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Table HSR-8. Responses to drug related deaths in Europe [see all tables in this series...]

Part (i) Provision of selected responses to reduce drug related deaths in 26 EU countries, Norway and Turkey in 2008 (expert ratings)

CountryOverdose information material (1)Individual overdose risk assessment (1)Overdose response training (1), (2)Risk education on drug related deaths (3)
Belgium (Flemish community)ExtensiveRareRareRare
Belgium (French community)LimitedDoes not existRareRare
BulgariaNo informationNo informationNo informationRare
Czech RepublicExtensiveExtensiveExtensiveFull
GermanyExtensiveNo informationLimitedFull
EstoniaRareRareDoes not existRare
FranceLimitedNo informationNo informationNo information
ItalyExtensiveExtensiveExtensiveNo information
HungaryRareRareDoes not existRare
PortugalFullDoes not existDoes not existFull
United KingdomExtensiveExtensiveLimitedFull
TurkeyDoes not existLimitedDoes not existRare


 Where data are not available for a country, the table entry is left empty.           

 (1) Based on the question: "Please estimate in how far the selected response measures have been provided to problem drug users over the past 12 months." 

 Rating Scale           

  Full: Nearly all members of target group have received the service during the last year at least once            

  Extensive: A majority of the target group (but not nearly all of them) have received the service during the last year at least once           

  Limited: More than a few members of target group (but not a majority of them) have received the service during the last year at least once           

  Rare: Just a few members of target group have received the service during the last year at least once           

 (2) Overdose response training was defined as: One-to-one or group education sessions on risks, prevention of risks and on management of overdoses. This training should include: information on risk situations and risky behaviour, how to recognise overdoses, and how to respond adequately (at least the recovery position). 

 (3) Based on the question: "Please rate the level of provision of risk reduction and overdose response training for problem drug users: 

 Rating Scale           

  Full: In nearly all relevant cities or towns. ‘Relevant’ = where the size of the target population is sufficient for the implementation of the intervention.           

  Extensive: In a majority of relevant cities (but not in nearly all of them)           

  Limited: In more than a few relevant cities (but not in a majority of them)           

  Rare: In just a few relevant cities           

 See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page


 Structured Questionnaire on 'Prevention and Reduction of Health-Related Harm associated with drug use' (SQ 23/29), submitted by NFPs in 2008 

(see the help page for information about formats etc.)

Page last updated: Wednesday, 23 June 2010