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Table SZR-2. Quantities (kg) of cannabis resin seized, 1995 to 2008

Belgium 325824989989808183132176:6635565539921639410481585451529
Czech Republic(1):::::::11652350.50.41
Denmark ::::::176326353829175814061035:2914
Estonia ::::::0.2159844920515549
Ireland :1933124821572511380567333353503227485569721235:
Greece 230833641731565727120190251020973562
Spain :247745315328428236431165474504514181564809777546794437669704459267653631682672
Italy :::1540646831209421760528755251811593223199197282003434107
Cyprus 333015171011153510.341
Latvia ::::::0.20.4500.220.40.37
Lithuania ::::::0.30.6263268106135
Luxembourg :140.921140.750.4550.58
Hungary :::::190.9323133123
Malta :::::441034332045::
Netherlands(4):::::295901097232717:ca 16000550046009950:
Austria ::::109244138135239427151252164166
Romania ::::::::39441511211533
Finland ::::49219756748442346743128336047
Sweden 49521662639111171182700820883820126669213791012
United Kingdom(10)446076693411885488522530454836658999441606537964920503952385016626:
Turkey ::::::268121281618112381265663027916
Norway ::::::828109722222093135214606681234


 ca = circa.     

 (1) Accurate data are not available before 2002 due to double counting of seizures by police and customs reports.     

 (2) In 1995: the number of seizures based on offences; since 1996: the numbers of seizures based on police register.     

 (3) In 2002 and 2003, seizures of cannabis products cannot be broken down by product; 57115 kg of cannabis were seized in 2002 and 82515 kg in 2003.     

 (4) Both 2004 and 2005 data are based on seizures made only by some police forces: they are not comparable between them, nor with previous years.     

 (5) The value for 1995 includes cannabis seeds. Since 2007 quantity of cannabis pollen seized is include in the total quantity of cannabis resin seized (1851.34 kg in 2007 and 58.29 kg in 2008).     

 (6) In 2003, seizures of cannabis resin and herbal cannabis cannot be broken down by product; 220.16 kg of herb and resin were seized in 2003.     

 (7) In 1997 and 1998 less than 0.1 kg were seized.     

 (8) Data refer to seizures made by the Customs and the National Service for Combating Organized Crime (NACOC), separately or in combination with other units within the Ministry of Interior.   

 (9) Up to 2003 the amount of large seizures only is reported; from 2004 all seizures are reported.      

 (10) Before 2006 data have been reported on a calendar year basis. Since 2006 seizures data will be published on a financial year basis (Data reported for 2006 is for 2006/07, data reported in 2007 is for 2007/08 and so on). There are no customs data for Scotland and Northern Ireland in 2006/07. In 2007 data are for England, Wales and Northern Ireland only (England and Wales reported both police and customs seizures and Northern Ireland only police seizures); no data for Scotland is available.   


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Page last updated: Wednesday, 23 June 2010