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Table DRD-0. Drug-induced deaths recorded in EU Member States according to national definitions: sources and bibliographic references

BelgiumAd hoc data extraction from the GMR by national focal point for 2002 Reitox National report.
BulgariaNational Statistical Institute (NSI).
Czech RepublicNarodni monitorovaci stredisko pro drogy a drogove zavislosti and SSLST CLS JEP (2007) Specialni registr umrti spojenych s uzivanim drog v r. 2006. Praha: NMS. (Special Mortality Register — Drug-related deaths in 2006. Prague: National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) Notes: unpublished.
GermanyBundeskriminalamt SO51 (2007). Bundeslagebild Rauschgift 2006. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt.
EstoniaEstonian Statistical Office.
IrelandGeneral Mortality Register.
GreeceHellenic Police, 2007.
Spain1990 to 1995 State Information System on Drug Abuse Reports.1996 to 2005 unpublished reports.
FranceCepiDc (2007), Deces par causes en France, INSERM. http://www.cepidc.vesinet.inserm.fr
ItalyAnnual Report from the Ministry of Interior — DCSA.
CyprusCyprus NFP, 2007: 2007 Annual report of EKTEPN. Cyprus NFP, 2007: Skiagrafisi No 7.
LatviaHealth Statistics and Medical Technologies State Agency; Death cause database.
LithuaniaNarkotiku kontroles depertamento prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybes metinis pranešimas: 2007/ parenge Narkotiku kontroles depatramentas prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybes — Vilnius, 2007.
LuxembourgOriger, A. (2007), National report on the state of the drugs problem — RELIS2006, NF CES/CRP — Sante, Luxembourg.
HungaryNational Statistical Data Collection Programme (OSAP) (number 1211/04).
MaltaNational Mortality Registry — Department of Health Information 2006.
NetherlandsCauses of death statistics, Statistics Netherlands (CBS).
AustriaSuchtgiftbezogene Todesfaelle-Statistik, Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth.
PolandAd hoc data extraction from General Mortality Registry for Reitox national focal point.
PortugalRelatório Anual do IDT — 2006.
RomaniaNational Forensic Institute in Bucharest, National Institute of Statistics.
SloveniaGMR; Toxicology Department at the University Institute of Forensic Medicine (Medical Faculty Ljubljana) and General Police Directorate (Ministry of Interior).
SlovakiaSpecial registry, Narodne monitorovacie centrum pre drogy/ Urad pre dohlad nad zdravotnou starostlivostou (J.Sidlo) 2007.
FinlandCause of death statistics, Statistics Finland. Unpublished data.
SwedenNational Death Cause Registry (EpC at NBHW).
United KingdomOffice of National Statistics (ONS). Health Statistics Quarterly, Nos 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29 and 33, ONS 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.
United KingdomDrug Strategy Definition (DSD). Health Statistics Quarterly, Nos 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29 and 33, ONS 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.
NorwayStatistics, Norway.

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Page last updated: Monday, 14 July 2008