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Table SZR-6. Quantities (number of plants) of cannabis plants seized, 1995 to 2005

Belgium 2784 6280291213459 273396781483113
Bulgaria(14) 3448550193952131844700
Czech Republic(1) 3173312516171780
Denmark 951753549
Germany(2) 6706581097168833252776889829352358636813393936
Estonia 121718588292698
Ireland 114854275369035298365770244199119
Greece 311523411010996746198499851882116343210603982034967
France(4) 3811534266232872429541076
Italy 42691851402337985119024057177513093983220638297693191813311124140958
Cyprus 847260823276190493274248132997344
Latvia 0000
Luxembourg(6) 14522211313302341602
Hungary(7) 2998811
Malta(8) 221101252933
Netherlands(17)54933712725265531353531785825886618518846099003811111855ca 10000001700000
Austria(9) 7991
Poland(18) 100532388861631550333488
Romania(15) 1630114895 165147
Slovenia 19259425 53293214
Finland(12) 48756385880178409460
United Kingdom 94202116301115057123043558104794771593572708396695103
Turkey 2081693125989977307252752036257621732380


 ca = circa.                         

 (1) Accurate data are not available before 2002 due to double counting of seizures by police and customs reports. 

 (2) In 1995: the number of seizures based on offences; since 1996: the numbers of seizures based on police register. 5000 kg of cannabis plants were seized in 1997. 

 (3) 14001 kg of cannabis plants were seized in 1996; 1734 kg in 1997; 3072 kg in 1998; 2319 kg in 1999; 18156 kg in 2000; 3907 kg in 2001; 5882 kg in 2002; 7242 kg in 2003; 8858.352 kg in 2004; 11227.81 kg in 2005. 

 (4) In 2002 and 2003, seizures of cannabis product cannot be broken down by product; 57115 kg were seized in 2002 and 82515 in 2003. 81 kg of cannabis plants were seized in 2004; and 54 kg in 2005. 

 (5) 68.4 kg of cannabis plants were seized in 2002; 600 kg in 2003; 415 kg in 2004; and 961 kg in 2005. 

 (6) 65 gram of cannabis plants were seized in 1996. 

 (7) In 2000-2003, data were reported in kg and included seizures of both herbal cannabis and cannabis plants (data are reported in Table SZR-04). 

 (8) 43 cannabis seeds were also seized in 2003; and 2281 in 2004. 

 (9) 36 kg of cannabis plants were seized in 2001; 158 kg in 2002; 127 kg in 2003; 180.6 kg in 2004 and 165.5 kg in 2005. 

 (10) There was also 1.75 kg of cannabis plants seized in 2002; and 0.55 kg in 2003. 

 (11) 64 kg of cannabis plants were seized in 2000; 86 kg in 2001; 574 kg in 2002; 528 kg in 2003; 1475 kg in 2004; and 1137 kg in 2005. 

 (12) 5321 kg of cannabis plants were seized in 2000; 16 kg in 2001; 15.5 kg in 2002; 20.4 kg in 2003; 41.7 kg in 2004; and 43,3 kg in 2005. 

 (13) 7 kg of cannabis plants were seized in 1995; 4 kg in 1996; 2 kg in 1997; 7 kg in 1998; 41 kg in 1999; 3 kg in 2000; 2.7 kg in 2001. Seizures of cannabis plants are included in herbal cannabis seizures. 

 (14) Data were provided only by the National Service for Combating Organized Crime (NACOC) and refer to seizures made separately or in combination with other units from the Ministry of Interior. 

 (15) The figure regarding cannabis plants (2004) is referring to 3 illicit cultivations which have been harvested and destroyed. 

 (16) 17 kg of cannabis plants were seized in 2001; 16 kg in 2002; 22 kg in 2003; 131 kg in 2004; and 44 kg in 2005. 

 (17) Both 2004 and 2005 data are based on seizures made only by some police forces: they are not comparable between them, nor with previous years. 

 (18) Up until 2003 the amount of large seizures only is reported; from 2004 all seizures are reported.  


 Reitox national focal points.         

Page last updated: Wednesday, 07 November 2007