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Table GPS-0. Nationwide surveys among the general population: Bibliographic references

Belgium(1)Quataert, P., Van Oyen, H., Gegevensinzameling in verband met middelengebruik door middel van CATI, IHE/Episeries n 6, CCOV, IHE, Brussel, 1995.
(2)Piette, D., De Smet, P. Rapport Sanometre: Comportement de santé des adultes en Communauté française, Promes-ULB, Bruxelles, 2000.
(3)Piette D., De Smet P. Rapport SANOMETRE: Comportement de santé des adultes en Communauté française, Promes-ULB, Bruxelles, 2000.
(4)Piette D., De Smet, P. Rapport SANOMETRE: Comportement de santé des adultes en Communauté française, Promes-ULB, Bruxelles, 2000.
(5)Buziarsist, J., Demarest, S., Gisle, L. et al. ‘Health Interview Survey 2001’, Lifestyles 3, Use of Illicit drugs (2, 5).
(6)Bayingana, K., Demarest, S., Gisle, L., Hesse, E., Miermans, P. J., Tafforeau, J., Van der Heyden, J. ‘Gezondheidsenquête, België, 2004 — Volledig rapport’, Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volksgezondheid, Januari 2006, Rapport: D/2006/2505/3.
Bulgaria(1)‘National representative study on drug use in the general population 2005’, National focal point and Centre for social strategies and initiatives, Methodological guidance — Momtchil Vassilev.
Czech Republic(1)‘Highlights of GENACIS project in the Czech Republic’ (unpublished research report)
(2)UZIS CR (2006) ‘Sample survey on health status and lifestyle of the population in the Czech Republic focused on drug abuse’, Prague, UZIS CR (Institute of Health Information and Statistics).
Denmark(1)Use of intoxicants in Denmark, The National Board of Health, published 1991.
(2)Health and morbidity in Denmark, 1994, DIKE (now SIF), published 1995.
(3)Kjøller, M., Rasmussen, N. K. (eds.), ‘Danish Health and Morbidity Survey 2000 and trends since 1987’, Copenhagen, National Institute of Public Health, 2002 (in Danish with an English summary).
(4)The report from the surveys has not yet been published.
Germany(1)Data provided by national focal point.
(2)Data provided by national focal point.
(3)Herbst, K., Kraus, L. and Scherer, K., ‘Representative survey on the use and abuse of alcohol, medicines, tobacco products and illegal drugs (BUND) 1995’, ITF, Munich, 1995 .
(4)Kraus, L., Bauernfeind, R., ‘Representative survey on the use and abuse of alcohol, medicines, tobacco products and illegal drugs (BUND) 1997’, IFT, Munich, 1998.
(5)Kraus, L. and Augustin, R. (2001), Repräsentativerhebung zum Gebrauch psychoaktiver Substanzen bei Erwachsenen in Deutschland 2000, (Population survey on the consumption of psychoactive substances in the German adult population 2000).,München, IFT Institut für Thearapieforschung.
(6)Kraus, L. and Augustin, R. (2005), Epidemiologischer Suchtsurvey 2003: Konzeption und Methodik’, Kraus, L. and Augustin, R., Repräsentativerhebung zum Gebrauch und Missbrauch psychoaktiver Substanzen bei Erwachsenen in Deutschland, Sucht, 50. Sonderheft 1, S6–S18.
(7)Kraus, L., Pfeiffer-Gerschel, T. and Stonner, T. (in press). Illegale Drogen, Konsummuster und Trends’, Ergebnisse des Epidemiologischen Suchtsurvey 2006, Sucht.
Estonia(1)Narusk, A. (toim.), Argielu Eestis 1999-ndatel aastatel. Tallinn: TPÜ RASKI, kl 114.
(2)Estonian population survey 2003.
Ireland(1)SLAN (Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition), Department of Health Promotion, NUI, Galway. Drug section of survey not published.
(2)Bryan, A., Moran, R., Farrell, E., and O' Brien, M. (2000), Drug-related knowledge, attitudes and beliefs in Ireland, Dublin, Health Research Board.
(3)Unpublished data from Irish Social Omnibus Survey — KAB2.
(4)National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD) and Drugs and Alcohol Information and Research Unit (DAIRU). Bulletin 1: First results (revised) from the 2002/2003 Drug prevalence survey, Dublin: NACD and DAIRU, 2005.
(5)National Advisory Study on Drugs 2006/07, ‘General population survey on the prevalence of drug use in Ireland’.
Greece(1)University Mental Health Research Institute, 1998.
(2)Kokkevi, A., Loukadakis, M., Plagianakou, S., Politikou, K., Stefanis, C., ‘Sharp increase in illicit drug use in Greece: Trends from a general population survey on licit and illicit drug use’, European Addiction Research, 2000, Vol. 6, pp. 42–49.
(3)University Mental Health Research Institute, ‘Greek national population survey on licit and illicit substance use’, 2004.
Spain(1)Household Survey on Drugs 1995. National plan on drugs.
(2)Household Survey on Drugs 1997. National plan on drugs.
(3)Household Survey on Drugs 1999. National plan on drugs.
(4)Household Survey on Drugs 2001. National plan on drugs.
(5)Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. Observatorio Español sobre Drogas. Informe 2004. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, 2005.
(6)Encuesta Domiciliaria sobre Alcohol y Drogas en España, 2005-2006 (http://www.pnsd.msc.es/Categoria2/observa/pdf/Domiciliaria2005-2006.pdf).
France(1)Baudier, F., Dressen, C., Alias, F. (1994), Baromètre Santé 92, CFES, Paris.
(2)Baudier, F. and Arenes, J. Barométre Santé adultes 1995, CFES, 1997.
(3)Beck, F. and Peretti-Watel, P., ‘Survey EROPP 1999’, OFDT 2000.
(4)Beck, F., Legleye, S., Peretti-Watel, P. (2001), ‘Illicit drugs: uses and attitudes’, Guilbert, P., Baudier, F., Gautier, A. (dir.), Baromètre Santé 2000, CFES-OFDT.
(5)Beck, F., Legleye, S. and Peretti-Watel, P., ‘Survey EROPP 2002’, OFDT 2003.
(6)Baromètre santé 2005, INPES-OFDT. Beck, F., Legleye, S., Spilka, S. (2006) « Drogues illicites : Pratiques et attitudes », Guilbert, P., Gautier, A. (dir.) Baromètre santé 2005, Saint-Denis, INPES, to be published.
Italy(1)Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia 2002. Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Dipartimento per le Politiche Sociali e Prevedenziali. Roma 2003.
(2)Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia 2003. Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Roma, 2004.
(3)Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo stato delle tossicodipendenze in Italia, Ministero della Solidarietà Sociale, Roma, 2006. IPSAD Italia.
(4)Annual Report to Parliament on drugs and drug addiction in Italy, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Antidrug Policies Department, Rome 2008. IPSAD Italia
Cyprus(1)Intercollege Research Centre and Institute for Social Innovation, 2006: Pancyprian General Population Survey on Tobacco, Alcohol and other Drugs.
Latvia(1)Drug abuse prevalence in Latvia. Population Survey Report 2003. 2003: Institute of Philosophy and Sociology. University of Latvia.
Lithuania(1)Prevalence of psychoactive substance use in Lithuania. Drug Control Department under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, 2005.
Luxembourg(1)Fischer, U., CH., Krieger, W., Suchtpräventioun an der Gemeng — Entwicklung, Durchführung und Evaluation eines Modells zur gemeindeorientierten Suchtprävention, CePT, Luxembourg, 1998.
Hungary(1)Paksi Borbála: Drogok és felnőttek. A tizennyolc év feletti lakosság drogfogyasztása és droggal kapcsolatos gondolkodása az ezredfordulón, Magyarországon. Szakmai forrás sorozat. 4. L’Harmattan. Budapest, 2003.
(2)Elekes Zsuzsanna, Paksi Borbála: A 18-54 éves felnőttek alkohol- és egyéb drogfogyasztási szokásai - Kutatási beszámoló.
Malta(1)Licit and Illicit Drug Use in Malta 2001. ISBN 99932-19-04-5.
Netherlands(1)Abraham, M., Cohen, P., Van Til ,R. J., De Winter, M., Licit and illicit drug use in the Netherlands, UvA/CBS, CEDRO, Amsterdam, 1999.
(2)Secondary analysis: Abraham, M., Kaal, H., Cohen, P. (2002), Licit and illicit drug use in the Netherlands 2001 , CEDRO/Mets en Schilt, Amsterdam.
(3)Rodenburg, G., Spijkerman, R., Van den Eijnden, R., Van de Mheen, D. (2007), Nationaal Prevalentie Onderzoek Middelengebruik 2005 (National prevalence survey on substance use 2005), Rotterdam: IVO (Addiction Research Institute).
Austria(1)Uhl, A., Springer, A., Gnambs, T. (2005). Repräsentativerhebung: Substanzkonsum in Österreich 2004 (working title).
Poland(1)Sieroslawski, J., ‘Psychoactive substances and behaviours’, National Bureau for Drug Prevention, 2002.
(2)Sieroslawski, J. (2006) ‘Substancje psychoaktywne. Postawy i zachowania. Raport z ogólnopolskich badan ankietowych zrealizowanych w 2006r’, Krajowe Biuro ds. Przeciwdzialania Narkomanii, Warszawa (http://www.narkomania.gov.pl).
Portugal(1)Balsa, C. et al. (2003), Inquérito nacional ao consumo de substâncias psicoactivas na população portuguesa 2001. IDT, Lisboa.
(2)Balsa, C. et al. (2007). Inquérito nacional ao consumo de substâncias psico-activas na população portuguesa 2007. IDT, Lisboa.
Romania(1)Data provided by the national focal point.
Slovakia(1)Štatistický úrad SR, Ústav pre výskum verejnej mienky/ Statistical Office, Public Opinion Research Institute - survey: Rozšírenost užívania drog na Slovensku a názory obcanov na problémy spojené s drogovou závislostou /Prevalence of drug use in Slovakia and public opinion on problems related to drug dependence.
(2)Štatistický úrad SR, Ústav pre výskum verejnej mienky/ Statistical Office, Public Opinion Research Institute - survey: Rozšírenost užívania drog na Slovensku a názory obcanov na problémy spojené s drogovou závislostou /Prevalence of drug use in Slovakia and public opinion on problems related to drug dependence.
(3)Rozšírenost užívania drog na Slovensku a názory obcanov na problémy spojené s drogovou závislostou /Prevalence of drug use in Slovakia and public opinion on problems related to drug dependence, Štatistický úrad SR, Ústav pre výskum verejnej mienky, Bratislava 2000.
(4)Rozšírenost užívania drog na Slovensku a názory obcanov na problémy spojené s drogovou závislostou /Prevalence of drug use in Slovakia and public opinion on problems related to drug dependence, Štatistický úrad SR, Ústav pre výskum verejnej mienky, Bratislava 2002.
(5)Rozšírenost užívania drog na Slovensku a názory obcanov na problémy spojené s drogovou závislostou /Prevalence of drug use in Slovakia and public opinion on problems related to drug dependence, Štatistický úrad SR, Ústav pre výskum verejnej mienky, Bratislava 2004.
(6)Rozšírenost užívania drog na Slovensku a názory obcanov na problémy spojené s drogovou závislostou /Prevalence of drug use in Slovakia and public opinion on problems related to drug dependence, Štatistický úrad SR, Ústav pre výskum verejnej mienky, Bratislava 2006.
Finland(1)Kontula, O. and Kostela, K., Drug use and opinions on drugs, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Julkaisuja 8, 1992.
(2)Kontula, O., Drugs in Finland in the 1990s, Monisteita 27, 1997.
(3)Partanen J. and Metso L. (1999): Suomen toinen huumeaalto (The second drug wave in Finland) Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 64, (2), 143-149. Preliminary results (extra information) of the 1998 survey. STAKES.
(4)Hakkarainen Pekka & Metso Leena (2001): Onko huumeiden käytön yleistyminen taittumassa Vuoden 2000 huumekyselyn tulokset [Is the increase in drug use levelling off. Results of the drug survey in 2000]. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 66, (3), 277-283. & Metso Leena (2001): Preliminary results (extra information) of the Population survey on drugs in 2000 by the STAKES.
(5)Hakkarainen, Pekka & Metso,Leena: Huumeiden käytön uusi sukupolvi (Drug use: the new generation). Yhteiskuntapolitiikka (vol. 68) 3/2003. (In Finnish, English Summary).Metso, Leena: Unpublished information from the 2002 population survey. Stakes, 2003.
(6)Hakkarainen, Pekka & Metso, Leena. Märkä pilvi ja vuosi 2004 (Wet High and the Year 2004). Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 70 (2005) : 3, 252-265
(7)Hakkarainen, Pekka & Metso, Leena (2007). Huumekysymyksen muuttunut ongelmakuva. Vuoden 2006 huumekyselyn tulokset. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 72 (5), 541-552
Sweden(1)Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and other Drugs (CAN) 1994.
(2)Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and other Drugs (CAN) 1996.
(3)‘Drogutvecklingen i Sverige. Rapport 99’, National Institute of Public Health and Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAN), Stockholm 1999.
(4)Allmänhetens alkoholvanor. TEMO 2000.
(5)Statens folkhälsoinstitut (2004), Levnadsvanor och hälsa- de första resultaten från den nationella folhälsoenkäten, ‘Hälsa på lika villkor’, Rapport 2004:48, Statens folkhälsoinstitut, FHI, Stockholm.
(6)The National Survey of Public Health 2005, National Institute of Public Health.
(7)The National Survey of Public Health 2006, National Institute of Public Health Sweden.
United Kingdom(1)Ramsay, M. and Percy, A., ‘Drug misuse declared: results of the 1994 British Crime Survey’, Research Study 151, Home Office, 1996.
(2)Ramsay, M. and Spiller, J. (1997). Drug misuse declared in 1996: latest results from the British Crime Survey. Home Office Research Study 172. London: Home Office.
(3)Ramsay, M. and Partridge, S., ‘Drug misuse declared in 1998: results from the British Crime Survey’, Research study 197, Home Office, 1999.
(4)Ramsay, M. et al., ‘Drug misuse declared in 2000: results from the British Crime Survey’, Research study 224, Home Office, 2001.
(5)Aust, R. et al. (2002), 'Prevalence of drug use: key findings from the 2001/02 British Crime Survey', Home Office Research Findings 182, London, Home Office. 2002
(6)Condon, J. and Smith, N. (2003) Prevalence of drug use: key findings from the 2002/2003 British Crime Survey. London: Home Office.
(7)Chivite-Matthews, N., Richardson, A., O’Shea, J., Becker, J., Owen, N., Roe, S. and Condon, J. (2005) Drug misuse declared: findings from the 2003/04 British Crime Survey. Home Office Statistical Bulletin 04/05. London: Home Office.
(8)Roe, S. (2005) Drug misuse declared: findings from the 2004/05 British Crime Survey. Home Office Statistical Bulletin 16/05. London: Home Office.
(9)Roe, S. and Man, L. (2006) Drug Misuse Declared: Findings from the 2005/06 British Crime Survey. Home Office Statistical Bulletin 15/06. London: Home Office.
(10)Murphy, R. and Roe, S. (2007) Drug Misuse Declared: Findings from the 2006/07 British Crime Survey. Home Office Statistical Bulletin 18/07. London: Home Office.
(11)Hoare, J. and Flatley, J. (2008) Drug Misuse Declared: Findings from the 2007/08 British Crime Survey. Home Office Statistical Bulletin 13/08. London: Home Office.
(12)NACD and DAIRU (2005). Drug use in Ireland and Northern Ireland: 2002/03 Drug Prevalence Survey
(13)NACD and PHIRB (2008). Drug use in Ireland and Northern Ireland: First results from the 2006/07 Drug Prevalence Survey.
(14)McMullan, S. and Ruddy, D., ‘Experience of drug misuse: Findings from the 2005 Northern Ireland Crime Survey’, Northern Ireland Office Research and Statistical Bulletin 8/2006.
(15)Ruddy and Brown (2007) Experience of Drug Misuse: Findings from the 2006/07 Northern Ireland Crime Survey
(16)2003 Scottish Crime Survey.
(17)2004 Scottish Crime and Victimisation Survey.
(18)Drug misuse in Scotland: Findings from the 2006 Scottish Crime and Victimisation Survey, Scottish Government, September 2006 (http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2007/09/26163243/0)
(19)2003/2004 British Crime Survey: Core and youth data., Chivite-Matthews, N., Richardson, A., O'Shea, J., Becker, J., Owen, N., Roe, S. and Condon, J. (2005), ‘Drug misuse declared: Findings from the 2003/04 British Crime Survey’, Home Office Statistical Bulletin May 2005 , Home Office, London.
Norway(1)National Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research. Unpublished material.
(2)No main bibliographic reference so far.


 : indicates data not available 

 For more details on methodological features of each survey, see Table GPS-121

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Page last updated: Tuesday, 30 June 2009