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Table HSR-7. Health responses in prison [see all tables in this series...]

Part (i) Level of provision of selected health responses to prisoners in 26 EU countries, Norway and Turkey (expert ratings)

CountryIndividual counselling on infection risk HCV test on entry Pre-release counselling on overdose risk Safer use training for prisonersHCV test on release Prison needle and syringe programmes (NSPs)
BelgiumRareRareDoes not existRareDoes not existDoes not exist
BulgariaLimitedLimitedNo informationNo informationDoes not existDoes not exist
Czech RepublicRareLimitedRareDoes not existRareDoes not exist
DenmarkNo informationNo informationLimitedNo informationNo informationDoes not exist
GermanyLimitedLimitedNo informationDoes not existNo informationRare
EstoniaLimitedExtensiveRareRareLimitedDoes not exist
IrelandLimitedLimitedNo informationDoes not existNo informationDoes not exist
GreeceRareExtensiveLimitedRareDoes not existDoes not exist
FranceRareRareRareDoes not existRareDoes not exist
ItalyExtensiveNo informationExtensiveNo informationNo informationNo information
CyprusRareFullLimitedRareDoes not existDoes not exist
LatviaRareFullRareDoes not existDoes not existDoes not exist
LithuaniaFullFullDoes not existDoes not existFullDoes not exist
Hungary(2)FullDoes not existRareDoes not existDoes not existDoes not exist
NetherlandsLimitedLimitedLimitedDoes not existDoes not existDoes not exist
AustriaLimitedExtensiveRareLimitedRareDoes not exist
PolandLimitedDoes not existRareRareDoes not existDoes not exist
PortugalLimitedExtensiveRareRareNo informationLimited
Romania(1)ExtensiveLimitedDoes not existDoes not existRareRare
SloveniaLimitedLimitedLimitedRareRareDoes not exist
SlovakiaRareRareDoes not existDoes not existDoes not existDoes not exist
FinlandFullExtensiveRareLimitedLimitedDoes not exist
SwedenFullFullDoes not existDoes not existDoes not existDoes not exist
United KingdomLimitedRareLimitedLimitedRareDoes not exist
TurkeyLimitedDoes not existDoes not existLimitedDoes not existDoes not exist
NorwayNo informationNo informationNo informationNo informationNo informationDoes not exist


 Where data are not available for a country the table entry is left empty. 

 Rating Scale (level of provision) 

  Full: Nearly all prisoners have received the service during the last year at least once  

  Extensive: A majority of prisoners (but not nearly all of them) have received the service during the last year at least once 

  Limited: More than a few prisoners (but not a majority of them) have received the service during the last year at least once 

  Rare: Just a few prisoners have received the service during the last year at least once 

 (1) A prison NSP started in Jilava Penitentiary (Romania) in June 2008, personal communication K. Ionescu, 26/03/2009. 

 (2) In Hungary, 32,5% of the prisoner population was tested for HCV in 2007 and 2008.               

 See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page


 Structured Questionnaire on 'Prevention and Reduction of Health-Related Harm associated with drug use' (SQ 23/29), submitted by NFPs in 2008 

(see the help page for information about formats etc.)

Page last updated: Thursday, 16 June 2011