Table HSR-6. Hepatitis B immunization in EU 27, Croatia, Turkey and Norway (2009)
Country | | Universal hepatitis B immunization programme:
Availability | | Universal hepatitis B immunization programme:
Starting year | | National coverage rates HepB3 (2009) as reported to WHO - UNICEF | | Hepatitis B vaccination programme specific for high risk groups :
Availability | | Hepatitis B vaccination programme in prison:
Availability | |
Belgium FL | | Yes | | 1999 | | 97 | | No | | No information | |
Belgium FR | | Yes | | 1999 | | 97 | | Yes | (2) | No | (11) |
Bulgaria | | Yes | | 1993 | | 96 | | No | | No | |
Czech Republic | | Yes | | 2000 | | 99 | | No | | No | |
Denmark | | No | | : | | : | | Yes | | Yes | |
Germany | | No | | : | | 90 | | Yes | | No information | |
Estonia | | Yes | | 2003 | | 95 | | No | | Yes | |
Ireland | | Yes | | 2008 | | : | | Yes | (3) | Yes | |
Greece | | Yes | | 1998 | | 95 | | Yes | (4) | Yes | |
Spain | | Yes | | 1996 | | 96 | | Yes | | Yes | |
France | | Yes | | 2009 | | 42 | | Yes | (5) | No | |
Italy | | Yes | | 1991 | | 96 | | Yes | | Yes | |
Cyprus | | Yes | | 1993 | | 96 | | No | | No | |
Latvia | | Yes | | 1993 | | 94 | | No | | No | |
Lithuania | | Yes | | 1998 | | 95 | | No | | Yes | |
Luxembourg | | Yes | | 1997 | | 95 | | No | | No | |
Hungary | | Yes | | 1999 | | : | | No | | No | |
Malta | | Yes | | 1997 | | 86 | | No | | No information | |
Netherlands | | No | (1) | : | | : | | Yes | (6) | Yes | |
Austria | | Yes | | 1998 | | 83 | | Yes | | No | |
Poland | | Yes | | 1991 | | 98 | | No | (7) | No | |
Portugal | | Yes | | 2000 | | 96 | | No | | Yes | |
Romania | | Yes | | 1996 | | 95 | | Yes | | No | |
Slovenia | | Yes | | 1998 | | : | (i) | Yes | | Yes | |
Slovakia | | Yes | | 1999 | | 99 | | Yes | | No | |
Finland | | No | | : | | : | | Yes | (8) | Yes | |
Sweden | | No | | : | | : | | Yes | (9) | Yes | |
UK | | No | | : | | : | | Yes | | Yes | |
Croatia | | Yes | | 1999 | | 97 | | No information | | No information | |
Turkey | | Yes | | 1993 | | 92 | | Yes | (10) | No information | |
Norway | | No | | : | | : | | Yes | | Yes | |
Where data are not available for a country, the table entry is left empty. |
Vaccination coverage is intented as "Immunization coverage with 3rd dose of HepB vaccines in infants". | | | | | | | | | | | |
(i) country official estimate of 97% coverage. | | | | | | | | | | | |
(1) Currently in debates across the country whether to include Hepatitis B again in routine universal vaccination. | |
(2) There are no specific vaccination programmes targeting problem drug users as a whole. Nonetheless, there is a risk group specific Hepatitis B vaccination program which covers sex-workers who are part of a specialized structure ("Espace P"), targeting specifically prostitution. The Hepatitis B vaccination campaigns organized by Espace P have been carried out between 1998 and 2003. | |
(3) High risk groups include injecting drug users, prisoners and health care workers. | | | |
(4) High risk groups include HIV positive drug users. | | |
(5) It is mandatory only in some specific health occupations where employees deal with blood samples. The circular dated February 2008 creating the CSAPA (treatment center dedicated to the care of drug and alcohol addictions) recommends free vaccination of Hepatitis B to any drug-users attending a centre. | |
(6) The Hepatitis B vaccination campaign started in 2002 and it includes hard drug users, men who have sex with men and sex workers. | |
(7) Although drug users are not listed in the Protective Vaccination Program, they are listed in the National Program for Counteracting Drug Addiction. One objective of the program is to "raise access to infectious diseases treatment and prevention programmes" and the monitoring indicator is the "number of drug users vaccinated against HBV in the current/ previous period". | |
(8) High risk groups include injecting drug users, their sex partners and people living in the same household as well as sex workers, people living in the same household and his/her partners, health care workers if necessary. Hepatitis A vaccination is only part of the program for IDUs. | |
(9) The NBHW recommends drug users to be vaccinated and different programmes and strategies are in force at municipality level. Since drug users are more likely to go to prison, the custodial settings and probation services introduced a vaccination programme for Hepatitis A and B in 2004. | |
(10) High risk groups include drugs users. | |
(11) The program was introduced in a draft circular on equivalence and continuity of care in prison (circular nb 1785, 2006-07-18, by the Ministry of Justice). In addition, a common action plan for the French Community, the Walloon Region and Brussels (June 2005) strongly recommends Hepatitis B vaccination to be systematically implemented in prison. However, in reality, since it is difficult for the penitenciary administration to ensure that detainees will follow the vaccination program once released, the first injection of the vaccine is seldom proposed in prison.
| |
See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page. | Sources:
Structured Questionnaire on 'prevention and reduction of health-related harm associated with drug use' (SQ23/29), submitted by NFPs in 2004 and 2008. | |
Reitox National Reports, 2009 and 2010. | | | |
Data on 3rd dose of Hepatitis B vaccination extracted from WHO/UNICEFdatabase of estimates of immunization coverage. See full dataset on the WHO-UNICEF site. | |
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