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Table SZR-7. Number of heroin seizures 1995 to 2006

Belgium 3158 11127121340173325110419813505619
Bulgaria(4) 48819088399
Czech Republic(1) 55786710786
Denmark 297331612509219912301499130496689410411064927
Estonia 21812924929586111566755
Ireland 2096645998847675988027146606127251115
Greece 36684341409841383760
Spain 1157214040153991349611938104101180079274818587370336817
France 521648653924296426842821265026332560282832423212
Italy 8359783068846368
Cyprus 10997103
Latvia 427497267939790125
Lithuania 2634103242132406799190
Luxembourg 255284237189306255211183155188236238
Hungary 9790113108144
Malta 12 39686353
Netherlands 81283515521833
Austria 12981110861654452478895836126313831371883
Poland(5) 231914209
Romania 642
Slovenia 419552568539478550719
Slovakia 6871086567401547374224217167235214
Finland 8214515321034243755714590455825
Sweden 805780833128512441264127110521057900804800
United Kingdom 64689834125081519215519164501817015432129651367416402
Turkey 554774015881381795
Norway 191323402485261423782314250119061709139911511087


 A fuller historical series, back to 1985 for reporting countries, is available in the Supplementary tables section of this Statistical bulletin 

 (1) Accurate data are not available before 2002 due to double counting of seizures by police and customs reports. 

 (2) In 1995: the number of seizures based on offences; since 1996: the numbers of seizures based on police register. 

 (3) 2000 data include 9 seizures of liquid heroin; 2001 data include 4 seizures of liquid heroin.  

 (4) Data refer to seizures made by the Customs and the National Service for Combating Organized Crime (NACOC) from the Ministry of Interior. 

 (5) Up to 2003 the number of large seizures only is reported; from 2004 all seizures are reported.  


 <a href="https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/about/partners/reitox-network">Reitox national focal points</a> 

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Page last updated: Monday, 22 September 2008