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Table SZR-14. Quantities (tablets) of ecstasy seized 1995 to 2005

Belgium(1)320441184413125700271080467477818515 1485000582782547874
Bulgaria(15) 2574236131351097279116572
Czech Republic(2) 884917599210837919010
Denmark 211515262580327038261172160815008025783624753809644195
Germany 3808586923976942814193291470507163468345765043207099125767620521581588908
Estonia(3) 198481246177013263783120192077029748211880
Spain 7395113404441849501945273576498915628601641396142771875796833572889
France 2737793492101989411142226186040222836201503773215693722117271893226833648
Latvia(8) 11011141620182989239946021937
Lithuania(9) 5616418311122507245141205984589942918663
Luxembourg 784554536714535731827211391322232492
Hungary 151541866424854135634181807238479
Malta 224210058694607117273
Netherlands(10)484182302179870980116351436636085500000368450567871675420033ca 55000001900000
Austria 31338251182352211467731129162093256299383451422103122663114104
Poland(11) 13913323912451156102520272198492531
Romania 77631309
Slovenia 279281852787728318741309
Slovakia(13) 13584931379435189323871698
Finland 375010113062332017665873938122845065352162324352210
United Kingdom 554800584805420289542127345632957065520007669000605038174789294986911
Turkey 121508989894732408453901748799
Norway 10980128521318215542246644939061187102433994515358116034


 A fuller historical series, back to 1985 for reporting countries, is available in the Supplementary tables section of this statistical bulletin.     

 (1) In 1996 and 1998 figures include both ecstasy and amphetamine tablets seized; see Table SZR-12 for quantities in kg additionally seized in 1996 and 1998. 132 kg of ecstasy were also seized in 1997; 266 kg in 1999; and 37 kg in 2000. In 2003, 229 kg of amphetamines and ecstasy were seized: they are reported in Table SZR-12.   

 (2) Accurate data are not available before 2002 due to double counting of seizures by police and customs reports. 0.02 kg of ecstasy were also seized in 2002; and 4.85 kg in 2003.   

 (3) In addition, 0.421 kg of ecstasy were seized in 2000; 1.7 kg in 2001; 3.4 kg in 2002; and 6.7 kg in 2003.   

 (4) All seizures are included (police, coastguard and customs). Until 2003, data include both ecstasy and amphetamine tablets.   

 (5) 424 capsules and 0.735 kg were also seized in 1998; 46 capsules and 0.236 kg in 1999; 5644 capsules in 2000; 0.153 kg in 2002; 3 capsules, 0.604 kg of MDMA and 0.0123 kg of MDEA in 2003 and 3.444 gram of MDMA in 2005.   

 (6) Since 2000, data include seizures of tablets of all amphetamine-type products with no differentiation between products (a majority of seizures of tablets being ecstasy-type products); see Table SZR-12 for quantities of amphetamine-type products additionally seized in kg.   

 (7) 0.004 kg of MDMA were also seized in 2001; 0.3 kg in 2002; 0.001 kg in 2003; and 0.2 kg in 2004.   

 (8) 0.0175 kg of ecstasy were seized in 2003.   

 (9) 0.44 kg of ecstasy were also seized in 2003.   

 (10) a) figures in this table refer to MDMA; in 1996 and 1997, 800636 and 23627 MDEA tablets were also seized. b) in addition, 391 kg of ecstasy were seized in 1995; 350 kg in 1996; 703 kg in 1997; 632 kg in 2000; 113 kg in 2001; 849 kg in 2002; 435 kg in 2003; and about 300 kg in 2004. c) In addition, 32250 litres of ecstasy were also seized in 1998; 445 in 1999; and about 200 in 2004. 2004 data are estimated figures, which are unreliable, incomparable with previous years and truncated (based on seizures made only by some police forces).   

 (11) 2003 data include 198.152 kg of ecstasy seized and converted into tablets.    

 (12) 0.019 kg of ecstasy were also seized in 1997; 0.0003 kg in 1998; 0.086 kg in 1999; 1.1 kg in 2000; 0.1 kg in 2001; 1.67 kg in 2002; 0.201 kg in 2003; 0.4 kg in 2004; and 9.56 kg and 1 capsule in 2005.   

 (13) 0.002 kg of ecstasy were also seized in 2003.   

 (14) Before 2001, data include only seizures of MDMA and MDA; whereas since 2001, data include seizures of MDMA, MDA and MDE.   

 (15) Except for 2002, data refer to seizures made by the Customs and the National Service for Combating Organized Crime (NACOC) from the Ministry of Interior. 2002 data refer only to seizures made by the National Service for Combating Organized Crime (NACOC). 0.315 kg of ecstasy were also seized in 2005.   


 Reitox national focal points.     

Page last updated: Wednesday, 07 November 2007