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Table TDI-23. Polydrug use among all clients entering outpatient treatment, for countries supplying data for 2005: the combination of opioids, cocaine, cannabis or other stimulants as primary drug type with a secondary drug [see all tables in this series...]

Part (i) Most frequent combination of the primary drug with the stated types of secondary drug (percentages)

Primary drug Primary drugSecondary drug
Number of clients OpioidsCocaineOther stimulantsHypnotics/sedativesHallucinogensVolatile substancesCannabisAlcoholOther substances


 Countries included: BG, CZ, DK, DE, IE, EL, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, SK, FI, SE, UK. 

 Data on secondary drug use are only collected among all treatment clients and not separately for new treatment clients. 

 'Opioids' include: heroin, methadone, other opioids; 'Cocaine' includes: cocaine HCl, crack cocaine; 'Stimulants' include: amphetamines, MDMA and derivates, other stimulants: 'Cannabis' can include herb or resin. For each client up to four secondary drugs can be reported. 

 A number of the clients report using the same drug both as primary and secondary drug, particularly for cannabis. Clients may report using different sub-types of the same substance, as defined in the TDI protocol for the drugs categories. The greater part of clients using cannabis both as primary and secondary drug comes from Germany. 

 See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page


 2006 Reitox national reports.  

Page last updated: Monday, 12 November 2007