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Statistical bulletin 2008 (archive)

Please note that this data is now archived. For the most recent statistics please visit the main Statistical bulletin page.

The Statistical bulletin is published yearly by the EMCDDA and provides access to the most recent statistical data relating to the drugs situation in Europe. It constitutes the epidemiological basis on which the Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in Europe is written.

Statistics are organised by section. Selecting 'Overview' gives access to an overview of the data for the category. Most of the data is presented in the form of tables (viewable online or downloadable in spreadsheet format). Data which is presented in graphical format can be downloaded in spreadsheet format.

General population surveys

General population surveys aim to obtain comparable and reliable information on: the extent and pattern of consumption of different drugs in the general population; the characteristics and behaviours of users; and the attitudes of different population groups towards drug use. The information collected is then used to assess the situation, identify priorities and plan responses.

Studies of youth and the schools population

The aim of youth surveys is to obtain comparable and reliable information on: the extent and pattern of consumption of different drugs among school and youth populations; the characteristics and behaviours of users; and the attitudes of different young people towards drug use. Data presented in the schools survey tables are derived mainly from the ESPAD schools survey project and the HBSC (WHO) Schools Survey Health behaviour in school-aged children.

Problem drug use indicator

The problem drug use indicator aims to provide comparable, scientifically based estimates of the extent of the more severe patterns of drug use that cannot be reliably measured by surveys. This information is useful for assessing treatment needs, and offers a realistic basis for estimating the social costs of drug problems, for example drug-related crime.

Drug users in prison

National routine information on drug use and patterns of use among prisoners is rare. Most of the data available in the EU come from ad hoc studies among prisoners carried out at local level with samples that vary considerably in size and they are often not representative of the whole prison system.

Drug-related infectious diseases

This area develops indicators for more reliable and comparable monitoring of hepatitis B/C and HIV in injecting drug users. This is necessary for identifying priorities for preventing further infections, for forecasting health-care needs and costs, and for monitoring the impact of preventive interventions.

Drug-related deaths

The aim of this indicator is to obtain comparable and reliable routine statistics on the number and characteristics of people who die as a consequence of drug use in the EU Member States. This is an important indicator of the health impact of the more severe forms of drug use, and can also be useful for monitoring trends in problem drug use.

Treatment demand indicator

The treatment demand indicator (TDI) measures the yearly uptake of treatment facilities by the overall numbers entering treatment for drug use, and by the numbers amongst these of people entering for the first time (treatment incidence). Information on the number of people seeking treatment for a drug problem provides insight into general trends in problem drug use and also offers a perspective on the organisation and uptake of treatment facilities. Treatment demand data come principally from outpatient clinics' treatment records.

Drug law offences

'Reports' of offences against national drug legislation (use, possession, trafficking, etc.) reflect differences in law but also the different ways in which the law is enforced and applied, and the priorities and resources allocated to specific problems by criminal justice agencies.

Health and social responses

Information is provided on availability of substitution treatment and of different types of needle and syringe programmes (NSPs), including pharmacy-based programmes.

Drug seizures data

EU countries provide data on the number of drug seizures and the quantities seized. Data are available for cannabis, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, LSD and ecstasy.

Price and purity information

Street prices of cannabis, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, LSD and ecstasy in the different EU countries are provided in euro. Also data on the potency of cannabis products and the purity of heroin (white and brown), cocaine products (cocaine and crack) and amphetamine are presented.

Page last updated: Monday, 19 March 2012