Please note that this page is a static copy of a previously published web page and is no longer actively maintained.
Be aware that the information contained here may be out-of-date.
For the most recent information, we recommend visiting the main website of the EMCDDA.
Country | Estimation processes and other notes | |
Belgium | (1) Data from substitution register. Foreign clients treated in Belgium (mainly French) not included. | |
Bulgaria | ||
Czech Republic | (2) For 2005, data from psychiatric outpatient units were not available. Data for 2005 are an estimate, based on the most recent data available from such units. For 2006, number of clients in HDBT is an estimate (3120 clients). | |
Denmark | (3) Data refer to clients in long-term (> 5 months) methadone treatment and do not include clients treated in prisons. | |
Germany | (4) Census data 1 July (national substitution register). For 2006, data refer to July 2007. | |
Estonia | ||
Ireland | (5) For 2005, data on methadone treatment clients in prison not included. These were 1295 in 2005. For 2006, data on methadone treatment clients in prison included. At present methadone is the only opiate prescribed for maintenance treatment in Ireland. | |
Greece | ||
Spain | (6) Data do not include substitution treatment provided to drug users in prisons (around 20.000 treatments per year). 2006 data comprises only data from 9 regions and 2 cities. | |
France | (7) Data for France: OFDT estimations, based on data survey on substitute prescribing performed by the Institut de Veille Sanitaire and on social security reimbursement statistics for substitution medications, personal communication, T. Canarelli, 12 March 2007. | |
Italy | (8) Data based on national survey. | |
Cyprus | (9) In Cyprus, methadone maintenance treatment was legally not allowed until 2007. | |
Latvia | (10) Data includes Finnish drug users receiving buprenorphine prescriptions in Latvia, 81 in 2005 and 64 in 2006. | |
Lithuania | ||
Luxembourg | (11) Data include clients prescribed buprenorphine at GPs. | |
Hungary | ||
Malta | (12) Only clients registered at centralised methadone dispensing unit who received prescriptions for more than 3 months. Prison, GPs not included. | |
Netherlands | (13) Only clients in outpatient addiction care included. 2006 data are an estimate (OCIS). | |
Austria | (14) A distinction of cases by substance is not possible in Austria. | |
Poland | ||
Portugal | (15) Methadone data based on census of treatment provided by public treatment system (CATs). Clients treated under responsibility of Prison Services (271 in 2005) not included. Information on overall number of clients in substitution reflects treatment episodes. | |
Romania | ||
Slovakia | (16) Data for 2005: Personal communication L. Okruhlica, 14 March 2007. | |
Finland | (17) For 2005, estimated proportion of methadone clients among all substitution clients in Finland as reported by Partanen, A. (2006) Development of Low Threshold Services, Hapkohet No 5, 2006, pp. 58–59. Ratio reported in NR 2005, p. 74. | |
Sweden | ||
United Kingdom (England) | (18) Estimates are based on the official number of individuals in contact with structured treatment according to National Drug Treatment Monitoring System ( Client numbers refer to fiscal years (1 April–31 March). These are official UK Government Statistics against which it measures progress on the availability and effectiveness of drug treatment. A prescribing audit found that 74.5 % of those in treatment received a prescription for a substitute drug and that 81 % among those received methadone (Best and Campbell, 2006, see sources part i) and rates were used to produce estimates for years 2005 and 2006. These estimates are not formally authorised by the UK Government. | |
United Kingdom (Scotland) | ||
United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) | (19) Data refer to fiscal years (1 April–31 March). |
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Page last updated: Thursday, 11 December 2008