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Table HSR-9. Opioid substitution treatment in prison in EU 27, Croatia, Turkey and Norway

CountryIntroduction of OST in prison SourceInitiation of OSTContinuation of OSTSourceNotes on OST introduction, initiation and continuationTotal number of prisoners on a given daySourceNumber of prisoners in OSTSource% of prison population in OST Notes on OST rate
Belgium2000(1)YesYes(10) 10012(13)303(13)3.03(ix)
Bulgaria(2008)(2)NoYes(10) (i)10723(15)61(2)0.20(x)
Czech Republic2007(2)YesYes(10) (ii)20502(15)21(2)0.10
Denmark1988(1)YesYes(10) 3451(15)450(2)13.04(xi)
Germany1990(3)Yes Yes(10) 74706(15)650(2)0.59(xii)
Estonia2008(2)NoYes (10) 3656(15)2(2)0.05(xiii)
Ireland2000(1)YesYes(10) 3334(2)509(2)15.27(xiv)
GreeceOST not availableNoNo(10) 11798(15)0(2)0
Spain1998(1)YesYes(10) (iii) 63470(14)7431(2), (14)11.71
France1996(2), (4)YesYes(10) 66712(15):8.90
Italy2000(1)YesYes(10) 55831(15)4343(2)7.78
CyprusOST not available(2)NoNo(10) (iv)831(15)0(2)0
LatviaOST not available(2)NoNo(10) 6452(15)0(2)0
LithuaniaOST not available(2)(Yes)(Yes)(10) (v)7842(15)0(2)0
Luxembourg2000(5)YesYes(10) 1030(2)216(2)20.97
Hungary2005(2)(Yes)(Yes)(10) (vi)15079(15)1(2)0.005(xv)
Malta:NoYes(10) 577(15)::
Netherlands1985(2)YesYes(10) 11934(16)600(16)5(xiv)
Austria1991 (6)YesYes(10) 8887(17)772(2)8.69(xvi)
Poland2006(1)NoYes(10) (vii)83152(15)60(2)0.06(xvii)
Portugal1999 (1)YesYes(10) 10807(15)664(2)6.14
Romania2008(2)YesYes(10) 27262(15)18(2)0.17(xviii)
Slovenia1995 (1)YesYes(10) 1329(18)172(18)12.94
SlovakiaOST not availablenoNo(10) 8313(15)0(2)0
Finland1996(2)NoYes(10) 3531(15)50(19)1.42
Sweden2006(7)YesYes(2)6853(15)5 to 40(20)0.33(xix)
UK England 2006(8)YesYes(10) 83194(15):15.53(xx)
UK N Ireland:NoYes(11)1523(15)::
UK Scotland2003 (1)YesYes(10) 7126(2)1354(2)19.00(xxi)
TurkeyOST not availableNoNo(10) 99416(15)0(2)0
Norway2002(9)(Yes)Yes(10) (viii)3278(15)167(21)5.09


 Where data are not available for a country, the table entry is left empty. 

 Data on the number of prisoners receiving OST refer to a given day in 2008, if not indicated otherwise.                            

 Notes on OST introduction, initiation and continuation in prison:                           

 (i) Not fully introduced, but continuation of the treatment if it was started outside prison became possible in 2008.                           

 (ii) OST was officially introduced in custodial settings in 2003 but only started in 2007.                            

 (iii) OST was developed as part of a harm reduction strategy in 1992 and was extended to all prisons in 1998. Data do not include Catalonia.                           

 (iv) Foreseen in Cyprus Action Plan by 2012.                           

 (v) Currently no OST is provided in prisons in Lithuania.                           

 (vi) Methadone treatment has to be provided daily at external treatment centres, while Buprenorphine-naloxone treatment can be provided in prisons.                           

 (vii) A first pilot of OST in custodial settings was conducted in 2003.                           

 (viii) Initiation of OST has to be carried out by na external regional maintenance treatment provider.                           

 Notes on OST rate:                           

 (ix) Rate refers to situation on 27.1.2009.                           

 (x) Rate based on yearly number of treatments (N=61) and total number of entries to penal institutions (30.676 prisoners, CoE SPACE I Survey 2008, Table 12.1).                           

 (xi) Rate based on average monthly number of treatments.                           

 (xii) Rate based on yearly number of treatments (N=650) and total number of entries to penal institutions (109.996 prisoners, CoE SPACE I Survey 2008, Table 12.1). Reported daily rate is midpoint between high and low estimates of two studies, estimating the number of prisoners receiving OST on a given day in 2008 (see German National Report 2009). Pfeiffer-Gerschel et al. 2009, estimated 500 to 700 cases and Keppler (2008) estimated between 600 and 800 cases. Resulting rates are 0.07% and 0.59% respectively.     

 (xiii) Rate based on yearly number of treatments.                           

 (xiv) Rate refers to situation on 31.12.2009.                           

 (xv) Rate based on yearly number of treatments (N=1) and total number of entries to penal institutions (20.431 prisoners, CoE SPACE I Survey 2008, Table 12.1).                           

 (xvi) Rate refers to situation on 1.9.2007.                           

 (xvii) Rate based on yearly number of treatments (N=60) and total number of entries to penal institutions (94.940 prisoners, CoE SPACE I Survey 2008, Table 12.1).                           

 (xviii) Rate based on yearly number of treatments (N=18) and total number of entries to penal institutions (10.865 prisoners, CoE SPACE I Survey 2008, Table 12.1).                           

 (xix) Reported daily rate is midpoint between high and low estimates (0.07% and 0.59%).                           

 (xx) Rate based on 19.550 extended substitution treatments in 2008/9 (UK NR 2009) and total number of entries to penal institutions in 2008 (125.881 prisoners, CoE SPACE I Survey 2008, Table 12.1).                           

 (xxi) Rate refers to situation on 14.12.2007.                           

 (xxii) Rate based on yearly number of treatments (N=721) and total number of entries to penal institutions (14.537 prisoners, CoE SPACE I Survey 2008, Table 12.1).                           

 See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page.           


 (1) H. Stover, L.C. Hennebel, J. Casselman "Substitution treatment in European prisons. A study of policies of substitution in prisons in 18 European countries", Cranstoun Drug Services Publishing 2004                           

 (2) Reitox National Reports. 

 (3) Gerlach, R. & Stöver, H. (2005). Vom Tabu zur Normalität. 20 Jahre Substitution in Deutschland – Zwischenbilanz und Aufgaben für die Zukunft. Lambertus-Verlag: Freiburg.                           

 (4) Personal communication Laurent Michel, 12 April 2010.                           

 (5) Personal communication Origer Alain, Luxembourg NFP 16 April 2010.                           

 (6) H. Stover, "Study On Assistance To Drug Users in Prisons", EMCDDA 2001.                           

 (7) Personal communication Kajsa Mikkelson, Swedish NFP, 21 April 2010.                           

 (8) Personal communication Charlotte Davies, UK NFP, 20 May 2010.                           

 (9) Personal communication Odd Hordvin, 13 April 2010.                           

 (10) Structured Questionnaire on 'prevention and reduction of health-related harm associated with drug use' (SQ23/29), submitted by NFPs in 2008. 

 (11) Personal communication Alan Lodwick, UK NFP, 12 March 2010.                           

 (12) Personal communication Lidia Vulkovich, 2009.                           

 (13) Personal communication Bahija Lamkaddem, Belgian NFP, 19 February 2010.                           

 (14) Based on reply by Spain to survey among Health in Prison Network Members in January 2010.                           

 (15) CoE SPACE I Survey 2008, Table 1: Total number of prisoners including pre-trial detainees on 1.9.2008. 

 (16) Personal communication Gerda van't Hoff 16 March 2010 - based on reply by the Netherlands to a survey among Health in Prison Network Members in January 2010.                           

 (17) CoE SPACE I Survey 2007, Table 1: Total number of prisoners including pre-trial detainees on 1.9.2007.                           

 (18) Personal communication Andrej Kastelic, 16 March 2010                           

 (19) Personal communication Anu Mäenpää, Criminal Sanctions Agency Finland, 7 March 2010.                           

 (20) Personal communication Kajsa Mikkelson, Swedish NFP, 23 March 2010.                           

 (21) Personal communication Odd Hordvin, Norwegian NFP 1 March 2010                           

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Page last updated: Thursday, 16 June 2011