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Table SZR-3. Number of herbal cannabis seizures, 1995 to 2005

Belgium 5714 824754938254 9431022916400
Bulgaria(6) 63429811013311886
Czech Republic 293465423397
Denmark 408330396
Germany(1) 126081240611472120521248713380123741715122257
Estonia 247214222106290
Ireland 148179294213188219253242309223262
Greece 5905531938205501
Spain(8) 2292 5752125061756821021
France(2) 5406485458265780 1020510202
Italy 2665
Cyprus 282374
Latvia 296267
Lithuania 6075117239158
Luxembourg 103133190255311382326494444518
Hungary(3) 1965201517221707
Malta 03 887
Austria 2516229728013271373441293787
Poland(7) 8714715212701
Portugal 16896105105147149127178123174145
Romania 384
Slovenia(4) 39404071 24011819
Slovakia 545527628940786981
Finland 66312231342171220672305
United Kingdom 26677283582940932592270922832032510418103712642331
Turkey 329833573,5394,8752,868
Norway 975113611109861023


 Data were not available for the unlisted EU Member States.   

 (1) In 1995: the number of seizures based on offences; since 1996: the numbers of seizures based on police register.   

 (2) In 2002 and 2003 seizures of cannabis products cannot be broken down by substance; 57794 seizures of all cannabis products were made in 2002, and 67443 in 2003.   

 (3) In 2002/2003 data include seizures of both herbal cannabis and cannabis plants.   

 (4) In 2003 seizures of resin and herbal cannabis could not be broken down by product; 3421 seizures of both products were made in 2003.   

 (5) Data include cannabis plants.   

 (6) Data refer to seizures made by the Customs and the National Service for Combating Organized Crime (NACOC), separately or in combination with other units within the Ministry of Interior.   

 (7) Up until 2003 the number of large seizures only is reported; from 2004 all seizures are reported.    

 (8) 2005 data include seizures of seeds and other cannabis products except resin and plants.   


 Reitox national focal points.         

Page last updated: Wednesday, 07 November 2007