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Figure DUP-1. Prevalence of lifetime drug use among prisoners


Data were not available for the un-listed EU Member States.

Data between brackets refer to size of the sample and year of the study.

The numbering after the country name refers to the number of the source in Table DUP-0.

Data for Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, (a) Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, (a) Portugal and Romania refer to prevalence lifetime drug use prior to imprisonment.

Data for (b) Hungary and (b) Portugal refer to prevalence lifetime drug use prior/inside prison.

Belgium: Data refer to adult prisoners, including remanded, sentenced and mentally disordered prisoners, both males and females.

The figure for cocaine (43%) refers to cocaine and crack.

Spain: Prevalence on heroin and cocaine use (31%), in the same dose, was also reported.

Italy: Prevalence on hallucinogens use (6%) was also reported.

Hungary: Data refer to adult males only.

The Netherlands: 2003 data refer to adult males only. 2002-03 data refer to youth only; the figures for heroin (4%) refers to heroin and opiates.

Prevalence on LSD (3%) and Hallucinogenic mushrooms use (13%) was also reported.

Poland: Data refer to adult males only.

Romania: Prevalence on LSD use (1%) was also reported.

United Kingdom: Data refer to England and Wales only. The category "any drug" includes: heroin, crack, cocaine, amphetamine and cannabis.

Related links:

Statistical bulletin 2010: Figure DUP-1 part (i)

For methodological information, please refer to Table DUP-1.

For access to sources and bibliographic references, please refer to Table DUP-0.

See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page.


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Page last updated: Friday, 09 July 2010