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Table SZR-5. Number of seizures of cannabis plants, 1995 to 2008

Belgium 78::147144442::296388456209466666
Czech Republic(2):::::::581174953444646
Denmark ::::::::94778710994220
Estonia ::::::622322726171912
Ireland 263655362821203630271647100:
Greece :::::::289263372448394330431
Spain :::::::3505027097516597481104
Cyprus :::::::::17142925:
Latvia ::::::00000048
Lithuania ::::::03238:0:
Luxembourg :61356018122423
Austria :::::72120168204206164204200230
Romania :::::::::::000
Slovenia ::::::426415:204209120366391
Finland :::::358612923117014061633137819002100
United Kingdom(11)6125493637912832228820401880244129042995433159068219:
Turkey ::::::22872890303829880000
Norway ::::::108126135143124124207216


 (1) Data were provided only by the National Service for Combating the organized Crime (NACOC) and refer to seizures made separately or in combination with other units from the Ministry of Interior.     

 (2) Accurate data are not available before 2002 due to double counting of seizures by police and customs reports.     

 (3) In 1995: the number of seizures based on offences; since 1996: the numbers of seizures based on police register.     

 (4) In 2002 and 2003 seizures of cannabis products cannot be broken down by substance; 57794 seizures of all cannabis products were made in 2002, and 67443 in 2003.     

 (5) Since 2007 only a representative sample is reported.     

 (6) There was also 3 seizures of cannabis seeds in 2003; and 2 in 2004.     

 (7) Up to 2003 the number of large seizures only is reported; from 2004 all seizures are reported.      

 (8) 2002, 2003, 2006 data include each 1 seizure of cannabis plants reported in kg and 2 seizures in 2007.     

 (9) Data are not available before 2000.     

 (10) Seizures of cannabis plants are included in herbal cannabis seizures.     

 (11) Before 2006 data have been reported on a calendar year basis. Since 2006 seizures data will be published on a financial year basis (Data reported for 2006 is for 2006/07, data reported in 2007 is for 2007/08 and so on). There are no customs data for Scotland and Northern Ireland in 2006/07. In 2007 data are for England, Wales and Northern Ireland only (England and Wales reported both police and customs seizures and Northern Ireland only police seizures); no data for Scotland is available.   


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Page last updated: Wednesday, 23 June 2010