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Figure PDU-3. Percentage of new and of young injectors reported in samples of injecting drug users tested for HIV or HCV, studies from 2004 to 2006


1 - France. Data are from 2003
2 - Latvia: Data are from 2003
3 - Czech Republic: Data are from 2002/2003
4 - Spain: Data for young injectors are from 2002
5 - In Austria, an independent dataset of IDUs requesting treatment in 2006 shows percentages of young injectors of 42 % and 45 % in outpatient and inpatient treatment, respectively.

Samples are of injectors reported from studies on infectious disease (HIV and HCV). The latest available sample for each country during the period has been used, subject to there being at least 100 injectors, except for: Netherlands (n=54), Turkey (n=38), Cyprus (n=98), Slovakia (n=72) and Latvia (n=93).


Statistical bulletin 2007: Figure: PDU-03

For more detail and original sources see Table PDU-105.

See also ‘General notes for interpreting data’ on the Explanatory notes and help page


National focal points. Data taken from Standard Table 09.

(see the help page for information about formats etc.)

Page last updated: Monday, 17 November 2008