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Table PPP-4. Price of synthetic drugs at retail level, 2005 [see all tables in this series...]

Part (i) Minimum, maximum, mean and modal (typical) price in euros

CountryAmphetamine (1 gram)Methamphetamine (1 gram)Ecstasy (1 tablet)LSD (1 unit)
Sample sizeMin.Max.MeanModeSample sizeMin.Max.MeanModeSample sizeMin.Max.MeanModeSample sizeMin.Max.MeanMode
Belgium 165209.8510 230.3204.215
Bulgaria-A 2.517 3.512 1012.5
Czech Republic 6220.734.532.534.56213.8693534.5622.717.27.36.9622.410.36.25.2
Germany 11.9 8.5
Greece 57 1020 69
Spain 17.42 33.52 9.82 10.26
France 5252513.210 2702156.752471510.210
Italy 17.319 16.921.6 28.330.3
Cyprus 12.14 5.226 12.14 12.14
Latvia 11.4217.1414.2857
Lithuania 4.311.66.966.7 5.811.68.699.6
Luxembourg(1) 10
Hungary 619.615.112.311.7 743.
Malta 55588 5614
Austria 152520 152520 101511 303530
Poland 7.514.98.7
Portugal 3.56
Romania 713 13 1315 15 2030 30
Slovenia(1) 8.3312.510.4512.5 1.678.3355 10
Slovakia(1) 515.5 7.815.5
Finland 1525 1220 1015
Sweden 4116432627 41616121145865; 8
United Kingdom 4.4229.4514.73 0.3714.735.89 0.747.364.42
Norway 255037.5 12.512.512.5 12.52518.75


 Min. = minimum price recorded; Max. = maximum price recorded; Mean = mean price recorded. Mode = Most frequent (typical) price recorded.               

 Data were not available in 2005 for the unlisted EU Member States.                

  (1) Data reported as means are actually middle points between minimum and maximum prices.   


 Reitox national focal points, see Table PPP-4 part (ii).               

Page last updated: Tuesday, 13 November 2007