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Table SZR-15. Number of LSD seizures 1995 to 2007

Belgium 28100757310742 1734311
Czech Republic(1) 347575
Denmark 6161524151829871312813
Estonia 0100232412140
Ireland 62424819293160577113
Greece 284112161617
Spain 319686475291249258 24011388110104133
France 15819017115414324911558901019978105
Italy 271229173120 5613
Cyprus 20
Latvia(3) 34626717
Lithuania 219941 43001
Luxembourg 81530111200000
Hungary 171718141312
Malta 0 0010
Netherlands 2915 11
Austria 8010211361564232203329202039
Portugal(4) 1071011166241824173535
Romania 53
Slovenia 600 1011
Slovakia 43116138476211
Finland 14140153414102021171550
Sweden 28698661376428311817325065
United Kingdom 1155114285262348030017050131152229191
Turkey 0000000
Norway 353610663598752153130342813


 : indicates data not available 

 A fuller historical series, back to 1985 for reporting countries, is available in the Supplementary tables section of this Statistical bulletin   

 (1) Accurate data are not available before 2002 due to double counting of seizures by police and customs reports.   

 (2) In 1995: the number of seizures based on offences; since 1996: the numbers of seizures based on police register.   

 (3) 2004 data includes 1 seizure of liquid LSD.    

 (4) 2004 data includes 4 seizures of liquid and pills of LSD; 2 measured in kg and liquid in 2005; and 6 in kg and liquid in 2006.    


 Reitox national focal points   

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Page last updated: Wednesday, 01 July 2009