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Table DUP-0. Prevalence of drug use among prisoners — Sources and bibliographic references

Belgium1Hariga, F., Todts, S., Doulou, M., Muys, M. (2004), Toxicomanie en prison: monitoring des risques sanitaires: une enquête dans 10 prisons belges, SPF Justice Bruxelles.
2De Maere, W. (Free Clinic), Hariga, F. (Modus Vivendi), Bartholeyns, F. (Université Libre Bruxelles), Vandeverken, M. (Université Catholique Louvain), Druggberuik in de gevangenisomgeving. Ontwikkeling van een epidemiologisch onderzoeksinstrusment. Onderzoek uitgevoerd in opdracht van DWTC/SSTC, 2000.
3Weilandt, C. and Rotily, M., ‘European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison: Annual report to the EC’, Marseille/Bonn: ORS/WIAD, 1998.
4Todts, S., Fonck, K., Colebunders, R., Vercauteren, G., Driesen, K., Uydebreouck, M., Vranckx, R., Van Mol, F. (1997), Tuberculosis, HIV, Hepatitis B and risk behaviour in a Belgian prison, Arch Public Health, 55, pp. 87–98.
Bulgaria1General Directorate of Implementation of Punishments.
2National focal point and General Directorate of Implementation of Punishments.
3Data from Ministry of Justice, Principal Office ‘Execution of punishments’, ‘Annual report on drug related problems in Bulgaria’ — 2005, National Drugs Council and national focal point, 2005.
4Data from Ministry of Justice, Principal Office ‘Execution of punishments’, Annual report on drug related problems in Bulgaria — 2005, National Drugs Council and national focal point, 2005.
Czech Republic1Generální reditelství Vezenské služby CR (2003), Prehled údaju o užívání drog ve veznicích (Summary of data prepared for the purposes of the Annual report), Prague: Generální reditelství vezenské služby CR.
2Zábranský, T., Radimecký, J., Mravcík, V., Gajdošíková, H., Petroš, O., Korcišová, B., Miovský, M., Vopravil, J., Csémy, L. and Kuda, A.a.N. (2002) Výrocní zpráva o stavu ve vecech drog v CR v r. 2001, (http:/www.drogy-info.cz/filemanager/download/9/ar_2001_Cz_cesky.pdf), Prague: Úrad vlády CR.
3Generální reditelství Vezenské služby CR (2003), ‘Rocenka Vezenské služby CR 2002’, Annual report of the Prison Service of the CR), Prague.
Denmark1Kramp, P. et al. (2003), Rusmiddelundersogelsen, Misbrug blandt Kriminalforsorgens.
2Directorate of the Prison and Probation Service, 2002.
Germany1Tielking, K., Becker, S., Stöver, H. (2003), Entwicklung gesundheitsfördernder Angebote im Justizvollzug, Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.
2Weilandt, C. and Rotily, M. (1998), ‘European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison: Annual report to the EC’, Marseille/Bonn, ORS/WIAD.
3Kern, Johannes (1997), Zum Ausmaß des Drogenmißbrauchs in den Justizvollzugsanstalten und den Möglichkeiten seiner Eindämmung. Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe, 1997 (2), pp. 90–92.
Greece1Giatroi Choris Sunora (2001), Katagrafi apotelesmaton diereunisis kai protasi programmatos sti Dikastiki Fulaki Koridallou, Athina, Médecins Sans Frontières.
2Fotiadou, M., Livaditis, M., Manou, I., Kaniotou, E., Samakouri, M., Tzavaras, N., Xenitidis, K. (2004) ‘Self-reported substance misuse in Greek male prisoners’, European Addiction Research, 10, pp. 56–60.
3Aristoteleio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (2000), Diereunisi anagon kai methodon epaggelmatikis katartisis anilikon paravaton kai anilikon se kindino ‘Orestis’ — Leonardo Da Vinci, Thessaloniki (in Greek).
4Koulierakis, G., Gnardelis, C., Agrafiotis, D. and Power, K. (2000) ‘HIV risk behaviour correlates among injecting drug users in Greek prisons’, Addictions, 1995, (8), pp. 1207–1216.
5Malliori, M., Sypsa, V., Psichogiou, M., Touloumi, G., Skoutelis, A., Tassopoulos, N., Hanzakis, A., and Stefanis, C. (1998), ‘A survey of bloodborne viruses and associate risk behaviours in Greek prisons’, Addiction, 93(2), pp. 243–245.
6Malliori, M., Greece (1998), ‘European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison: Annual report to the EC’, Marseille/Bonn: ORS/WIAD, pp. 114–118.
Spain1Ministerio del Interior, ’Estudio sobre Drogodependientes que ingresan en prisión: Consumo y prácticas de riesgo’, (2000), Madrid, Plan Nacional sobre el Sida y Dirección General de Instituciones Penitenciarias (Report).
2Evolución terapéutica de previa del drogodependiente que ingresa en 1994. Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas en colaboración con la Dirección General de Instituciones Penitenciarias. Estudio transversal de junio de 1998 sobre sanidad penitenciaria. Dirección General de Instituciones Penitenciarias.
3Estudio transversal sobre sanidad penitenciaria.
4Informe de la Comparecencia del Director, General de Instituciones Penitenciarias en el Parlamento, 1999.
5Miranda, M. J., Barberet, R., Canteras, A., Romero, E. (1998), Análisis de la eficacia y adecuación de la política penitenciaria a las necesidades y demandas de las mujeres presas.
6Rios, J. C., Cabrera, P. (1998), Mil voces Presas, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.
7Weilandt, C. and Rotily, M. (1998), ‘European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison: Annual report to the EC’, Marseille/Bonn, ORS/WIAD.
8Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas/Dirección General de Instituciones Penitenciarias, Evolución Terapéutica previa del drogodependiente que ingresa en prisión, 1994.
France1Mouquet, M-C.(2005) La santé des personnes entrées en prison en 2003, Études et résultats nº386, Direction de la recherche, des études, de l'évaluation et de la statistique; Ministère de l'emploi, du travail et de la cohesion sociale, Ministère des solidarités, de la santé et de la famille, mars 2005.
2Mouquet, M-C., Dumont, M., Bonnevie, M-C., La santé à l'entrée en prison: un cumul des facteurs de risque, Études et résultats nº4, Direction de la recherche, des études, de l'évaluation et de la statistique; ministère de l'emploi et de la solidarité, janvier 1999.
3Rotily, M. and Delorme, C. (1999), L'usage de drogues en milieu carcéral, Drogues et toxicomanies: indicateurs et tendances, OFDT,.
4Weilandt, C. and Rotily, M. (1998), ‘European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison: Annual report to the EC’, Marseille/Bonn, ORS/WIAD,.
Ireland1Hannon, F., Kelleher, C., Friel, S. (2000), General Healthcare Study of the Irish Prisoner Population, Dublin: Stationery Office.
2Long, J., Allwright, S., Barry, J., Reaper-Reynolds, S., Thornton, L., Bradley, F. (2000) Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV in Irish Prisoners, Part II: Prevalence and risk in committal prisoners, 1999, Government Publications, Dublin.
3Allwright, S., Barry, J., Bradley, F., Long, J. and Thornton, L. (1999), Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV in Irish prisoners: Prevalence and risk, Dublin, The Stationary Office.
4Mountjoy Prison Visiting Committee, 1997.
5O'Mahony, P. (1997), Mountjoy Prisoners: A sociological and criminological profile, Department of Justice, Government Publications, Dublin, June 1997.
Italy1‘Annual report to Parliament on the state of drug dependence in Italy — 2006’, Ministry of Welfare, Rome 2007. ‘Annual report on the state of prisons in Italy — 2006’, Ministry of Justice, Department of Prison Administration.
2‘Annual report to the Parliament on the state of drug dependence in Italy — 2005’, Ministry of Welfare, Rome, 2006.
3‘Annual report to the Parliament on the state of drug dependence in Italy — 2004’, DNPA, Rome, 2005.
4‘Relazione Annual al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia 2003’, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Rome, 2004.
5‘National survey on drug use and HIV infection amongst prison admissions in 2002’, Ministry of Justice, Department for Prison Administration.
6‘National survey on drug use and HIV infection amongst prison admissions in 2001’, Ministry of Justice, Department for Prison Administration.
7‘National survey on drug users and HIV+ among prisoners at 31.12.02’, Ministry of Justice.
8‘National survey on drug users and HIV+ among prisoners at 31.12.01’, Ministry of Justice.
9‘National survey on drug users and HIV+ among prisoners at 31.12.00’, Ministry of Justice.
10‘National survey on drug users and HIV+ among prisoners at 31.12.99’, Ministry of Justice.
11Weilandt, C. and Rotily, M., ‘European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison: Annual report to the EC’, Marseille/Bonn, ORS/WIAD, 1998.
Latvia1Snikere, S., Trapencieris, M., Vanaga, S. (2003) 'Survey of prison inmates', ‘Drug abuse prevalence in Latvia: Population survey report’, Riga, pp. 71–102.
Lithuania1Vladas Kasperunas, Prisons Department under the Ministry of Justice (data not published).
Luxembourg1Origer, A., Removille, R. (2007), Prévalence et propagation des hépatites A,B,C et du HIV au sein de la population des Usagers Problématiques de Drogues d'acquisition illicte au Luxembourg, PF/CES/CPR-Santé, Luxembourg.
2Dr Schlink, J., Etude épidémiologique des infections par le VIH et l'hépatite virale C dans les prisons luxembourgeoises, CPL, Luxembourg, 2000.
Hungary1Elekes, Zs.- Paksi, B., ‘Jogerősen elítélt fogvatartottak kábítószer- és egyéb szenvedélyszer használata’ (unpublished research report), 2004.
2Elekes, Zs. And Paksi, B., Exploration of risk groups of drug users in imprisoned population, IM.Bv.Op., Research Library for Penalty Authorities 1997/4 (112).
Malta1Ad-hoc file on 2006 admissions to Corradino Correctional Facility.
2Ad-hoc file on 2005 admissions to Corradino Correctional Facility.
3Ad-hoc file on 2004 admissions to Corradino Correctional Facility.
Netherlands1Oliemeulen, L., Vuijk, P., Rovers, B., van den Eijnden, R. (2007) Problematische alcoholgebruikers, druggebruikers en gokkers in het gevangeniswezen, Rotterdam, IVO/NJi/BTVO.
2Vogelvang, B. O., Van Burik, A., Van der Knaap, L. M., Wartna, B. S. J. (2003), Prevalentie van criminogene factoren bij mannelijke gedetineerden in Nederland, Den Haag, Adviesbureau Van Montfoort/WODC.
3Korf, D.J., Benschop, A., and Rots, G. (2005). Geweld, alcohol en drugs bij jeugdige gedetineerden en school drop-outs. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie,47, (3), 239-54.
4De Vrught, D.F.R. (2000). Psychisch gestoorden in detentie. Kenmerken van de groep psychisch gestoorde gedetineerden die bekend zijn bij de psycholoog in de inrichting.Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen, Den Haag.
5Vreugdenhil, C., van den Brink, W., Wouters, L.F.J.M., and Doreleijers, T.A.H. (2003). Substance use, substance use disorders, and comorbidity patterns in a representative sample of incarcerated male Dutch adolescents. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 91, (6), 372-78.
6Hildebrand, M. (2004) Psychopathy in the treatment of forensic psychiatric patients. Assessment, prevalence, predictive validity, and clinical implications. University of Utrecht, Utrecht.
7Van Emmerik, J.L., Brouwers, M. De Terbeschikkingstelling in Maat en Getal; Een beschrijving van de tbs-populatie in de periode 1995-2000, Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie, 2001.
8Schoemaker C & Zessen G van. Psychische stoornissen bij gedetineerden; Een verkennend onderzoek in Penitentiair Complex Scheveningen. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Trimbos Institute, 1997.
9Koeter M.W.J. & Luhrman G.C. Verslavingsproblematiek bij justitiabele drugverslaafden, Amsterdam: The Amsterdam Institute for Addiction Research (AIAR), 1998.
10Bulten, B.H. Gevangen tussen straf en zorg [Caught between punishment and care]. (Doctoral thesis.), Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 1998.
Austria1Country report Austria 1999 for the European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis in prisons, European centre for social welfare policy and research, Vienna.
2Pont, J., �Auswertung des Fragebogens zu GZ 52201/2-V.4/1996’, Bundesministerium für Justiz, 1996 (taken from ‘European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison, Annual report to the EC’, Marseille/Bonn, ORS/WIAD, 1998).
3‘Drogenfreie Zone im Strafvollzug’, unofficial report on one-year experience with the drug free zone in the Hirtenberg prison.
Portugal1Torres, A. (coord.) et al., Trajectorias e consumos de drogas nas prisoes: um diagnostico, Lisbon, CIES/ISCTE.
2Weilandt, C. and Rotily, M., ‘European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison: Annual report to the EC’, Marseille/Bonn, ORS/WIAD, 1998.
Romania1National Anti-Drug Agency — Romanian Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Romanian National report, 2007.
Slovakia1Prison Administration, Corps of Prison and Court Guard.
Slovenia1Prison Administration Annual report.
2Prison Administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
3Prison Administration annual report.
Finland1STAKES and Ministry of Justice (Department of Prison Administration).
2Ministry of Justice.
3National Public Health Institute.
Sweden1Kriminalvårdsstyrelsen (2006). Kriminalvårdens redovisning om drogsituationen. Kriminalvårdsstyrelsen, Norrköping.
2Weilandt C. and Rotily M., European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison: Annual report to the EC, Marseille/Bonn: ORS/WIAD, 1998.
United Kingdom1The differential substance misuse treatment needs of women, ethnic minorities and young offenders in prison: Survey of women (2001).
2The Criminality Survey, Home Office.
3Weild A.R., Gill O.N., Bennett D., Livingstone S.J.M., Parry J.V. and Curran L., Prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C antibodies in prisoners in England and Wales: a national survey, Communicable Disease and Public Health, vol 3, NO 2, June 2000.
4Singleton N., Meltzer H., Gatward R. Psychiatric morbidity among prisoners, ONS, Department of Health, London, 1997.
5Singleton N., Farrel, M. & Meltzer H., Substance misuse among prisoners in England and Wales, London: ONS, 1999.
6Bellis MA, Weild AR, Beeching NJ, Mutton KJ and Syed Q. Prevalence of HIV and injecting drug use in men entering Liverpool prison. BMJ 1997; 315: 30-31 [taken from: European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison, Annual report to the EC, Marseille/Bonn: ORS/WIAD, 1998].
7Prevalence of HIV in England and Wales in 1995, Annual report of the Unlinked Anonymous Seroprevalence Monitoring Programme in England and Wales, Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory Service, Institute of Child Health, London, 1996 [taken from: European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison, Annual report to the EC, Marseille/Bonn: ORS/WIAD, 1998].
8Bridgwood, A. and Malbon, G. ‘Survey of the physical health of prisoners, (taken from: ‘European network on HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention in prison, Annual report to the EC’, Marseille/Bonn, ORS/WIAD, 1998).
9Scottish Prison Service (2007), 10th Prisoner Survey 2007, Executive summary, Scottish Prison Service, Edinburgh.
10Scottish Prison Service (2006), 9th Prisoner Survey 2006, Executive summary, Scottish Prison Service, Edinburgh.
11Scottish Prison Service (2005). 8th Prisoner Survey 2005, Executive summary, Scottish Prison Service, Edinburgh.
12Scottish Prison Service (2004). 7th Prisoner Survey 2004, Executive summary, Scottish Prison Service, Edinburgh.
13Scottish Prison Service (2003). 6th Prisoner Survey 2003, Executive summary, Scottish Prison Service, Edinburgh.
14Bird, S. M. and Rotily, M., ‘Inside methodologies: for counting blood-borne viruses and injector-inmates' behavioural risks — results from European prisons’, The Howard Journal, Vol. 41, No 2, May 2002.
15O'Mahony, D., Fox, C. and Chapman, T., ‘Report of the survey of the female inmate population in Hydebank Wood Centre’, September 2005.
16O'Mahony, D., Fox, C, and Chapman, T., ‘Report of the fifth survey of the male inmate population in Hydebank Wood Centre’, September 2005.
Norway1Odegard, E., ‘Men and women behind the right walls? Drug, alcohol and mental problems among Norwegian inmates’ (manuscript).
2Stortingsmelding No 16 (1996–97) Narkotikapolitikken.

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