115Problem drug users currently injecting. Treatment Multiplier.24
Slovakia*20054.7[3.4-8.2][13300-31600]IDUs. Low-threshold facilities.1, 3, 4
Finland* #20024.5[4.3-5.7][12200-19700]Current injectors of opiates or stimulants. Multiple sources. Combination of multiplier and capture-recapture.1
Swedenn.a.12, 14
United Kingdom*20054.2[4.0-4.6][158881-178614]IDUs. The UK estimate is based on the England estimate for 2004/05.18
Norway20053.3[2.7-3.8][8374-11724]Overdose deaths, death rates from studies. Mortality multiplier.4


 n.a. = not available 

 * - Interval is a 95% confidence interval 

 # - Finland: the original age range of study was 15-55, rate was adapted to 15-64. Estonia: Original age range of study was 15-44, rates have been adjusted to 15-64. 

 For further details on methods and data sources/comments see tables Table PDU-3 and Table PDU-4

 See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page.   


 For bibliographic references see Table PDU-0

Page last updated: Tuesday, 20 November 2007