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Table TDI-40. Treatment Prevalence in 2006: proportion of injectors by primary drug (excluding cannabis) among treated clients in 2006 in nine countries (first treatment incidence, total treatment incidence, total treatment prevalence)

Primary drugFTI = First Treatment incidence TTI = Total Treatment incidenceTRP = Total Prevalence
% clients by primary drug% of injectorsNo of injectors by primary drug% clients by primary drug% of injectorsNo of injectors by primary drug% clients by primary drug% of injectorsNo of injectors by primary drug
Stimulants (other than cocaine)7.250.420527.161.438673.847.54669
Hypnotics and sedatives2.61.8271.24.8512.43.6223
Other substances3.15.7771.9111132.6371285


 The countries supplying data are: BG, CZ, FR, HU, IT, LV, MT, NL, AU. 

 FTI: First Treatment Incidence = First Treatments in Life. 

 TTI: Total Treatment Incidence = First Treatments in Life + Repeated Treatments. 

 TRP: Total Prevalence = First Treatments in Life + Repeated Treatments + Continuous Treatments. 

 Other substances include: volatile/inhalants + hallucinogens +other substances. 

 Cannabis is excluded 


 2007 Reitox national reports - Table TDI by centre type.  

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Page last updated: Monday, 14 July 2008