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Figure GPS-13. Last 12 months prevalence of cocaine use among all young adults (aged 15 to 34) by gender


Data are from the most recent national surveys available in each country (see Table GPS-8 part (ii)).

Some countries use a slightly different age range to the EMCDDA standard age range for young adults. Variations in age ranges may slightly influence disparities between countries.

The most recent General population surveys reported by the Czech Republic display a wide variation in results, the reason for which is being explored, but may be due to differing sampling methods.  The data is provided for information, but given the lack of comparability between surveys should be treated with caution.

Belgium: 2008; 15-34 yrs n=2550

Bulgaria: 2008; 15–34 yrs n=2164

Czech Republic: 2009; 15–34 yrs n=616

Denmark: 2010; 16–34 yrs n=3381

Germany: 2009; 18–34 yrs n=3876

Estonia: 2008; 15–34 yrs n=545

Ireland: 2006/07; 15–34 yrs n=1989

Greece: 2004; 15–34 yrs n=2620

Spain: 2009; 15–34 yrs n=n.a.

France: 2005; 15–34 yrs n=10855

Italy: 2008; 15–34 yrs n=6398

Cyprus: 2009; 15–34 yrs n=1810

Latvia: 2007; 15–34 yrs n =2497

Lithuania: 2008; 15–34 yrs n=2152

Hungary: 2007; 18–34 yrs n=1111

Austria: 2008; 15–34 yrs n=2558

Poland: 2006; 15–34 yrs n=2031

Portugal: 2007; 15–34 yrs n=4765

Romania: 2007; 15-34 yrs n=2262

Slovakia: 2006; 15–34 yrs n=556

Finland: 2006; 15–34 yrs n=1387

Sweden: 2008; 15-34 yrs n=16271

UK (E&W): 2009/10; 16–34 yrs n=8945

Norway: 2009; 15–34 yrs n=632


Statistical bulletin 2006: Figure GPS-9

Statistical bulletin 2007: Figure GPS-13

Statistical bulletin 2008: Figure GPS-13

Statistical bulletin 2009: Figure GPS-13

Statistical bulletin 2010: Figure GPS-13

See also Table GPS-0

See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page.


Reitox national reports 2010, taken from population surveys, reports or scientific articles.

(see the help page for information about formats etc.)

Page last updated: Tuesday, 02 August 2011