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Table HSR-3. Estimated number of clients in methadone treatment and of all clients receiving any opioid substitution treatment (OST) [see all tables in this series...]

Part (ii) Estimates and share of clients in methadone (MMT) and high-dosage buprenorphine (HDBT) treatment in EU-27, Croatia, Turkey and Norway in 2009 or latest available year

CountryNumber of MMT clientsMMT shareNumber of HDBT clientsHDBT shareAll substitution clients
Belgium 1471490892616275(1)
Czech Republic686183210823896(3)
UK- England::::143219(22)
UK-Northern Irel.23548::487(23)


 Where data are not available for a country, the table entry is left empty. 

 Substitution treatment programmes are not available in Turkey. 

 Where possible, data on clients receiving the buprenorphine-naloxone combination are presented separately.                     

 For further information on client population covered, estimation processes and other notes by country see part (iii).  

 (1) 2007 data. The number of "All substitution clients" in Belgium includes 669 clients in methadone and buprenorphine treatment. 

 (2) In 2009 the number of "All substitution clients" in Bulgaria includes 218 slow-release morphine clients (7%). On 31 December 2008, there were 2382 clients receiving opioid substiution treatment, 2143 clients receiving methadone and 239 receiving slow-release morphine. 

 (3) The number of buprenorphine clients in the Czech Republic is estimated based on the distributed quantity of HDB on the Czech market (in 2009, a quantity of Subutex® and Suboxone® equivalent to 3517 g) and the avarage daily dose.  

 (4) The total number of clients in substitution treatment is 7750. About 7274 are from register A and 476 from register B. Registry B contains only aggregate data. 

 (5) The number of "All substitution clients" in Germany includes 522 clients divided between 298 codeine and 224 diamorphine. 

 (6) A very small number of cases (new treatment episode in 2009) received buprenorphine, as part of a pilot study. The overall proportion of buprenorphine substitution is estimated at less than 0.1% of all opioid substitution treatment. 

 (7) 2008 data. The number of "All substitution clients" in Spain includes 20 clients in diacetylmorphine treatment. 

 (8) In 2009 the number of "All substitution clients" in Italy includes 817 clients in naltrexone and 399 in clonidine.  

 (9) The majority of clients are in buprenorphine/ naloxone treatment, both for substution and detoxification. Codeine and Naltrexone are also used. 

 (10) Thenumber of clients is based on a census conducted on the 31 December 2009, thus the total number of clients treated during the year is estimated to be higher. The number of HDBT clients in Latvia includes clients receiving buprenorphine/naloxone combination. 

 (11) The number of "All substitution clients" in Lithuania includes 29 clients in buprenorphine/ naloxone combination. 

 (12) The share of methadone clients is calculated from prescriptions, while client-based data on share are not available.  

 (13) The number of "All substitution clients" in Hungary includes 354 clients receiving the buprenorphine/naloxone combination. 

 (14) The number of "All substitution clients" in Malta includes 80 clients receiving unspecified substitution medication. 

 (15) The number of "All substitution clients" in The Netherlands includes 715 clients receiving diacetylmorphine treatment. 

 (16) The number of "All substitution clients" in Poland includes 47 clients in buprenorphine/ naloxone combination. The discrepancy between the total number of substitution clients and the sum of the clients by substitution substance might be due to problems in controlling double counting. 

 (17) In addition to the registries data, the IDT performed a census on 31 December 2009. There were 20 729 clients registered in opioid maintenance programs in outpatient units by IDT: 15754 clients receiving methadone and 4974 receiving buprenorphine. The number of clients in HDBT in Portugal includes clients receiving the buprenorphine/naloxone combination. 

 (18) The number of "All substitution clients" in Romania includes 149 clients in naltrexone. The number of clients in HDBT includes clients receiving the buprenorphine/naloxone combination. 

 (19) The number of "All substitution clients" in Slovakia includes 200 clients receiving buprenorphine/naloxone combination. 

 (20) There is no routine data collection in place and data is based on ad hoc reports. It is estimated that 60% of the HDBT clients have buprenorphine/naloxone combination treatment. 

 (21) 2007 data. 

 (22) 2008-2009 data. 

 (23) 2008-2009 data. The number of "All substitution clients" in Northen Ireland includes 16 clients in codeine. 

 (24) The number of "All substitution clients" in Croatia includes 59 naltrexone clients. 

 (25) Data are reported annually in the form of status surveys from the 14 centres. For 2009, a total of 4,730 forms were completed, or 79 per cent.The number of buprenorphine clients in Norway includes clients receiving buprenorphine/naloxone combination. 

 See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page


 Reitox National Reports 2010. 

 Standard Tables 24 (ST24) on 'treatment availability' submitted by NFPs in 2010. 

 FR: Personal communication NFP 15-02-2011                     

 SI: personal communication from NFP on the 15-03-2011.                     

 UK-England: personal communication from NFP on the 21-03-2011.                     

(see the help page for information about formats etc.)

Page last updated: Thursday, 16 June 2011