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Table TDI-4. Characteristics of new clients entering treatment: demographics and primary drug at treatment in 2006 or most recent year available [see all tables in this series...]

Part (i) Demographics of new clients entering treatment

CountryYearNo of clientsMean age%%%
Age <25Age 35+Male
Czech Republic200641192366566
Denmark20061 32927531976
Germany200614 30329581482
Ireland20062 27726511279
Greece20062 39330352084
Spain(1)200524 55329332584
France20068 04928591183
Italy200634 83631283386
Hungary20065 67325541473
Netherlands20065 22629303378
Austria20062 14224641174
Poland(3)20057 02427581876
Portugal20064 74532203884
Sweden20061 44033403464
United Kingdom200649 62531372672
Turkey20061 53028392395


 Data were not available for: Belgium, Estonia, Norway. 

 (1) Last data available refer to 2005. 

 (2) Data refer to all clients in treatment. 

 (3) Data refer to 2005 and include only inpatient centre 

 (4) Last data available refer to 2004. It includes data for outpatient clients and clients treated in prison. Data for outpatient clients was validated, however data collection for prison clients was still in the process of development, thus figures are underestimated.With effect from next year the process of data validation for prison clients will be implemented. 

 See also ‘General notes for interpreting data’ on the Explanatory notes and help page


 Reitox national reports 2007 — Standard table 3 and Standard table 34 and table 7. See Table TDI-1 for details on sources. 

(see the help page for information about formats etc.)

Page last updated: Thursday, 17 July 2008