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Table SZR-9. Number of cocaine seizures 1995 to 2006

CountryCrack included199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006
Belgium Yes until 19991046 804556921108138182528802225935
Bulgaria(5)No 1128251729
Czech Republic(1)No 1220101611
Denmark No5696597238857447808158811095120716151901
Estonia No54103526224235355572100
Ireland Yes until 200042931571512132063004295667539681324
Greece No 410482439576594
Spain Yes until 20035035841212276138181800616080261272890321766302823645342424
France No143214571545168818651802165020482636317532783135
Italy Yes until 19982519292231823870
Cyprus No 343461
Latvia No 13151311282332
Lithuania No 221116710612161214
Luxembourg Yes until 200048635422565058666911611889
Hungary Yes 57959616113
Malta No 8 14363227
Netherlands Yes 1005123233912676
Austria No4215256515315195547688631271147515071044
Poland(6)No 193644135
Portugal(3)Yes until 2000872116212341377169111811100972986104613731398
Romania No 36
Slovenia No 10980145139190
Slovakia No 1915182922273215121825
Finland No 1516244940554549657982
United Kingdom No221028213837520958586010698066627707876313272
Turkey No 374856110461205
Norway No5475144206309390495577504464685726


 A fuller historical series, back to 1985 for reporting countries, is available in the Supplementary tables section of this Statistical bulletin 

 (1) Accurate data are not available before 2002 due to double counting of seizures by police and customs reports. 

 (2) In 1995: the number of seizures based on offences; since 1996: the numbers of seizures based on police register. 

 (3) 1998 data include 1 seizure of coca leaves; 1999 data include 1 seizure of liquid cocaine. 

 (4) Cocaine and crack are reported together (however, there are usually very few, if any, seizures of crack). 

 (5) Data refer to seizures made by the Customs and the National Service for Combating Organized Crime (NACOC) from the Ministry of Interior.  

 (6) Up to 2003 the number of large seizures only is reported; from 2004 all seizures are reported.  


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Page last updated: Monday, 14 July 2008