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Table SZR-4. Quantities (kg) of herbal cannabis seized, 1995 to 2005

Belgium 381045679139072246329162170 264661319438545058
Bulgaria(8) 75102961834776898714211
Czech Republic 10178169103
Denmark 24534130
Germany(1) 41671489715022587120796130258253843014
Estonia 205129111
Ireland 78235456620895905600202104150
Greece 11382540128191751014167149081165313943715347528011
Spain(10) 1326724889412765353532461666999666
France(2)30563128034523522338248663922 39323062
Italy 39725214242601336673163851533934912485
Cyprus 1363912930293895623181
Latvia 19476826
Lithuania 1653016106
Luxembourg 16355481318172317
Hungary(3) 11213110320792162
Malta 00.020.132522
Netherlands(4) 10330224479958 ca 90004400
Austria 3421562282450553506504
Poland(9) 91515233233227
Portugal 1603672766223235361265119121
Romania 7290347
Slovenia(5) 1121100 85112
Finland 141432452643
United Kingdom 13872343043112021730158852549026741350122959821491
Turkey 974655387007757111339
Norway 35105483444


 ca = circa.                         

 (1) In 1995: the number of seizures based on offences; since 1996: the numbers of seizures based on police register. 

 (2) In 2002 and 2003, seizures of cannabis products cannot be broken down by product; 57115 kg of cannabis were seized in 2002 and 82515 kg in 2003. 

 (3) 2000 to 2003 data include both seizures of herbal cannabis and cannabis plants. 

 (4) In 2000 and 2001, data include both marihuana and Dutch-grown weed; in 2002, data include marihuana only. Both 2004 and 2005 data are based on seizures made only by some police forces: they are not comparable between them, nor with previous years. 

 (5) In 2003, seizures of cannabis resin and herbal cannabis cannot be broken down by product; 220.16 kg of herb and resin were seized in 2003. 

 (6) Data before 2000 include total of herbal and plants. 

 (7) Data include cannabis plants. 

 (8) Data refer to seizures made by the Customs and the National Service for Combating Organized Crime (NACOC), separately or in combination with other units within the Ministry of Interior. 

 (9) Up until 2003 the amount of large seizures only is reported; from 2004 all seizures are reported.  

 (10) 2005 data include seizures of seeds and other cannabis products except resin and plants.   


 Reitox national focal points.         

Page last updated: Wednesday, 07 November 2007