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Table PPP-8. Purity of synthetic drugs at retail level, 2005 [see all tables in this series...]

Part (i) Minimum, maximum, mean and modal (typical) purity recorded

CountryAmphetamine (percentage)Methamphetamine (percentage)Ecstasy (mg of MDMA base per unit)
Sample sizeMin.Max. MeanModeSample sizeMin.Max. MeanModeSample sizeMin.Max. MeanMode
Belgium 66.673.447 3211.915564.6
Bulgaria 401273302034381510108191158455
Czech Republic 63.3755472653.480.362.9661356.253.827.233
Germany(2)2047 7.7 1040716 10 57
Estonia 2296.396313119229033.231164828080130
France-A 68192.316.35172727272283112445.250
France-B 39LT554.612.73.7369764.3 233LT583.924.610.9
Latvia 1872763230; 4011914844323; 55117182077773
Lithuania 0.4276.53832 0.1966.53329
Luxembourg 81.23512.2 341.838.315.82.1
Hungary 221145145 ; 10 279201005860; 65
Malta 131.331.3 31.3 7221.128.922.321.4
Netherlands-A 517 7335.2 11 7545.1 1894 20277.5
Netherlands-B 16 6615.8 1 6363 176 19077.3
Poland 5668553.184
Portugal 43.344.815.7 1651 51
Finland-B 3131714450
United Kingdom(4)133517310.151777777 181514766.362
Turkey 8456032.5
Norway 40619945 4919750 354613281


 Min. = minimum purity recorded; Max. = maximum purity recorded; Mean = mean purity recorded; Mode = Most frequent (typical) purity recorded.   

 LT = less than.                                 

 Data were not available in 2005 for the unlisted EU Member States.   

 (1) Data reported as modes are actually median values.   

 (2) The value reported as mean is actually the median.   

 (3) The value reported as mean is actually the weighted mean.   

 (4) Data refer to England and Wales only.   


 Reitox national focal points, see Table PPP-8 part (ii).   

Page last updated: Tuesday, 13 November 2007