Please note that this page is a static copy of a previously published web page and is no longer actively maintained.
Be aware that the information contained here may be out-of-date.
For the most recent information, we recommend visiting the main website of the EMCDDA.
Country | Ref. no. | Bibliographic reference |
EU | 99 | EMCDDA project (2003). National Prevalence Estimates of Problem Drug Use in the European Union, 1995-2000. CT.00.RTX.23, emcdda, Lisbon, coordinated by the Institut fur Therapieforschung, Munich. |
Belgium | 1 | Walckiers D., Sartor F., Sasse A. (2001). Country Report : Belgium. National estimates of problem drug use prevalence IPH, 2001. |
Belgium | 2 | Driesen G., De Maere W., Kinable H., Todts S. (1997). Risicogedrag bij injecterende druggebruikers in Vlaanderen. Rapport van het GIG-project. |
Belgium | 3 | Ledoux Y, Preumont C, Bils L. Prevalence of opiate use in the French Community of Belgium. CCAD - Brussels, September 1999. |
Bulgaria | 1 | Annual Report of the NFP on the state of drug related problems in Bulgaria - 2005, National Focal Point, Sofia, 2005. |
Czech Republic | 1 | Mravcík, V., Korcišová, B., Lejcková, P., Miovská, L., krdlantová, E., Petroš, O., Radimecký, J., Sklenár, V., Gajdošíková, H., Vopravil, J. (2004). Výrocní zpráva o stavu ve vecech drog v Ceské republice v roce 2003 [Annual Report on Drug Situation 2003 – Czech Republic]. Praha: Úrad vlády CR. |
Czech Republic | 2 | National Focal Point (unpublished data). |
Czech Republic | 3 | Mravcík, V., Zábranský, T., Korcišová, B., Lejcková, P., krdlantová, E., tastná, L., Macek, V., Petroš, O., Gajdošíková, H., Miovský, M., Kalina, K., Vopravil, J. (2003). Výrocní zpráva o stavu ve vecech v Ceské republice v r. 2002 (Annual Report on Drug Situation 2002 – Czech Republic). Praha: Úrad vlády CR. ISBN 80-86734-06-4 |
Czech Republic | 4 | Mravcík, V., Korcišová, B., Lejcková, P., Miovská, L., krdlantová, E., Petroš, O., Sklenár, V. and Vopravil, J. (2005) Výrocní zpráva o stavu ve vecech drog v Ceské republice v roce 2004. [Annual Report on Drug Situation 2004 - Czech Republic]. |
Czech Republic | 5 | Mravcík, V., Lejcková, P., Orlíková, B., Petrošová, B., krdlantová E., Trojácková, A., Petroš, O., Sklenár, V., Vopravil, J. (2006). Výrocní zpráva o stavu ve vecech drog v Ceské republice v roce 2005 [Annual Report on Drug Situation 2005 - Czech Republic]. Praha: Úrad vlády CR. |
Czech Republic | 6 | Mravcík, V., homynová, P., Orlíková, B., krdlantová E., Trojácková, A., Petroš, O., Vopravil, J., Vacek, J. (2007). Výrocní zpráva o stavu ve vecech drog v Ceské republice v roce 2006 [Annual Report on Drug Situation 2006 - Czech Republic]. Praha: Úrad vlády CR. |
Denmark | 1 | Eva Hammerby, Nye Tal fra Sundhedsstyrelsen nr.16 2003. |
Denmark | 2 | Lene Haastrup: Estimates of the number of deaths among drug users and the number of drug useres in Denmark, Nye tal fra Sundhedsstyrelsen, aargang 3, no 3, 1999. |
Denmark | 3 | Mortality and causes of death among drug users received in Treatment in 1996 in ‘Nye tal fra National Board of Health’, 1999, Vol. 3, no 3 pages 18. |
Denmark | 4 | National focal point, (unpublished data). |
Denmark | 5 | ‘Hvor mange stofmisbrugere er der i København’, published by Forebyggelsesudvalget vedrørende stofmisbrug og Hiv-smitte, Københavns kommune,” Stadslaegen” July 1999. |
Denmark | 6 | National Board of Health — the estimate will be published by the National Board of Health in the journal 'Nye Tal Fra Sundhedsstyrelsen', November 2006. (Mette Thorup Eriksen, |
Germany | 1 | Kraus, L., Augustin, R., Frischer, M., Kümmler, P., Uhl, A,. Wiessing L., Estimating prevalence of problem drug use at national level in countries of the European Union and Norway. Addiction 2003; 98: pp. 471-85. |
Germany | 2 | Augustin, R. & Kraus, L.. Changes in prevalence of problem opiate use in Germany between 1990 and 2000. European Addiction Research, in press. |
Germany | 3 | Bundeskriminalamt OA 21(1996), Rauschgiftjahresbericht 1995 Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt. |
Germany | 4 | Bundeskriminalamt OA 21(2000), Rauschgiftjahresbericht 2000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt. |
Germany | 5 | Robert Koch Institut (Hrsg.) (2001). Aktuelle epidemiologische Daten ( Berlin: RKI. |
Germany | 6 | Kraus, L., Augustin, R., Simon, R. (2002) Country Report Germany. In: Simon, R., Kraus, L., Augustin, R., Wiessing, L., Hartnoll, R. . Prevalence and Pattern of Probem Drug Use. Final Report project CT.RTX.23. Lisbon: EMCDDA. |
Germany | 7 | Strobl, M., Pelzel, K.-H., Bader, G., Zahn, H., Lange S. N. (2001). Jahresauswertung EBIS-A 2000 — Ambulante Suchtkrankenhilfe. |
Germany | 8 | Tauscher, M., Simon, R., Hüllinghorst, R., Bühringer, G., Helas, I., Schmidtobreick, B. (1996).Erweiterte Jahresstatistik 1995 der ambulanten Beratungs- und Behandlungsstellen für Suchtkranke in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Tabellenband). Hamm: EBIS-AG bei der DHS. |
Germany | 9 | Kraus, Augustin & Orth 2004. |
Germany | 10 | BKA 2004. |
Germany | 11 | Kraus et al 2004. |
Germany | 12 | National focal point, (unpublished data). |
Germany | 13 | Kraus, L., Beloch, E., Quammou-Engel, M. & Müller-Kalthoff, Th. (in press). Verbesserung der therapeutischen Situation für Drogenkonsumenten in Augsburg unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der Zahl der Todesfälle.(Improving Health Care Conditions of Drug Addicts in Augsburg with Special Attention to Reducing the Number of DRD.) IFT - Bericht Bd. 119: München (Improving Health Care Conditions of Drug Addicts in Augsburg with Special Attention to Reducing the Number of DRD.) IFT - Bericht Bd. 119: München. |
Germany | 14 | Zenker C., Greiser, E. Eprobungsvorhaben zur Pravalenzschätzung des regionalen illegalen Drogenmißbrauchs und seiner Folgen. Bremen: Bremer Institut für Präventions-forschung und Sozialmedizin (BIPS), 1998. |
Germany | 15 | Kirschner W, Kunert M. Berlin: EFB, 1996. |
Germany | 16 | Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) (Hrsg.) (2005a). Bundeslagebild Rauschgift 2004. BKA, Wiesbaden. |
Germany | 17 | Strobl, M., Klapper, J., Pelzel, K.-H., Bader, Zahn, H. & Lange, N. (2005a). Suchthilfestatistik 2004 für Deutschland. Tabellenband für die ambulante Suchtkrankenhilfe;Strobl, M., Klapper, J., Pelzel, K.-H., Bader, Zahn, H. & Lange, N. (2005b). Suchthilfestatistik 2004 für Deutschland. Tabellenband für die stationäre Suchtkrankenhilfe. |
Germany | 18 | Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) (Hrsg.) (2006). Bundeslagebild Rauschgift 2004. BKA, Wiesbaden. |
Germany | 19 | Sonntag, Bauer & Hellwich (2007). Deutsche Suchthilfestatistik 2006. Sucht, (in press). |
Germany | 20 | Statistisches Bundesamt (2007a). Diagnosedaten der Patientinnen und Patienten in Krankenh?usern (einschl. Sterbe- und Stundenf?lle) 2005. Fachserie 12, Reihe 6.2.1. Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt. |
Germany | 21 | Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) (Hrsg.) (2007). Bundeslagebild Rauschgift 2006. BKA, Wiesbaden. |
Germany | 22 | Sonntag, D., Bauer, C. & Hellwich, A. K. (2007). Deutsche Suchthilfestatistik 2006 f?r ambulante Einrichtungen. Sucht, 55 (Sonderheft 1), S7-S41. |
Germany | 23 | Bundeskriminalamt (2008). Rauschgiftkriminalitaet. Bundeslagebild 2007 - Tabellenanhang. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt. |
Germany | 24 | Statistisches Bundesamt (2008). Diagnosedaten der Patienten und Patientinnen in Krankenhaeusern (einschl. Sterbe- und Stundenfaelle) 2006. Fachserie 12, Reihe 6.2.1. Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt. |
Estonia | 1 | Estimating injection drug use prevalence using State-wide administrative data sources: Estonia, 2004. |
Authors: Anneli Uusküla MD, MS, PhD 1, Kristiina Rajaleid MSc 2, Ave Talu 3, Katri Abel 3, Kristi Rüütel MD 4, Gordon Hay, BSc(Hons), PhD, MPH 5. | ||
Ireland | 1 | Kelly A., Carvalho M., Teljeur C., A 3-Source Capture Recapture Study of the Prevalence of Opiate Use in Ireland 2000–01, Key Findings Summary Tables. Dublin: National Advisory Committee on Drugs, 2003. Report available online at |
Ireland | 2 | National Focal Point (unpublished data). |
Ireland | 3 | C. M. Comiskey, Mathematics Department, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland. |
Greece | 1 | National focal point, 2004 (unpublished data). |
Greece | 2 | National focal point, 2003 (unpublished data). |
Greece | 3 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
Greece | 4 | National focal point, 2006 (unpublished data). |
Spain | 1 | Domingo-Salvany, A., Barrio, G., Royuela, L., Country report: Spain. |
Spain | 2 | Ortí, R.M., Domingo-Salvany, A., Muñoz, A., Macfarlane, D., Suelves, J.M., Antó, J.M., Mortality trends in a cohort of opiate addicts, Catalonia, Spain, Int J Epidemiol 1996; 25(3): pp. 545-553. |
Spain | 3 | National Focal Point (unpublished data) |
Spain | 4 | Domingo-Salvany A., Hartnoll R.L., Maguire A., Brugal T., Albertin P., Caylá J.A., Casabona J., Suelves J. M. 'Analytical considerations in the use of capture-recapture to estimate prevalence: Case studies of estimating opiate use in the metropolitan area of Barcelona'. Am J Epidemiol, 1998; 148: pp. 732-40. |
Spain | 5 | Paredes, D., del Llano, J., del Llano, J., et al., Comunidad de Madrid, Plan Regional sobre Drogas, 1994. |
Spain | 6 | Moreno Iribas, C., Urtiaga Dominguez, M., Gaceta Sanitaria 1993; 7: pp. 55-62. |
Spain | 7 | Domingo-Salvany, A., Hartnoll, R., Maguire, A., et al., American Journal of Epidemiology 1995; 141: pp. 567-574. |
France | 1 | Costes, J.M., Country report: France in ‘Prevalence and patterns of problem drug use for all European Union member states, Final report’, EMCDDA. |
France | 2 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
France | 3 | Chevallier, E. (2001), Estimations locales de la prévalence de l'usage d'opiacés et cocaïne en France : une étude multicentrique à Lens, Lille, Marseille, Nice et Toulouse, OFDT, Paris. |
France | 4 | Bello, P. Y., Chené, G., Methodological pilot study of local level of prevalence estimates. Lisbon: EMCDDA, December 1997. |
France | 5 | Bello, P. Y., Chéne, G. In: EMCDDA/Pompidou Group Scientific Monograph 1 (in press) Lisbon, 1997. |
France | 6 | Chevallier, E. et al., Estimations locales de la prévalence de l'usage d'opiacés et cocaïne en France, OFDT report, 2001. |
Italy | 1 | Epidemiological Section of the Italian Observatory on Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2003. (unpublished data). Injecting drug users 2002: no details available, source NFP. |
Italy | 2 | Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia 2003. Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali. Roma, 2004. Epidemiological Section of the Italian Observatory on Drugs and Drug Addiction. |
Italy | 3 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
Italy | 4 | Epidemiological Section of the Italian Observatory on Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2003. (unpublished data). Injecting drug users 2002: no details available, source NFP. |
Italy | 5 | D'Ippoliti D. Methodoligical pilot study of local level prevalence estimates. Lisbon: EMCDDA, December 1997. |
Italy | 6 | Bello PY, Chéne G. In: EMCDDA/Pompidou Group Scientific Monograph 1 (in press) Lisbon, 1997. |
Italy | 7 | Perucci CA, Forastiere F, Rapiti E, et al. British Journal of Addiction 1992; 87: pp. 1637-1641. |
Italy | 8 | Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia - 2001 - Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali — Dipartimento per le Politiche Sociali e Previdenziali. Schizzi I., Piano L., Curzio O., Del Re F., Salvadori S. e Mariani F. Regione Liguria - Osservatorio Epidemiologico Regionale Tossicodipendenze. Rapporto 2002: Andamento del fenomeno tossicodipendenze. |
Italy | 9 | Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia — 2000 — Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali — Dipartimento per le Politiche Sociali e Previdenziali. alvadori S., Potente R., Zuccaro P. e Mariani F. Stima di Prevalenza e di Incidenza dell'Uso e Abuso di Alcol e di Sostanze Illecite nella Regione Veneto — 2000. |
Italy | 10 | Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia - 2000 - Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali - Dipartimento per le Politiche Sociali e Previdenziali.Schizzi I., Piano L., Curzio O., Del Re F., Salvadori S. e Mariani F. Regione Liguria - Osservatorio Epidemiologico Regionale Tossicodipendenze. Rapporto 2002: Andamento del fenomeno tossicodipendenze. |
Italy | 11 | Stima di Prevalenza e di Incidenza dell'Uso e Abuso di Alcol e di Sostanze Illecite nella Regione Veneto — 2003 — In press. |
Italy | 12 | Curzio O., Schizzi I., Salvadori S., Karakachoff M., Minichilli F., Marchini L., Salvini S., Piano L., Del Re F. e Mariani F. Regione Liguria — Osservatorio Epidemiologico Regionale Tossicodipendenze. Rapporto 2003: Andamento del fenomeno tossicodipendenze. |
Italy | 13 | Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia 2004 — Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri — Dipartimento Nazionale per le Politiche Antidroga. |
Italy | 14 | Rapporto sul fenomeno di uso ed abuso di sostanze stupefacenti nella Regione Abruzzo — Anni 2001–04. |
Italy | 15 | Andamento del fenomeno tossicodipendenze nella A.U.S.L. 6 di Palermo — Rapporto 2004. |
Italy | 16 | Stima di prevalenza e di incidenza dell'uso e abuso di alcol e di sostanze illecite nella Regione Veneto — Rapporto 2005. |
Italy | 17 | Osservatorio epidemiologico regionale tossicodipendenze - Rapporto 2005 - Andamento del fenomeno tossicodipendenze. |
Italy | 18 | Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia 2005 - Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri — Ministero della Solidarietà Sociale. |
Italy | 19 | Rapporto sul fenomeno di uso ed abuso di sostanze stupefacenti nella Regione Abruzzo — Anno 2005. |
Italy | 20 | Annual Report to Parliament on drugs and drug addiction (2006 data), Ministry of Social Solidarity. |
Italy | 21 | Prevalence and incidence estimates. Use and abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs, Veneto Region 2006. |
Italy | 22 | Report from the Veneto Region 2006. |
Italy | 23 | Report from the Veneto Region 2005. |
Italy | 24 | Report from the Regional Epidemiological Monitoring Centre On Drugs, 2006. |
Italy | 25 | Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia 2007 - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento per le Politiche Antidroga |
Cyprus | 1 | Stylianou, S., national focal point, 2005 (unpublished data). |
Cyprus | 2 | National focal point, 2006 (unpublished report), Stylianou S., 2006 (unpublished results). |
Cyprus | 3 | Stylianou, S. (2007): unpublished results. |
Cyprus | 4 | Cyprus NFP (2007): 2007 Annual report of EKTEPN. |
Cyprus | 5 | National focal point, 2008 (unpublished report). |
Cyprus | 6 | Hay G., 2008: unpublished results. |
Latvia | 1 | Trapencieris, M., Lace, I. (2003) 'Survey of drug users', in 'Drug abuse prevalence in Latvia: Pupulation Survey Report', Riga, pp. 105-112. |
Latvia | 2 | Trapencieris, M. Estimations on problem drug use in Latvia: project report, Riga, 2004. |
Latvia | 3 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
Latvia | 4 | Trapencieris, M. et al. (2007). Narkotiku lietosanas tendences un paradumi Latvija: kohortas petijuma otro posmu rezultatu analize.[Patterns and trends of drug use in Latvia: results from the second wave of the Drug Users Cohort Study]. Riga: NGO DIA+LOGS |
Lithuania | 1 | "Estimation of the Prevalence of Problem Drug Use in Lithuania", Executive Report for UNODC Project HIV/AIDS prevention and care among injecting drug users and in prison settings in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Dr. Gordon Hay. |
Lithuania | 2 | "Harmful opiate use", Egle Pinceviciute, Vilnius Centre for Addiction Disorders. |
Luxembourg | 1 | Origer, A. (1998), Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. RELIS 2000. Ministry of Health. AST. NFP. Luxembourg |
Luxembourg | 2 | Origer, A. (2001), Estimation de la prévalence nationale de l'usage problématique de drogues à risque élevé et d'acquisition illicite — Etude comparative multi-méthodes 1997-2000. Séries de recherche nº2. Point focal OEDT Luxembourg — CRP-Santé. Luxembourg. |
Luxembourg | 3 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
Hungary | 1 | National focal point, 2004 (unpublished data). |
Hungary | 2 | Elekes Zsuzsanna, Nyírády Adrienn: PDU estimates, National Report 2006. |
Hungary | 3 | National Focal Point, 2006 (unpublished data). |
Malta | 1 | Sedqa, Caritas, Oasi Merged Treatment Data Files 2004. |
Malta | 2 | Sedqa, caritas, OASI, Dual Diagnosis Unit and SATU Prison Inmates Programme Merged Data Files 2005. |
Malta | 3 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
Netherlands | 1 | Smit, F., Toet, J., van Oers, H., Wiessing, L., Estimating local and national problem drug use prevalence from demographics. Addiction Research and Theory 2003; 11: pp. 401-413. |
Netherlands | 3 | Smit, F., Toet, J. (2001) National prevalence estimates of problematic drug use in the Netherlands, 1999. |
Netherlands | 4 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
Netherlands | 5 | Haagse harddruggebruikers en het bereik van de politie en verslavingszorg. Den Haag: Onderzoekcomissie MORE, December 1997. |
Netherlands | 6 | Couman A.M., Neve R.J.M., Van de Mheen H. Het proces van marginalisering en verharding in de drugscene van Parkstad Limburg. Rotterdam:IVO, 2000. |
Netherlands | 7 | De Graaf, I., Wildschut, J., Van de Mheen, D., Utrechtse druggebruikers: eenjachting bestaan. Rotterdam: IVO, 2000. |
Netherlands | 8 | Bieleman, B., Biesma, S., Jetzes, M. (2003), Enschede van de straat. Aard en omvang dak- en thuislozen en zichtbare alcohol- en harddrugsverslaafden in Enschede. Groningen-Rotterdam: Intraval. |
Netherlands | 9 | Personal communication with Marcel Buster, Municipal Health Service Amsterdam (GG & GD Amsterdam). |
Netherlands | 10 | Korf, D.J., Hes, J., Van Aalderen, H., Alkmaar: Brijder Stichting, 1991. |
Netherlands | 11 | Ten Den, C., Bieleman, B., de Bie, E., Snippe, J., Groningen: Intraval, 1995. |
Netherlands | 12 | Struben, H.W.A., Burger, I., Hendriks, V.M., Omvangschatting van het totaal aantal (afhankelijke) Haagse harddruggebruikers in de periode 1993-98, Den Haag: Onderzoekcommissie monitoring en registratie (MORE). |
Netherlands | 13 | Biesma, S. Snippe, J., Oldersma, F., Bieleman, B. (2003). Inventarisatie harddrugsverslaafden en dak- en thuislozen Leeuwarden, Noord en Zuidwest Friesland. Groningen-Rotterdam: Intraval. |
Netherlands | 14 | National Focal Point, 1998. (Smit, F., Toet, J., van der Heijden, P.). |
Netherlands | 15 | Wiessing, L.G., Toet, J., Houweling, H., Koedijk, P.M., van den Akker, R., Sprenger, M.J.W., Prevalence and risk factors for HIV infection among drug users in Rotterdam. (In Dutch). RIVM report nr. 213220001. Bilthoven, National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM), 1995. |
Netherlands | 16 | Van Brussel, G., et al., Amsterdam: Municipal Health Services & Bureau of Social Research and Statistics, 1996. |
Netherlands | 17 | Van Brussel G., et al., Amsterdam: Municipal Health Services, 1997. |
Netherlands | 18 | Buster M.C.A., Van Brussel G.H.A., Van den Brink, W., Estimating the number of opiate users in Amsterdam by Capture Recapture: The importance of case definition. Eur J Epidemiol. 2001;17(10): pp. 935-42. |
Netherlands | 19 | Burger, I., Struben, H. (2001). Haagse harddruggebruikers; Het bereik van politie en verslavingszorg in 1996-98 en veranderingen van 1993-95. Den Haag: Onderzoekcommissie monitoring en registratie (MORE). |
Netherlands | 20 | Korf, D.J,, Reijneveld, S.A., Toet, J. The International Journal of the Addictions 1994; 29: pp. 1393-1417. |
Netherlands | 21 | Smit, F., Van Laar, M., Wiessing, L. (2005), Estimating Problem Drug Use Prevalence at National Level: Comparison of Three Methods. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Trimbos Institute, Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction. |
Netherlands | 22 | Burger, I. (2004). Haagse harddruggebruikers: Aard, omvang en trends in 1999–2002. The Hague: GGD Den Haag. |
Netherlands | 23 | Biesma, S., Snippe, J., Bieleman, B. (2004), Harddrugsgebruikers geregistreerd: Aard, omvang en mobiliteit van problematische harddrugsgebruikers in Rotterdam. Groningen: INTRAVAL. |
Netherlands | 24 | Smit, F., Van Laar, M., Wiessing, L. (2006), Estimating problem drug use prevalence at national level: Comparison of three methods. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 13: pp. 109-120. |
Netherlands | 25 | Bieleman, B., Kruize, A., Ogier, C. (2005), Monitor verslaafden en daklozen Enschede 2005: Metingen 2001, 2002, 2003 en 2004. Groningen/Rotterdam: INTRAVAL. |
Netherlands | 26 | Biesma, S., Kruize, A., Naayer, H., Ogier, C., Bieleman, B. (2005). In Hengelo van de straat: Aard en omvang dak- en thuisloosheid en zichtbare alcohol- en harddrugsverslaving. Groningen/Rotterdam: INTRAVAL. |
Netherlands | 27 | Municipal Health Service Amsterdam (unpublished data). |
Netherlands | 28 | Bieleman, B., Boendermaker, M., Kruize, A., Van Zwieten, M. (2007). Monitor verslaafden en daklozen Enschede 2007; Metingen 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 en 2006. Groningen/Rotterdam: Intraval. |
Netherlands | 29 | MCA Buster, GHA van Brussel, W van den Brink. Prevalence of problematic opiate use in Amsterdam, the importance of case definition. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2001;17:935-42 |
Austria | 1 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
Austria | 2 | Uhl, A.; Seidler, D. (2000): Prevalence Estimate of Problematic Opiate Consumption in Austria. LBISucht, Vienna. |
Austria | 3 | ÖBIG (2003) Weiterentwicklung des Monitoringsystems im Drogenbereich. |
Austria | 4 | ÖBIG (2003) Weiterentwicklung des Monitoringsystems im Drogenbereich. |
Austria | 5 | ÖBIG 2003c (not yet available). |
Austria | 7 | Vienna drug co-ordinators 1997. |
Austria | 8 | ÖBIG (2006) not yet published. |
Poland | 1 | ‘Opinie Osob Uzaleznionych Z Malopolski Na Temat Substancji Psychoaktywnych’, Report from survey prepared for Malopolskie Vojvodship Administration by BBS Obserwator, Krakow 2005. |
Poland | 3 | Sierosawski J. (2004), Oszacowanie liczby narkomanow w wojewodztwie in: Raport z badan na temat laczenia roznych substancji we wzorach uzywania narkotykow w Wojewodztwie Lodzkim, Jablonski P., Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw. |
Poland | 5 | Sieroslwaski J. (2005) ‘Oszacowanie liczby narkomanow oraz rozmiarow problemow zwiazanych z narkotykami w Warszawie’, report from analyses prepared for Warsaw City Hall, Warsaw. |
Poland | 6 | M. Rosinska, Report The incidence estimation of infectious disease (HBV, HCV, HIV) among IDU’s, 2005. National Institute of Hygiene. |
Poland | 7 | Moskalewicz J., Sieroslawski J., Bujalski M. (2006), ‘Dostepnosc programow substytucyjnych w Warszawie’, report from research ordered by Warsaw City Hall, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw. |
Poland | 9 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
Portugal | 1 | Negreiros, J. (2002): Estimativa da prevalência e padrões de consumo problemático de drogas em Portugal, FPCDS/UP, Porto. |
Portugal | 2 | (Feijão and Elsa Lavado, 2001) Prevalence and Patterns of drug use in Portugal-2001. IPDT: not published. |
Portugal | 3 | Freire S., Moreira M., in: Methodological pilot study of local prevalence estimates. Lisbon: EMCDDA, 1997. |
Portugal | 4 | Godinho, J., Costa, H., Padre-Santo, D. (1998). Estimativa da prevalência de consumidores de heroína no Concelho de Setúbal. |
Portugal | 5 | Negreiros, J & Magalhães (2008). Estimativa de Prevalência de consumidores problemáticos de drogas em Portugal. Porto: FPCE-UP. |
Romania | 1 | National Focal Point (unpublished data). |
Slovenia | 1 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
Slovenia | 2 | Pompidou Group Project on Treatment Demand: Tracking long-term trends. |
Slovakia | 1 | The State of Drug Addiction and Drug Control in the Slovak Republic, 2004 Report. Unpublished data. |
Slovakia | 2 | The State of Drug Addiction and Drug Control in the Slovak Republic, 2006 Report. Unpublished data. |
Slovakia | 3 | Stav drogových závislostí a kontrola drog v SR (The State of Drug Addiction and Drug Control in the Slovak Republic), 2006 National Report for Reitox, ÚV SR, Bratislava 2006, 138 pp. |
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United Kingdom | 1 | Frischer M, Hickman M, Kraus L, Mariani M, Wiessing L. A comparison of different methods for estimating the prevalence of problematic drug misuse in Great Britain. Addiction 2001; 96: pp. 1465-1476. |
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United Kingdom | 5 | National Focal Point (unpublished data) |
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United Kingdom | 8 | G Hay, N McKeganey, S Hutchinson (November 2001) Estimating the National and Local Prevalence of Problem Drug Misuse in Scotland. |
United Kingdom | 9 | Hickman, M, Higgins, V, Hope, V, Bellis, M. (2004). Estimating prevalence of problem drug use: multiple methods in Brighton, Liverpool and London. Home Office Online Report 36/04. |
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United Kingdom | 15 | Frischer, M., Leyland, A., Cormack, R., et al., American Journal of Epidemiology 1993; 138: pp. 170-181. |
United Kingdom | 16 | Millar, T., Gemmell, I., Hay, G. and Donmall, M. (2004), The dynamics of drug misuse: Assessing Changes in Prevalence. Home Office online report 35/04. Home Office, London. |
United Kingdom | 17 | Hay, G., Higgins, K., Gannon, M. and Carroll, C. (2006) Estimating the prevalence of problem opiate and problem cocaine use in Northern Ireland. Belfast, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety. |
United Kingdom | 18 | Hay, G., Gannon, M., MacDougall, J., Millar, T., Eastwood, C. and McKeganey, N. (2006) Local and national estimates of the prevalence of opiate use and/or crack cocaine use (2004/05) in Singleton, N., Murray, R. and Tinsley, L. eds. Measuring different aspects of problem drug use: methodological developments. Home Office Online Report OLR 16/06. London: Home Office. |
United Kingdom | 19 | Gordon Hay, Maria Gannon, Jane MacDougall, Tim Millar, Kate Williams, Catherine Eastwood and Neil McKeganey. National and regional estimates of the prevalence of opiate use and/or crack cocaine use 2006/07: a summary of key findings. November 2008. London: Home Office |
United Kingdom | 20 | Hay. G., Gannon, M., MacDougall, J., Millar, T., Eastwood, C. and McKeganey, N. (2007). National and regional estimates of the prevalence of opiate use and/or crack cocaine use 2005/06: a summary of key findings . Home Office Online Report 21/07. Home Office. London (" p://") |
Croatia | 1 | Croatian Institute of Public Health: Dr Marina Kuzman, Mrs Martina Pejak- not published. |
Norway | 1 | Bretteville-Jensen, A.L., personal communication, 2002. |
Norway | 2 | National focal point (unpublished data). |
Norway | 3 | Based on material in Report 2/2005 from SIRUS: The Drug Situation in the Municipalities. |
Norway | 4 | Bretteville-Jensen, A.L.. and Amundsen E.J., Prevalence of Injecting drug use in Norway. (In Norwegian:Omfang av sprøytemisbruk i Norge). Report 5/2006 SIRUS Oslo. |
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Page last updated: Tuesday, 14 July 2009