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Figure GPS-15. Last year prevalence of cocaine use among all adults (aged 15 to 64), young adults (aged 15 to 34) and for the 15 to 24 year age group, in some EU countries


Data are from the most recent national surveys available in each country (see Epidemiological tables on population surveys, Statistical bulletin 2008).

The age range is from between 15 and 18 to between 59 and 64. Variations in age ranges may slightly influence disparities between countries.

Bulgaria: 2005; 18–60 yrs n=1036; 18–34 yrs n=433; 18–24 yrs n=173
Czech Republic: 2004; 18–64 yrs n=3526; 18–34 yrs n=1414; 18–24 yrs n=586
Denmark: 2005; 16–64 yrs n=13310; 16–34 yrs n=3583; 16–24 yrs n=1434
Germany: 2006; 18–64 yrs n=7912; 18–34 yrs n=3306; 18–24 yrs n=1868
Estonia: 2003; 15–64 yrs n=; 15–34 yrs n=646; 15–24 yrs n=329
Ireland: 2006/07; 15–64 yrs n=4967; 15–34 yrs n=1989; 15–24 yrs n =
Greece: 2004; 15–64 yrs n=4351; 15–34 yrs n=2620; 15–24 yrs n=1785
Spain: 2005/06; 15–64 yrs n=27934; 15–34 yrs n=14699; 15–24 yrs n=8188
France: 2005; 15–64 yrs n=25879; 15–34 yrs n=10855; 15–24 yrs n=4662
Italy: 2005; 15–64 yrs n=27995; 15–34 yrs n=16552; 15–24 yrs n=9006
Cyprus: 2006; 15–64 yrs n=3504; 15–34 yrs n=1753; 15–24 yrs n=969
Latvia: 2003; 15–64 yrs n=4534; 15–34 yrs n=; 15–24 yrs n=
Lithuania: 2004; 15–64 yrs n=4207; 15–34 yrs n=1814; 15–24 n=923
Hungary: 2003; 18–54 yrs n=; 18–34 yrs n=2319; 18–24 yrs n=943
Netherlands: 2005; 15–64 yrs n=4516; 15–34 yrs n=; 15–24 yrs n=
Austria: 2004; 15–64 yrs n=3980; 15–34 yrs n=1754; 15–24 yrs n=959
Poland: 2006; 15–64 yrs n=2859; 15–34 yrs n=2031; 15–24 yrs n=1135
Portugal: 2007; 15–64 yrs n=12202; 15–34 yrs n=4765; 15–24 yrs n=2211
Slovakia: 2006; 15–64 yrs n=1305; 15–34 yrs n=556; 15–24 yrs n=287
Finland: 2006; 15–64 yrs n=2802; 15–34 yrs n=1387; 15–24 yrs n=654
UK (E&W): 2006/07; 16–59 yrs n=31054; 16–34 yrs n=11973; 16–24 yrs n=5749
Norway: 2004; 15–64 yrs n=2669; 15–34 yrs n=1238; 15–24 yrs n=645

Related links:

Statistical bulletin 2006: Figure GPS-22
Statistical bulletin 2007: Figure GPS-15

See also Tables GPS-10, GPS-11 and GPS-18.

See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page.


Reitox national reports 2007, taken from population surveys, reports or scientific articles.

(see the help page for information about formats etc.)

Page last updated: Wednesday, 16 July 2008