Table HSR-10. Estimation of the total number of clients in treatment (2009)
Country | | Year | All substitution clients | | Year | All treatment demand clients (TDI) | | Year | Total number of clients in treatment (ST24) | | Estimation of total number of clients in treatment | Total adult population (15-64 ys) in 2009 |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Belgium | (i) | 2007 | 16275 | | 2005 | 4992 | (3) | 2009 | 9300 | | 16275 | 7,101,426 |
Bulgaria | (ii) | 2009 | 3104 | | 2009 | 1860 | | 2009 | 5352 | | 5352 | 5,261,118 |
Czech Republic | (ii) | 2009 | 3896 | | 2009 | 8207 | | 2009 | 16343 | (6) | 16343 | 7,431,383 |
Denmark | (ii) | 2009 | 7750 | | 2009 | 5296 | | 2009 | 10288 | | 10288 | 3,627,869 |
Germany | (ii) | 2009 | 74600 | | 2009 | 67495 | | 2009 | 108898 | (7) | 108898 | 54,134,237 |
Estonia | (i) | 2009 | 1012 | | 2009 | 687 | | : | : | | 1012 | 910,469 |
Ireland | (ii) | 2009 | 10668 | | 2009 | 7271 | | 2009 | 15649 | (8) | 15649 | 3,027,014 |
Greece | (ii) | 2009 | 5360 | | 2009 | 5501 | | 2009 | 8394 | (9) | 8394 | 7,544,503 |
Spain | (ii) | 2008 | 81425 | | 2008 | 53155 | | 2009 | 173092 | | 173092 | 31,438,590 |
France | (ii) | 2009 | 137541 | (1) | 2009 | 46886 | | 2007 | 203000 | (1) | 203000 | 41,816,934 |
Italy | (ii) | 2009 | 107892 | | 2009 | 54141 | | 2009 | 168364 | (10) | 168364 | 39,519,094 |
Cyprus | (ii) | 2009 | 286 | | 2009 | 670 | | 2009 | 785 | (11) | 785 | 558,998 |
Latvia | (ii) | 2009 | 189 | | 2007 | 773 | | 2009 | 2008 | (12) | 2008 | 1,560,129 |
Lithuania | (ii) | 2009 | 815 | | 2007 | 5715 | (4) | 2009 | 5953 | | 5953 | 2,308,705 |
Luxembourg | (i) | 2009 | 1212 | | 2009 | 350 | | : | : | | 1212 | 336,015 |
Hungary | (ii) | 2009 | 992 | | 2009 | 4317 | | 2009 | 6917 | | 6917 | 6,898,089 |
Malta | (ii) | 2009 | 1099 | | 2009 | 1792 | | 2009 | 1659 | | 1659 | 289,872 |
Netherlands | (ii) | 2009 | 10624 | | 2009 | 11650 | | 2009 | 33439 | | 33439 | 11,090,914 |
Austria | (i) | 2009 | 13460 | | 2009 | 5849 | | 2007 | 16726 | | 13460 | 5,642,785 |
Poland | (ii) | 2009 | 1945 | | 2008 | 2082 | | 2009 | 11244 | (13) | 11244 | 27,160,149 |
Portugal | (ii) | 2009 | 28708 | | 2009 | 7643 | (20) | 2009 | 34617 | | 34617 | 7,130,050 |
Romania | (ii) | 2009 | 422 | | 2009 | 1689 | | 2009 | 1689 | (14) | 1689 | 15,036,386 |
Slovenia | (ii) | 2009 | 3324 | | 2009 | 916 | | 2009 | 15722 | (15) | 15722 | 1,414,279 |
Slovakia | (iii) | 2009 | 700 | | 2009 | 1909 | | 2009 | 1830 | (16) | 1909 | 3,921,880 |
Finland | (iii) | 2009 | 1800 | | 2009 | 1907 | | : | : | | 1907 | 3,543,084 |
Sweden | (iii) | 2007 | 3115 | | 2009 | 6216 | | : | : | | 6216 | 6,068,864 |
UK- England & Wales | (ii) | 2008-09 | 143219 | (2) | 2009 | 139390 | (5) | 2008-09 | 211416 | | 211416 | |
UK-Scotland | | 2006 | 22224 | | : | : | | : | : | | | (UK) 40802533 |
UK-Northern Irel. | | 2008-09 | 487 | | : | : | | 2009-10 | 2518 | (17) | | |
Croatia | (ii) | 2009 | 4684 | | 2009 | 7733 | | 2009 | 7733 | | 7733 | 2,973,240 |
Turkey | (ii) | 2009 | : | | 2008 | 2145 | | 2009 | 67293 | (18) | 67293 | 47,835,090 |
Norway | (i) | 2009 | 5383 | | : | : | | : | : | (19) | 5383 | 3,182,224 |
Where data are not available for a country, the table entry is left empty. | | | |
(i) indicates that the clients considered to calculate the total estimation have been the substitution clients. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(ii) indicates that the clients considered to calculate the total estimation have been the total number of clients in treatment (ST24). | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(iii) indicates that the clients considered to calculate the total estimation have been the all treatment demand clients (TDI). | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(1) Data from personal communication of the OFDT (15-02-2011) | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(2) Data concerns opiate users in prescribing treatment during the year. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(3) Partial coverage: it does not cover Brussels region. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(4) Prevalence data and not only treatment demand information. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(5) National coverage (all UK). | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(6) The information refers to all clients treated in 2009 for problems with illegal substances in outpatient healthcare facilites (2010 National Report; table 5-3: Number of clinics and number of addictive substance users treated in 2000-2009 (Nechanská et al. 2010; Institute of Health Information and Statistics, 2010a). This figure is an under-estimate as it only refers to clients being treated within these types of facilites and not all available treatment providers in the Czech Republic. |
(7) Double counting is not totally excluded; in the case of individual clients double counting control is being performed only on centre/facility level. The data derive from the German Statistical Report on Treatment Centres for Substance Use Disorders (DSHS) and are based on the German Core Data Set on the Documentation of Addiction Treatment. The TDI indicator is integrated in the Core Data Set. The figure refers to all treatment types, i.e. outpatient (data coverage: approx. 70.18%) and inpatient (coverage: approx. 44.33%) treatment as well as in prison programmes (coverage: approx. 14%) and low threshold facilities (coverage: 14.62%). Regarding the distribution among the various treatment settings the vast majority is being handled in outpatient treatment facilities (89%). In particular the breakdown in terms of treatment episodes is as follows: outpatient N=104293, inpatient N=9018, prison N=852, low threshold N= 2421. |
(8) Each case (episode) sought treatment for problem (illicit)drug use (excluding those who reported alcohol, hypnotic or sedatives as their main problem drug). The cases include those who reported one of the following as their main problem drug: an opiate, cocaine, a stimulant, hallucinogens, volatile inhalants and cannabis. |
(9) The data come from 71 officially recognized centers which offered treatment services in 2009 and delivered relevant data. They consist of 42 drug-free treatment programmes (of which 11 inpatient programmes for adults, 16 outpatient programmes for adults and 15 outpatient programmes for adolescents), 22 substitution treatment units (of which 7 methadone substitution units and 15 buprenorphine substitution units), 5 drug-free treatment programmes in prison and 2 outpatient detoxification programmes. The data collection is based on the "Treatment Questionnaire" (2009), which is a revised version of the "Treatment Unit Form/ TUF A". The collected information is controlled anually to check internal consistency. The figure does not include readmissions within the year in the same unit; whereas clearance for double entries among different units is not feasible. |
(10) Data refer to clients treated by drug addiction services (outpatient services) in the reporting year (2009). At present, data are gathered by the Ministry of Health through an information flow system of aggregated data directly sent by local drug services to the Ministry. The present flow system reports on aggregated data of treatments provided by type of treatment as well (pharmacological, psychological, social, etc. A client can receive more than one type of treatment in the reporting period so that the total number is bigger than the total number of clients treated. If a client receives both a pharmacological and a psycho-social treatment, only the pharmacological one is reported. The psycho-social treatment is mentionned only for clients that didn't receive any pharmacological cares. |
(11) The total number of persons in treatment in 2009 is controlled for double counts (clients entering treatment in the reporting year and those in treatment during the reporting year who had continued treatment from the previous year/s). |
(12) The total number of clients includes 1383 out-patients clients and 625 in-patient clients. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(13) Data come from the reporting system conducted by Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology covering only residential treatment due to mental and behavioural disorders caused by using illicit drugs. The residential system of statistical reporting is based on individual statistical questionnaires. Each questionnaire is coded. It is possible to eliminate double counting of persons who enter treatment several times a year, sometimes in many facilities. |
(14) Data sources: treatment centres under coordination of Ministry of Health, NAA, private centres and prisons. However not all centres (which are under coordination of Ministry of Health) have reported. |
(15) Double counting is not avoided as the figure includes all treatment programmes. It also includes harm reduction clients. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(16) Data source: National TDI database, case register 2009. A case is identified as first treatment of the patient within the given year nationwide. Exhaustive sample of all treated cases (persons) in the year 2009. |
(17) Census of Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services in Northern Ireland: 1 March 2010. The total number of clients in drug treatment refers to 1294 clients receiving for a drug problem only and 1224 clients receiving treatment for a combined drug and alcohol problem. |
(18) The total number for 2008 includes 2145 inpatient clients and 65148 outpatient treatment episodes. The latter figure does not control for double counting and does therefore produce an overstimation of the total number of clients in treatment for 2008. |
(19) Only data at aggregated level are available, yet client-unique data from a national patient register which is being set up will be available before end 2010. |
(20) Data refers only to clients entereing treatment for the first time in their lives. |
See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page. | | | Sources:
Standard Tables 24 (ST24) on 'treatment availability' Section 3 and Section 5, submitted by NFPs in 2010. | | | |
Standard Table 34 (TDI): Characteristics of individuals starting treatment for drugs by type of treatment centre - version: 1.0/2010TDI tables V. 1.0-2010, submitted by NFPs in 2010. |
Reitox National Reports 2010. |
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