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Table TDI-7. Data coverage, 2007 or most recent year available [see all tables in this series...]

Part (ii) Units by country and type of treatment centre and reporting status

CountryOutpatient centresInpatient centresOther agencies
Units coveredUnits in the countryUnits coveredUnits in the countryUnits coveredUnits in the countryTypes of other agency
Czech Republic11014550546870Low-threshold agencies
Germany(2)72093414724529:Low-threshold agencies and Treatment units in prison
Ireland1731952743216267General practitioners and low-threshold methadone maintenance and crisis counselling
Greece43488827Low-threshold agencies
France1201981237416Treatment units in prison
Cyprus(4)13163311Treatment units in prison
Malta(6)55::::Outpatient and specialised inpatient treatment centres, low-threshold agencies and units in prison
Netherlands(7)150160::::Outpatient units and low-threshold agencies
Slovakia(10)52:34:1518Treatment units in prison
Finland50:50:4:Low-threshold agencies and Treatment units in prison
Sweden964001083043456Treatment units in prison
Uk(11)2535:99:235:General practitioners


 : indicates data not available 

 When the data is not available the symbol ":" is used. 

 (1) Data refer to 2005. Outpatient data refer to outpatient and Low-threshold agencies (aggregated data). 

 (2) Outpatiet data refer to a more narrow definition of outpatient centrs if compared to previous years. The coverage may vary according to specific variables. The numer of units covered here refers to all units covered, regardless of the specific variable. As for specific variables, the largest coverage is reached in correspondece of data on age and gender (797 units for male clients and 754 units for female clients). 

 (3) Data refer to 2006. Outpatient data refer to outpatient centres and low-threshold agencies. 

 (4) Excluding the centres that mainly deal with prevention, the units coverage can be estimated 100%                 

 (5) Data refer to outpatient and inpatient centres (aggregated data).                 

 (6) Data refer to 2006. Data refer to Outpatient and specialised inpatient treatment centres, low-threshold agencies and units in prison. 

 (7) Data refer to Outpatient centres and low-threshold agencies (aggregated data).                 

 (8) Data refer to 2006.                 

 (9) Units covered data refer to new clients reporting. As for all clients 16 units reported data.         

 (10) A coverage of 95%,98% and 83% has been reported for outpatient, inpatient and prisons treatment units. 

 (11) As for outpatient and inpatient units an estimated coverage have been reported:98%.                 

 See also ‘General notes for interpreting data’ on the Explanatory notes and help page


 Reitox national reports 2008 — Table TDI by centre type. 

(see the help page for information about formats etc.)

Page last updated: Tuesday, 30 June 2009