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Figure TDI-11. Clients entering first treatment, all clients entering treatment, total clients in treatment, summary of nine EU countries reporting in 2006 [see all figures in this series...]

Part (ii) Percentage of clients in treatment with opioids, cannabis or other drugs as primary drugs


FTI: First treatment incidence = First treatments in life
TTI: Total treatment incidence = First treatments in life + Repeated treatments
TRP: Total prevalence = First treatments in life + Repeated treatments + Continuous treatments

Data refer to 2006, except for France (2005).

Countries reporting data are: AT, BG, CZ, FR, IT, LV, HU, MT, NL .
Data were reported from outpatient treatment units for BG, IT, LV, HU, NL, FR, AU
Data were reported from inpatient treatment units for BG, HU, AU
Data were reported from low threshold agencies for CZ, BG, HU, AU
Data were reported from treatment units in prison for MT


2007 Pilot data collection on treatment prevalence

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Page last updated: Friday, 18 July 2008