Please note that this page is a static copy of a previously published web page and is no longer actively maintained.
Be aware that the information contained here may be out-of-date.
For the most recent information, we recommend visiting the main website of the EMCDDA.
Country | Reference No | Reference |
References for prevalence data | ||
EU | 0 | no bibliographic reference is existing for this particular study |
Belgium | 1 | Eurotox, Brussels (unpublished data). |
Bulgaria | 1 | Tomov N. National Centre for Addictions. |
Czech Republic | 1a | National Institute of Public Health, National Reference laboratory on AIDS, Prague, (unpublished data). |
Denmark | 1a | P.B. Christensen, H.B. Krarup, H.G.M. Niesters, H. Norder and J. Georgsen: Prevalence and incidence of bloodborne viral infections among Danish prisoners. Eur J Epidemiol 2000; 16: 1043-1049. |
Germany | 1 | IFT Institut for Therapy Research. EBIS-Report National Monitoring System for outpatient advisory and treatment facilities in Germany. Reference period 1.1. - 31.12.1999 IFT: Munich, Germany, no date. |
Estonia | 1 | Kutsar K, Health Protection Inspectorate, Tallinn. |
Ireland | 1 | Smyth, B., Keenan, E., O’Connor, JJ. (1998) Bloodborne viral infection in Irish injecting drug users. Addiction, 93 (11), 1649-56. |
Greece | 1 | Greek REITOX Focal Point (EKTEPN), University Mental Health Research Institute (UMHRI). |
Spain | 1 | Delegación del Gobierno para Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas (DGPNSD) Observatorio Español sobre Drogas (unpublished data). |
Spain | 13 | De la Fuente L. Estudio sobre el cambio de vía de administración de la heroína en tres ciudades españolas (Madrid, Barcelona y Sevilla), unpublished data. |
France | 1 | DREES (Direction de la recherhe, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques). (unpublished data). |
Italy | 1a | Rilevazione Attività nel Settore Tossicodipendenze - Anno 2000, Ministero della Salute, Sistema Informativo Sanitario, Direzione Generale della Prevenzione, Ufficio Dipendenze da Farmaci e Sostanze d'Abuso e AIDS. |
Cyprus | 1 | Infectious Diseases Indicator network, 2005. Minutes of the meetings held February 17 and March 9, 2005, unpublished, |
Latvia | 1 | Sarmite S. Narcology Centre, Riga. (unpublished data) |
Lithuania | 1 | Griškevicius A. Lietuvos AIDS centras, Vilnius, Lithuania. (unpublished data) |
Luxembourg | 1a | Origer A., Rapport national sur l'état de la situation du phénomène de la drogue - RELIS 2000, PFN, AST, Direction de la Santé, Luxembourg, 2000 |
Hungary | 1 | Csohán Á. National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology, Budapest. (personal comm.) |
Malta | 1 | SEDQA, Bimonthly Reports, 2003 |
Netherlands | 1 | Beuker RJ, Berns MPH, Rozendaal CM van, Snijders BM, Ameijden EJC van, Houweling H and Laar MJW van de. Surveillance of HIV-infection among injecting drug users in The Netherlands: results Amsterdam 1998. [in Dutch] Report 441100011. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven, 2000. |
Austria | 1 | Eigner R. Federal Ministry for Social Security and Generations, Special Register for Drug related Deaths (unpublished data). |
Poland | 1 | Szata W. (2003) Aids i zakazenia HIV w roku 2001. Przegdad Epidemiologiczny, nr 1-2/2003. |
Portugal | 1 | Centros de Atendimento a Toxicodependentes (CAT), Serviço de Prevenção e Tratamento da Toxicodependência (SPTT), Xabregas Lisbon, (unpublished data). |
Romania | 1 | see International 2 |
Slovenia | 1 | Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana. |
Slovakia | 2 | Okruhlica, L. Surveillance of Drug Related Infectious Diseases in IDUs Utilizing Drug Treatment. EMCDDA EU expert meeting on drug related infectious diseases, Lisbon 20-21 October 2003. Meeting Report. EMCDDA 2004. |
Finland | 1a | Holmström P. National Public Health Institute (KTL) Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology (unpublished data). |
Sweden | 1 | Kall, K., Thorstensson, R., Low HIV seroprevalence in spite of high-risk behaviour in nine Swedish prisons. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva, 1998. [abstract 23552]. |
United Kingdom | 1 | Unlinked Anonymous Surveys Steering Group. Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis infections in the United Kingdom. London: Department of Health, 2000. |
Croatia | 1 | Croatian Institute for Public Heatlh, Zagreb, 2008 (unpublished data) |
Turkey | 1 | AMATEM Standart Data Collection System - Ministry of Helath - Annual Report |
Norway | 1 | Konør H, MARIO – Methadone assisted rehabilitation in Oslo, unpublished data. |
References for notifications data | ||
International | 0 | no bibliographic reference is existing for this particular study |
Bulgaria | 1 | Tomov N. National Centre for Addictions. |
Czech Republic | 6 | Beneš, J. and Cástková, J. (2004) Viral Hepatits 1995 – 2003 – EPIDAT. Prague: National Institute of Public Health.) |
Denmark | 4 | E. Smith. Statens Serum Institut. |
Germany | 20 | Die Hepatitiden B und C bei drogenabhängigen Patienten: eine epidemiologische Studie. Suchttherapie, Supp. 2002; 3:51-52 / personal information |
Estonia | 1 | Kutsar K, Health Protection Inspectorate, Tallinn. |
Ireland | 13 | Smyth B, O'Connor JJ, Barry J, Keenan E. Retrospective cohort study examining incidence of HIV and Hepatitis C infection among injecting drug users in Dublin. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2003;57:310-311. |
France | 20 | Lucidarme D, Bruandet A, Ilef D, Harbonnier J, Jacob C, Decoster A, Delamare C, Cyran C, Van Hoenacker AF, Fremaux D, Josse P, Emmanuelli J, Le Strat Y, Desenclos JC, Filoche B.: Incidence and risk factors of HCV and HIV infections in a cohort of intravenous drug users in the North and East of France. Epidemiol Infect. 2004 Aug;132(4):699-708. |
Italy | 28 | Istituto Superior di Sanità, Sistema epidemiologico integrata dell’epatite virale acuta (SEIEVA) |
Latvia | 3 | Perevoscikovs J. State Public Health Agency. (Epidemiologijas biletens, Nr. 84 (720) June 16, 2003) |
Lithuania | 4 | Bagdonaite J., Centre for Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, Vilnius, Lithuania (unpublished data) |
Luxembourg | 1d | Origer A., Ministry of Health – Luxembourg |
Hungary | 1 | Csohán Á. National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology, Budapest. (personal comm.) |
Malta | 4 | 2005 notifications to the Disease Surveillance Unit. |
Netherlands | 19 | Op de Coul E., National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven. (unpublished data). |
Poland | 3 | National Focal Point, pers. comm. 2004. |
Slovenia | 1 | Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana. |
Slovakia | 1 | Okruhlica, L., Klempova, D.: Hodnocení programu vakcinace proti hepatitide typu B u uivatelú drog v Bratislave (Evaluation of a Hepatitis B Vaccination Programme among Drug Users in Bratislava), Adiktologie, 2002, 2, p.11-18. |
Finland | 1a | Holmström P. National Public Health Institute (KTL) Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology (unpublished data). |
Sweden | 3 | Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control |
United Kingdom | 22 | Surveillance of known hepatitis C antibody cases in Scotland: Results to 30th June 2002. SCIEH Weekly Report 2003; 37(15): 96-101. |
Norway | 4 | Marte Ødegård Lund, SIRUS – Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, unpublished data. |
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Page last updated: Thursday, 20 January 2011