Please note that this page is a static copy of a previously published web page and is no longer actively maintained.
Be aware that the information contained here may be out-of-date.
For the most recent information, we recommend visiting the main website of the EMCDDA.
Country | Reference No | Reference |
A. References for prevalence data | ||
Belgium | 1a | Rotily M, Weilandt C, Bird SM, Käll K, van Haastrecht HJA, Iandolo E, Rousseau S. Surveillance of HIV infection and related risk behaviour in European prisons – a multicentre pilot study. Eur J Public Health. 2001 Sep;11(3):243-50. |
1b | Weilandt C, Rotily M. European Network on HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Prevention in Prisons - 2nd Annual Report. Marseille/Bonn, ORS/Wiad, 1998. | |
2 | EMCDDA. The state of the drugs problem in the acceding and candidate countries to the European Union. EMCDDA 2003. | |
3 | Data provided by EuroHIV (2004). | |
99 | National Focal Point, unpublished data | |
1 | Eurotox, Brussels (unpublished data). | |
2 | Raes V., Medische registratie druggerelateerde infectieuze aandoeningen 2002 en 2003. De Sleutel, Merelbeke. | |
2a | Raes V. De Sleutel, Dienst Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek. Jaarverslag 1999. Merelbeke, July 2000. | |
2b | De Sleutel. Jaarverslag 1999. Merelbeke, July 2000; Jaarverslag 2000; Jaarverslag 2001. Medische registratie, gegevensverwerking 2000; Medische registratie, gegevensverwerking 2001. | |
3 | Vandenbussche, E., (2001), Vlaamse Registratie Middelengebruik (VRM): registratiegegevens 1999, VAD, Brussel. | |
4 | Sasse A., Van Kersschaever G, Stroobant A. Le SIDA en Belgique – Situation au 31 décembre 1999. Rapport semestriel no 51. | |
5 | Driesen G, De Maere W, Kinable H, Todts S. Risicogedrag bij injecterende druggebruikers in Vlaanderen. Rapport van het GIG-project, Antwerpen, 1997 | |
6 | Data from prison Lantin (French Community), 1999. Service de santé de l'Administration des établissements pénitentiaires, Brussels (unpublished data). | |
7 | Data from 1 prison in the Flemish Community. Service de santé de l'administration des établissements pénitentaires, Brussels (unpublished data). | |
8 | Matheï C. Free Clinic, Van Arteveldestraat 64, Antwerp, Belgium, Antwerp (unpublished data). | |
9 | Hariga F. Modus Vivendi / EU network for HIV and HCV prevention in prison (DGV). | |
10a | Denis B, Hayani A, Jamoulle M et al. Toxicomanie et virus de l'hépatite C, B et HIV. Bulletin de la Société Clinique de l'Hopital Civil de Charleroi, 1993 (44) :209-213. | |
10b | Denis B., Dedobbeleer M, Collet T et all. High prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in Belgian intravenous drug users and potential role of the Cotton-filter in transmission. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Bélgica, Vol LXIII, April-June 2000. | |
12a | see International 1a | |
12b | see International 1b | |
13 | Todts S. Risicogedrag bij injecterende druggebruikers in Vlaanderen. GiG project, VAD and Free Clinic, 1997 | |
14 | Raes V. & Lombaert G., Medische registratie 1999. De Sleutel. Jaarverslag 1999. Merelbeke, July 2000, p. 85-86.; Raes V. & Lombaert G., De Sleutel. Jaarverslag 2000. Merelbeke, July 2001; Raes V., Medische registratie, gegevensverwerking 2000. Interne pub. De Sleutel, Merelbeke, 15p.; Raes V., Medische registratie, gegevensverwerking 2001. Interne publicatie. De Sleutel, Merelbeke, 5p.; Raes V., Medische registratie druggerelateerde infectieuze aandoeningen 2002 en 2003. Interne publicatie. De Sleutel, Gent, 5p.Medische registratie druggerelateerde infectieuze aandoeningen 2004. Interne publicatie. De Sleutel, Gent, 9p. | |
15 | Eurotox, Brussels, 2003-2004, unpublished data | |
16 | Medische registratie druggerelateerde infectieuze aandoeningen 2004. Interne publicatie. De Sleutel, Gent, 9p. | |
17 | Medische registratie druggerelateerde infectieuze aandoeningen 2004. Interne publicatie. De Sleutel, Gent, 9p. | |
18 | Raes V., Medische registratie druggerelateerde infectieuze aandoeningen 2002 en 2003. Interne publicatie. De Sleutel, Gent, 5p. | |
19 | Raes V., Medische registratie, gegevensverwerking 2001. Interne publicatie. De Sleutel, Merelbeke, 5p. | |
20 | Raes V., Medische registratie, gegevensverwerking 2000. Interne publicatie. De Sleutel, Merelbeke, 15p. | |
21 | Raes V. & Lombaert G., De Sleutel. Jaarverslag 2000. Merelbeke, July 2001 | |
22 | Raes V. & Lombaert G., Medische registratie 1999. De Sleutel. Jaarverslag 1999. Merelbeke, July 2000, p. 85-86. | |
23 | | |
Bulgaria | 1 | Tomov N. National Centre for Addictions. |
1a | Bulgarian National REITOX Focal Point (2002), Annual Report on the State of Drug Related Problems in Bulagaria – 2001, National Drug Council, National Focal Point, 123 pages, April 2002, Sofia | |
1b | Annual Report of the NFP on the state of drug related problems in Bulgaria - 2005, National Focal Point, Sofia, 2005 | |
2 | National Centre for Addictions | |
3 | General Directorate Implementation of Punishments - Ministry of Justice | |
4 | Annual report 2007 on the state of drugs related problems in Bulgaria, National Focal Point, National Drugs Council | |
5 | Annual report on the state of drugs related problems in Bulgaria, 2008 | |
Czech Republic | 1a | National Institute of Public Health, National Reference laboratory on AIDS, Prague, (unpublished data). |
1b | Brucková, M., Vandasová, J. and Malý, M. (2005) Výskyt a šírení HIV/AIDS v CR v roce 2004 . Zprávy centra epidemiologie a mikrobiologie rocník 14, Notes: císlo 2 - únor Jedlicka, J., Stupka, J. and Chmelová, B. (2005) Rocenka Národního programu HIV/AIDS v Ceské republice 2004-2005. Praha: Pracovište manaera Národního programu HIV/AIDS. | |
1c | National Institute of Public Health, National Reference laboratory on AIDS, Prague, (unpublished data). | |
3 | General Directory of Prison Service, Prague, unpublished data | |
4 | National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (2004d) Results of the First Part of HCV Seroprevalence Study Among Injecting Drug Users”. Notes: unpublished | |
5 | Mravcík, V., Zábranský, T., Korcišová, B., Lejcková, P., krdlantová, E., tastná, L., Macek, V., Petroš, O., Gajdošíková, H., Miovský, M., Kalina, K. and Vopravil, J. (2003) Annual Report: Drug Situation – The Czech Republic 2002. Prague: Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. | |
7 | Brucková, M., Malý, M., Vandasová, J. and Rychtarík, J. (2004) Trendy výskytu a šírení HIV/AIDS v CR v roce 2003. SZÚ Praha Notes: 13, únor 2004 - c.2 | |
8 | National Reference Laboratory for AIDS, Bulletin of Centre of Epidemilogy and Microbiology vol. 11 (2002) no. 1-12 (Národní refencní laborator pro AIDS, Zprávy Centra Epidemiologie a Mikrobiologie volume 11 (2002), no. 1-12) | |
10 | National Reference Laboratory for AIDS (2006): Reporting system on HIV laboratory testing in the Czech Republic | |
12 | Mravcík, V., Petrošová, B., Zábranský, T., Coufalová, M. and Rehák, V. (2006) Výskyt VHC u injekcních uivatelu drog. Praha: Úrad vlády CR. Notes: In print | |
13 | Zábranský, T., Mravcík, V., Korcišová, B. a Rehák, V. (2006) Hepatitis C Virus Infection among Injecting Drug Users in the Czech Republic – Prevalence and Associated Factors. European Addiction Research 12, 151–160. | |
14 | National monitoring centre for drugs and drug addiction-NFP (2007). Monitoring of infectious diseases testing in low-threshold facilities in CR in 2007. Unpublished | |
19 | National monitoring centre for drugs and drug addiction-NFP (2008). Monitoring of infectious diseases testing in low-threshold facilities in CR in 2007. Unpublished | |
20 | Vandasova, J. and Maly, M. (2008 ) National Reference Laboratory for AIDS: Reporting system on HIV laboratory testing in the Czech Republic | |
Denmark | 1a | P.B. Christensen, H.B. Krarup, H.G.M. Niesters, H. Norder and J. Georgsen: Prevalence and incidence of bloodborne viral infections among Danish prisoners. Eur J Epidemiol 2000; 16: 1043-1049. |
1b | P.B. Christensen, H.B. Krarup, H.G.M. Niesters, H. Norder O.B. Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, B. Jeune and J. Georgsen: Outbreak of Hepatitis B among Injecting Drug Users in Denmark. J Clin Virol 2001; 22: 133-141 | |
1c | P. B. Christensen, R. E. Engle, S.E.H. Jacobsen, H.B. Krarup, G. Georgsen and R.H. Purcell: High Prevalence Of Hepatitis A Antibodies among Danish Prisoners and Drug Users. J Med. Virol 2002; 66: 49 - 55 | |
2 | Fuglsang T, Fouchard JR, Ege PP. Prevalence of hiv, hepatitis C and B among drug users in the city of Copenhagen. Ugeskrift for Læger 2000; 162: 3860 – 4. | |
3 | Smith E. Department of Epidemiology, Statens Serum Institut, 2002. (unpublished data). | |
5 | Susan Cowan, Department of Epidemiology, Statens Serum Institut, 2003. (unpublished data). | |
7 | Peer Brehm Christensen, Birgitte Kringsholm, Jytte Banner, Jørgen L. Thomsen, Susan Cowan, Gabriela Felicia Stein, Gitte Wulf Jürgensen, Kari Grasaasen, Jørgen Georgsen Court Pedersen: Surveillance of HIV and viral hepatitis by analysis of samples from drug related Deaths. Eur J Epidemiol 2006:21;383-387. | |
Germany | 1 | IFT Institut for Therapy Research. EBIS-Report National Monitoring System for outpatient advisory and treatment facilities in Germany. Reference period 1.1. - 31.12.1999 IFT: Munich, Germany, no date. |
2 | Jugendberatung und Jugendhilfe (e.V.), Frankfurt,1998 (unpublished data). | |
3 | Simon R, (DBDD) and Welsch K. (IFT) (2002) EBIS - Report of the National Monitoring System for outpatient advisory and treatment faciltities. Sucht, Sonderhaft. | |
4 | Backmund, M., Meyer, K. & von Zielonka, M. (2001). Prävalenzdaten zu Hepatitis B und C bei Drogenabhängigen in München. Suchtmedizin, 3 (1), 21-24. | |
5 | Holbach, M., Frösner, G., Donnerbauer, E., Dittmeier, E. & Holbach, B (1998). Prävalenz von Hepatitismarkern der Typen A, B, C und assoziiertes Risikoverhalten unter Patienten nach intravenösem Drogenkonsum. Sucht, 44 (6), 390-398. | |
6 | Brack J. Hepatitis B and C in drug dependent patients: an epidemiological study. Suchttherapie Suppl. 2002; 3: S3-S10.11. | |
7 | Stark K, Herrmann U, Ehrhardt S, Bienzle U. Provision of syringes for injecting drug users in prison. Results of a three year programme in Berlin. (submitted). | |
8a | see International 1a | |
8b | see International 1b | |
9 | Keppler K., Stover H. Ubertragungen von Infectionskrankheiten im Justizvolluzug – Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung und Vorstellung eines Modell projektes zur Infektions-Prophylaxe in Niedersachsen. (Transmission of infectious diseases during imprisonment – results of a study and introduction of a model project for infection prevention in Lower Saxony). Gesundheitswesen 1999. | |
10 | Stark K. Schreier E., Muller R., Wirth D., Driesel G., Bienzle U. Prevalence and determinants of anti-HCV seropositivity and of HIV genotype among intravenous drug users in Berlin. Scand J Infect Dis 1995;(4):331-337. | |
11 | Stark K., Bienzle U., Vonk R., Guggenmoos-Holzmann I. History of syringe sharing in prison and risk of hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and human immunodeficiency virus infectious among injecting drug users in Berlin. Int J Epidemiol 1997; 26: 1359-1366 | |
12 | Weber B., Rabenau H., Berger A, et al. Seroprevalence of HCV, HAV, HBV, HDV, HCMC and HIV in Hight risk groups / Frankfurt a. M., Germany. Zbl Bakt 1995; 282: 102-112. | |
13 | Trubner K, Polywka S, Puschel K, Laufs R. Hepatitis C in deceased drug addicts. Int J Legal Med. 1991;104(5):251-4. | |
14 | Neifer S, Molz B, Sucker U, Kreuzpaintner E, Weinberger K, Jilg W. [High percentage of isolated anti-HBc-positive persons among prisoners] Gesundheitswesen. 1997 Jun;59(6):409-12. German. | |
15 | Gaube J, Feucht HH, Laufs R, Polywka S, Fingscheidt E, Muller HE. [Hepatitis A, B and C as desmoteric infections] Gesundheitswesen. 1993 May;55(5):246-9. German. | |
16 | Stark K, Muller R, Bienzle U, Guggenmoos-Holzmann I. Frontloading: a risk factor for HIV and hepatitis C virus infection among injecting drug users in Berlin. AIDS. 1996 Mar;10(3):311-7. | |
17 | BKA (Federal Office of Criminology), 2000 (unpublished data) | |
18 | Heinemann A, Püschel K. Drogenkonsum und Infektionen im Strafvollzug. In: Drogen in der Metropole, Hg: Krausz, Raschke, Lambertus 1999; Freiburg. | |
19 | Heinemann, A. Entzugsbehandlung Klinikum Nord Hamburg (unpublished manuscript) | |
22 | Strobl, M., Klapper, J., Pelzel, K.-H., Bader, Zahn, H. & Lange, N. (2005a). Suchthilfestatistik 2004 für Deutschland. Tabellenband für die ambulante Suchtkrankenhilfe. | |
23 | de Ridder, M., Dettmer, K., Hackenberg, B., Leicht, A. (2004). Hepatitisimpfung auf offenen Drogenszenen. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 101, 22. Oktober 2004, A2893-A2896. | |
24 | Reimer, J., Lorenzen, J., Schäfer, I., Backmund, M., Bätz, B., Haasen, C.(2005). Virale Leberinfektionen bei intravenösen Drogengebrauchern. Suchtmed, 7, 128 | |
25 | | |
26 | Prinzleve, M., Müller, O., Werse, B., Bernard, C. (2005). MoSyD Szenestudie. Die offene Drogenszene in Frankfurt amMain 2004. Frankfurt: Universität Frankfurt, CDR. | |
28 | Bundesministerium des Innern (Hrsg.) (2006). Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik 2005. Berlin: Bundesministerium des Innern. | |
30 | Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) (2007a). Jahreskurzlage Rauschgift 2006. Wiesbaden: BKA. Available: [accessed: 23.08.2007]. | |
31 | Bundeskriminalamt (2008). Rauschgiftkriminalit?t. Bundeslagebild 2007 - Tabellenanhang. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt. | |
Estonia | 1 | Kutsar K, Health Protection Inspectorate, Tallinn. |
2 | See International 2 | |
3 | Priimägi. L. & Tefanova. V., Tallo. T. (2003) "Emerging viral hepatitis B and C infections in Estonia" In.: NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Emerging Biological Threat", October 5-8, 2003, Budapest, Hungary. Abstract book, p.11-12. Oral report October 6, 2003. | |
4 | Uuskula, A., Abel, K., Rajaleid, K., Ruutel, K., Talu, A., Fischer, K., Boborova, N.: HIV and risk behaviour among injecting drug users in two cities (Tallin, Kohtla-Jarve) in Estonia. Study report. National Institute for Health Development, University of Tartu, Imperial College London, 2005. | |
5 | Vorobjov S, Uuskula A, Abel-Ollo K, Talu A, Ruutel K, Des Jarlais DC. Comparison of injecting drug users who obtain syringes from pharmacies and syringe exchange programs in Tallinn, Estonia. Harm Reduct J. 2009 Feb 20;6(1):3. | |
Ireland | 1 | Smyth, B., Keenan, E., O’Connor, JJ. (1998) Bloodborne viral infection in Irish injecting drug users. Addiction, 93 (11), 1649-56. |
2 | Long, J., Allwright, S., Barry, J., Reaper-Reynolds, S., Thornton, L., Bradley, F., et al. (2001) Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV antibodies prevalence and risk factors in entrants to Irish prisons: a national survey. British Medical Journal; 323, 1209-13. | |
3 | Long J, Allwright S, Barry J, et al. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV in Irish prisoners, part II: prevalence and risk in committal prisoners 1999. Dublin: Trinity College, Department of Community Health and General Practice, 2000. | |
4 | Allwright, S., Bradley, F., Long, J., Barry, J., Thornton, L., Parry, JV. (2000) Prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV and risk factors in Irish prisoners: results of a national cross sectional survey. British Medical Journal, 321, 78-82. | |
5 | Cullen, W., Bury, G., Barry, J., O'Kelly, F. (2000) Drug users attending general practice in Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA) area. Irish Medical Journal, 93 (7), 214-17. | |
6 | Fitzgerald, M., Barry, J., O'Sullivan, P., Thornton, L.. (2001) Blood-borne infections in Dublin's opiate users. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 170 (1), 32-4. | |
7 | Smyth, B., Keenan, E., O'Connor, JJ. (1999) Evaluation of the impact of Dublin's expanded harm reduction programme on prevalence of hepatitis C among short-term injecting drug users. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 53, 434-5. | |
8 | Allwright S, Barry J, Bradley F, Long J, Thornton L. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV in Irish prisoners: prevalence and risk. Dublin: Trinity College, Department of Community Health and General Practice, 1999. | |
9 | Dorman, A., Keenan, E., Schutter, C., Merry, J., O'Connor, JJ. (1997) HIV risk behaviour in Irish intravenous drug users. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 166 (4), 235-8. | |
11 | Johnson, Z., O'Connor, M., Pomeroy, L., Johnson, H., Barry, J., Scully, M., Fitzpatrick, E. (1994) Prevalence of HIV and associated risk behaviour in attendees at a Dublin needle exchange. Addiction 89 (5), 603-7. | |
12 | Smyth, R., Keenan, E., Dorman, A., O'Connor, JJ. (1995) Hepatitis C infection among injecting drug users attending the National Drug Treatment Centre. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 164 (6) 267-268. | |
13 | Smyth B, O'Connor JJ, Barry J, Keenan E. Retrospective cohort study examining incidence of HIV and Hepatitis C infection among injecting drug users in Dublin. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2003;57:310-311. | |
14 | O'Sullivan P (2004) A study of the prevalence of blood-borne viral diseases in injecting drug users receiving methadone maintenance in the National Drug Treatment Centre at Trinity Court in Dublin. Thesis submitted for the Faculty of Public Health Medicineof the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland. | |
Greece | 1 | Greek REITOX Focal Point (EKTEPN), University Mental Health Research Institute (UMHRI). |
2 | Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals (KETHEA) | |
3 | Hellenic Centre for Infectious Diseases Control (HCIDC - KEEL), Ministry of Health and Welfare. | |
5 | Organisation Against Drugs (OKANA). Methadone Substitution Programme – Salonica Units | |
6 | National School of Public Health – Reference Center of AIDS, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit, Athens. | |
7 | Organisation Against Drugs (OKANA) Methadone Substitution Programme – Athens Units. | |
8 | Diagnostic and Reference Laboratory of STDs and AIDS - "A.Sygros" Hospital. | |
9 | 18 ANO” Drug and Alcohol Dependence Treatment Unit - Attica State Psychiatric Hospital | |
10 | Mr. Papadourakis - Ministry of Justice | |
12 | Malliori, M., Sypsa, V. Psichogiou, M., Touloumi, G., Skoutelis, A., Tassopoulos, N., Hatzakis, A. & Stefanis, C. A survey of Bloodborne Viruses and Associate Risk Behaviours in Greek Prisons. Addiction (1998), 93(2), 243-245. | |
13 | Anastassopoulou CG, Paraskevis D, Sypsa V, Psichogiou M, Katsoulidou A, Tassopoulos N, Skoutelis A, Malliori M, Hatzakis A. Prevalence patterns and genotypes of GB virus C/hepatitis G virus among imprisoned intravenous drug users. J Med Virol. 1998; 56: 246-52. | |
14 | Pavlitou, K., Polidorou, F., Pastore, F., Kabilaki, E., Chrisohoidou, S., Malaka, E. Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C markers in prisoners. Acta Microbiologica Hellenica 1998; 43: 271-275. | |
15 | Papatheodoridis GV, Delladetsima J, Verghisi-Nikolakaki S, Malliori M, Krystallis A, Hatzakis A, Tassopoulos NC. Clinicopathological assessment of hepatitis C virus infection in parenteral drug abusers. Am J Gastroenterol. 1995; 90: 1843-6. | |
16 | Greek National Focal Point (EKTEPN), Admissions to the Psychiatric Unit of the Koridalos Prison (Athens) | |
17 | Greek REITOX Focal Point | |
Spain | 1 | Delegación del Gobierno para Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas (DGPNSD) Observatorio Español sobre Drogas (unpublished data). |
2 | Delegación del Gobierno para Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas (DGPNSD) Observatorio Español sobre Drogas. Informe no 1. Ministerio de Justicia e Interior, Madrid, 1998 | |
2a | Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. Observatorio Español sobre Drogas. Informe 2004. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, 2005. | |
3 | Delegación del Gobierno para Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas (DGPNSD) Encuesta sobre Consumidores de Heroina en Tratamiento (ECHT). 1996 Report. DGPNSD, Madrid, 1997 (Polycopy). | |
4a | see International 1a | |
4b | see International 1b | |
5 | Alfonso GR, Hurtado NI, Espacio CA, Santos RG, Tomas DS. Practicas de riesgo y seroprevalencia al VIH, VHB u VHC en los pacients Del Centro de Informacion y Prevencion del SIDA de Valencia. (Risk behaviours and seroprevalence to HIV, HBV and HCV in patients of the AIDS information and prevention center in Valencia, Spain). Gac Sanit 1999;13 (1): 16-21. | |
6 | Anon C, del Olmo JA, Llovet F et al. Virus C de la hepatitis entre la poblacion penitenciaria de Valencia. (The hepatitis C virus among the prison population of Valencia). Rev Esp Enferm Dig 1995;87 (7):505-508. | |
7 | Delgado-Iribarren A, Wilhelmi I, Padilla B. Canedo T. Gómez J. Elviro J. Infeccion por VIH y por los vírus de la hepatitis B,C y D en adictos a drogas por via parenteral. Seroprevalencia de un ano y su seguimiento. (Infection by HIV and the hepatitis B, C and D viruses in intravenous drug addicts. Seroprevalence at 1 year and its follow-up). Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin 1993; 11 (1):8-13. | |
8 | Delgado-Iribarren A, Calvo M Perez A, Del Álamo M, Cercenado S. Intravenous drug user serologic control: what may be prevented? Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin 2000: 18(1): 2-5. | |
9 | Pallas JR, Farinas-Alvarez C, Prieto D, Delgado-Rodriguez M. Coinfections by HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C in imprisoned injecting drug users. Eur J Epidemiol 1999; 15(8):699-704. | |
10 | Hernandez_Aguado I, Bolumar F et al. False-positive tests for syphilis associated with human immunodeficiency vírus and hepatitis B vírus infection among intravenous drug abusers. Valencian Study Group on HIV Epidemiology. Eur J Clin Microbial Infect Dis 1998; 17(11):784-787. | |
11 | Bolumar F, I Hernandez Aguado, L Ferrer, I Ruiz, MJ Avino and M Rebagliato. Prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis C in a population of intravenous drug users in Valencia, Spain, 1990-1992. International Journal of Epidemiology 1996, Vol 25, 204-209. | |
12 | Santana OE, Malé ML, Hernandez JF,Limiñana JMMartín AM. Prevalence of serologic markers of HBV, HDV, HCV and HIV non-injectors drug users compared to injection drug users in Gran Canária, Spain. European Journal of Epidemiology 1998; 14:555-561 | |
13 | De la Fuente L. Estudio sobre el cambio de vía de administración de la heroína en tres ciudades españolas (Madrid, Barcelona y Sevilla), unpublished data. | |
14 | Alfonso R, Hurtado I, Espacio A, Santos C, Tomás S. Prácticas de riesgo y seroprevalencia al HIV, VHB e VHC en los pacientes Del Centro de Información y Prevención del SIDA de Valencia. Gaceta Sanitária 1999; 13(1):16-21. | |
15 | Jiménez X, Caraballo A, Batalla C, Comín E, Cuenca AM, Ezpeleta A, López E, Parellada N. Prevalência de la infecctió por los vírus de la hepatitis B, C e inmudeficiencia humana en usuarios de drogas. Atencíón Primaria 1999; 24:368-371 | |
16 | Delgado-Iribarren A, Calvo M, Pèrez A, Del Álmo M, Cercenado S. Intravenous drug users serologic control: what may be prevented [in Spanish]. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clínica 2000; 18(1):2-5. | |
17 | Anon. (1998) Seroprevalence of hepatitis C virus infection at the time of entry to prison in the prison population in the north-east of Spain [in Spanish]. Rev Esp Salud Publica 72: 43-51. | |
18 | Rev Sandid Hig Publica (Madr) 1992; 66: 233-237 | |
19 | Ibanez A, Gimenez-Barcons M, Tajahuerce A, Tural C, Sirera G, Clotet B, Sanchez-Tapias JM, Rodes J, Martinez MA, Saiz JC. Prevalence and genotypes of GB virus C/hepatitis G virus (GBV-C/HGV) and hepatitis C virus among patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus: evidence of GBV-C/HGV sexual transmission. J Med Virol. 1998; 55: 293-9 | |
20 | Munoz-Perez MA, Rodriguez-Pichardo A, Camacho F, Colmenero MA. Hepatitis C virus infection in a cohort of 1161 HIV-infected patients. Int J STD. AIDS. 1999 Jan;10(1):69-70. | |
21 | J AIDS 2000; 23: 89-94. | |
22 | Pallas J, Farinas-Alvarez C, Prieto D, Llorca J, Delgado-Rodriguez M. Risk factors for monoinfections and coinfections with HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses in northern Spanish prisoners. Epidemiol Infect. 1999 Aug;123(1):95-102. | |
23a | Bolao F, Sanvisens A, Egea JM, Shaw1 E, Navio M, Muga R. HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus infections among recent injecting drug users in Spain. XIVth International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, 7-12 July 2002. Abstract MoPeC3380. | |
23b | CEESCAT. Integrated HIV/AIDS Surveillance System of Catalonia. Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona 2002. | |
24 | De la Fuente L, Bravo MJ, Lew C, Barrio G, Soriano V, Royuela L. The prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus infection and the risk behaviors in the heroin addicts of Barcelona, Madrid and Seville: an example of the advantages of centering studies on addicts and not just on intravenous users Med Clin (Barc). 1999; 113 : 646-51. | |
25 | Almeda J, Blanch C, Casabona J, Casado MJ, Esteve A, Muntada E, et al. Integrated HIV/AIDS Epidemiological Surveillance System Annual Report 1999. Barcelona: Centre d’Estudis Epidemiologics sobre la Sida de Catalunya, Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Sanitat I Seguretat Social, 2000. Technical document No. 12. | |
26 | Barrasa A, del Romero J, Pueyo I, de Armas C, Varela JA, Ureña JM, Bru JF, Ordoñana JR, Sáez de Vicuña LM, Castilla J and the EPI-VIH Group. Sentinel surveillance of HIV infection in testing clinics, Spain, 1992-2002. Eurosurveillance 2004 (in press). | |
27 | Infección por VIH y SIDA en España Plan Multisectorial. 2001-2005 Indicadores. Noviembre 2001. | |
28 | Instituto de Salud ‘Carlos III’. Proyecto EPI-VIH. Resultados del período 2000-2001. Centro Nacional de Epidemiologia, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Secretaría del Plan Nacional sobre Sida. http: | |
29 | Bassani S, Toro C, De la Fuente L, Brugal MT, Jiménez V, Soriano V. Tasa de infección por infecciones de transmisión sanguínea in consumidores de heroína activos en 3 ciudades españolas. Medicina Clínica 2004; 122: 570-572. | |
30 | Esteban J, Gimeno C, Aragonés A, Barril J, Pellín MC. Prevalencia de infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y hepatitis C en una cohorte de pacientes en tratamiento con metadona. Medicina Clínica 2003; 120: 765-777. | |
31 | Hernández-Agudado I, Ramos-Rincón JM, Avinio MJ et al. Measures to reduce HIV infection have not been successful to reduce the prevalence of HCV in intravenous drug users. European Journal of Epidemiology 2001; 17:539-544. | |
32 | Navarro-Cañadas C, Bachiller P, Palacios T, Ruiz P, Herrero M, Sánchez I. Características diferenciales sanitarias y toxicológicas de drogodependientes en tratamiento y consumo activo. Atención Primaria 2003; 32:323-327. | |
33 | De la Fuente L, Bravo MJ, Toro C, Brugal MT, Barrio G, Soriano V, Vallejo F, Ballesta R and Projecti Itinere Group. Injecting and HIV prevalence among young heroin users in three Spanish cities. and their association with the delayed implementation of harm reduction programs. J Epidemiol Comm Health (en prensa) | |
34 | Bravo MJ, Lacasa D, Vallejo F, Pulido J, Martinez G, Toro G, Soriano, V, Ballesta R. Prevalencia de infección por VHB en jóvenes consumidores de heroína (inyectores y no inyectores). XXIII Reunión científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1-5 noviembre 2005. Gaceta Sanitaria 2005; 19 (Supl 1):49. | |
35 | Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. Observatorio Español sobre Drogas. Informe 2004. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, 2005. | |
36 | Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. Encuesta sobre Salud y Drogas en los Internados en Prisión (ESDIP). Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, 2006 (Not published report). | |
37 | Muga R, Sanvisens A, Bolao F, Tor J, Santesmases J, Pujol R et al. Significant reductions of HIV prevalence but not of hepatitis C virus infections in injection drug users from metropolitan Barcelona: 1987-2001. Drug Alcohol Depend 2006;82 Suppl 1:S29-S33. | |
38 | Data from 2003 to 2005: Not published yet. | |
39 | Delegaciýn del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (DGPNSD). Observatorio Espaýol sobre Drogas. Informe 2007. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, 2008. | |
France | 1 | DREES (Direction de la recherhe, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques). (unpublished data). |
2 | Observatoire Français des Drogues et des Toxicomanies (OFDT), Drogues et Toxicomanies – Indicateurs et Tendances édition 1999 (Paris: OFDT, 1999 | |
3a | Emmanuelli J, Lert F, Valenciano M, Social characteristics, uses and risks among drug users attending needle exchange programs in France [Caractéristiques sociales, consommation et risques chez les usagers de drogues fréquentant les programmes d'échange de seringues en France] [in French], Bulletin Epidémilogique Hebdomadaire nº 13/2000. | |
3b | Valenciano M, Emmanuelli J, Lert F. Unsafe injecting practices among attendees of syringe exchange programs in France, Addiction 2001 96: 597-606. | |
4a | Bello al. (2002). Emerging phenomena linked to the use of drugs in France in 2001 [Phénomènes émergents liés aux drogues en 2001] [in French]. Third national report of the TREND system 2002 Paris, OFDT. | |
4b | Emerging phenomena linked to the use of drugs in France in 2002. Fourth national report of the TREND system 2003. Paris, OFDT | |
4c | Bello, P.-Y., et al (2004), Emerging phenomena linked to the use of drugs in France in 2003.Fifth national report of the TREND system [Phénomènes émergents liés aux drogues en 2003. Cinquième rapport national du dispositif TREND] [in French]. 2004, Paris: OFDT. | |
5a | see International 1a | |
5b | see International 1b | |
6 | Hedouin V, Gosset D. Infection with hepatitis C virus in a prison environment. A prospective study in Loos-lez-Lille. [Infection par les virus de l’hepatite C en milieu carceral. Etude prospective realisee a Loos-lez-Lille.] [in French], France. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 1998; 22(1):55-58. | |
7 | Lucidarme D, Foutrein P, Creusy C, et al. Prevalence of hepatitis C, B and D markers and histophatological aspects in a group of intravenous drug addicts [Prevalence des marqueurs des hepatites C, B and D et aspects histopathologiques dans un group des toxicomanes intraveineux] [in French]. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 1994; 18(11):964-968. | |
8 | Vernay-Vaisse C, Rotily M, Rousseau S, Bourlières M, Galinier-Pujol A, Obadia Y. epidémiology des hépatites virales B et C au Centre Pénitentiaire de Marseille ; évaulation d’un programme de dépistage et de vaccination contre l’hépatite B. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publ 1997 ; (45 suppl.1) : S42-S43 | |
9 | Saillour F, Dabis F, Dupon M, Lacoste D, Trimoulet P, Rispal P, Monlun E, Ragnaud JM, Morlat P, Pellegrin JL, Fleury H, Couzigou P. Prevalence and determinants of antibodies to hepatitis C virus and markers for hepatitis B virus infection in patients with HIV infection in Aquitaine. Groupe d’Epidemiologie Clinique du SIDA en Aquitaine. British Medical Journal 313: 461–4. | |
10 | Schmitt C. et al, Frequency of serological markers for hepatitis B and C viruses and HIV in a population of drug abusers hospitalized from 1990 to 1992. An Med Interna 1994 ; 145 : 7-12. | |
11 | Will, T., The early decrease of an epidemy : the evolution of Hiv, Hbv, Hcv, prevalences and aminotransferases among intraveinous drug addicts in Strasbourg between 1980 and 1990. Rev Med Suisse Rom 1999; 119: 329-334. | |
12 | Six C, Hamers F, Brunet JB. HIV and HCV infection, mortality among inpatient drug addict centers [Infections à VIH et VIC et mortalité chez les résidents des centres de soins spécialisés pour toxicomanes avec hébergement] [in French]. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire 1997; 16 : 67-68. | |
13 | Bello PY, Pasquier C, Gourney P. Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis C virus infection and associated risk factors among drug users in Toulouse [Prévalence de la contamination par le VIH et le virus de l’hépatite C et identification de facteurs de risques associés chez des usagers de drogue de Toulouse] [in French]. Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire 1998; 20: 81-83. | |
14 | Chevallier E (2001). Local estimates of the prevalence of opiates and cocaine use in France: a multi-city study in Lens, Marseille, Nice and Toulouse [Estimations locales de la prévalence de l'usage d'opiacés et cocaïne en France. Une étude multicentrique à Lens, Lille, Marseille, Nice et Toulouse] [in French] Février 2001. Paris, OFDT, 112 pages. | |
15 | Tellier S. La prise en charge des toxicomanes dans les structures sanitaires et sociales, novembre 1999. Paris : Direction de la Recherche, des Etudes, de l’Evaluation et des Statistiques, Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité, 2001. Document de travail No. 19. | |
16 | Emmanuelli J, Jauffret-Roustide M. . Multicentric and multisites study on the frequencies and the determinants of the VIH and VHC transmission risk behaviors among drug users (Study red poppy). Faisability stage. January 2001-september 2002 [Etude multicentrique multisites sur les fréquences et les déterminants des pratiques à risque de transmission des VIH et VHC chez les usagers de drogues (étude Coquelicot): phase de faisabilité, janvier 2001-septembre 2002] [in French]. Final report Saint-Maurice : Institut de Veille Sanitaire, 2003. | |
17 | Guichard A, Lert F, Calderon C, et al. Illicit drug use and injection practices among drug users on methadone and buprenorphine maintenance treatment in France. Addiction 2003, 98:1585-1597. | |
18 | La prise en charge des consommateurs de drogues illicites ayant recours au système sanitaire et social, Direction de la Recherche, des Etudes, de l'Evaluation et des Statistiques (DREES), November 2003 | |
19 | Jauffret-Roustide M et al, Assessment of HIV and HCV seroprevalence and drug-users profiles, InVS-ANRS Coquelicot Study, France, 2004 [Estimation de la séroprévalence du VIH et du VHC et profils des usagers de drogues en France, étude InVS-ANRS Coquelicot 2004] [in French]. Bull Epidemiol Hebd 2006, nº33 | |
20 | Bruandet A, Lucidarme D, Decoster A, Ilef D, Harbonnier J, Jacob C, Delamare C, Cyran C, Van Hoenacker AF, Frémaux D, Josse P, Emmanuelli J, Le Strat Y, Filoche B, Desenclos JC. Incidence and risk factors of HCV infection in a cohort of intravenous drug users in the North and East of France. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2006 Jul;54 Spec No 1:1S15-1S22. French. Erratum in: Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2006 Sep;54(4):384. | |
21 | Cadet-Tairou and al, (2008) Emerging phenomena linked to the use of drugs in France in 2006. Eighth national report of the TREND system [Phénomènes émergents liés aux drogues en 2006, Huitième edition du rapport national du dispositif TREND] [in French], OFDT, Saint Denis, 2008, 189 p | |
Italy | 1a | Rilevazione Attività nel Settore Tossicodipendenze - Anno 2000, Ministero della Salute, Sistema Informativo Sanitario, Direzione Generale della Prevenzione, Ufficio Dipendenze da Farmaci e Sostanze d'Abuso e AIDS. |
1b | Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Dipartimento per le Politiche Sociali e Prevedenziali. Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia 2002. | |
1c | Ministero del lavoro e delle Politiche sociali, Dipartimento per le Politiche sociali e Previdenziali. Relazione annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia 2003”. | |
2 | National STD clinic data. National Insitute of Health (ISS) (unpublished data). | |
3 | Vedette study - IDUs entering drug treatment. (unpublished data). | |
7a | see International 1a | |
7b | see International 1b | |
8 | Coppola RC, Masia G, di Martino ML et al. Sexual behaviour and multiple infections in drug abusers. Eur J Epidemiol 1996; 12(5): 429-435. | |
9 | Rezza G, Sagliocca L, Zaccarelli M, Nespoli M, Siconolfi M, Baldassarre C. Incidence rate and risk factors for HCV seroconversion among injecting drug users in an area whit low HIV seroprevalence. Scand J Infect Dis 1996; 28(1): 27-29. | |
10 | Galeazzi B, Tufano A, Barbierato E, Bortolotti F. Hepatitis C vírus infection in Italian intravenous drug users: epidemiological and clinical aspects. Liver 1995; 15(4): 209-212. | |
11 | Gabrielli C, Zannini A, Corradini R, Gafa S. Spread of hepatitis C virus among sexual partners of HCVAb positive intravenous drug users. J Infect 1994;29 (1):17-22. | |
12 | Coppola RC, Manconi PE, Piro R, di Martino ML, Masia G. HCV, HIV, HBV and VDV infections in intravenous drug addicts. Eur J Epidemiol 1994; 10(3): 279-283. | |
13 | Tanzi ML, Zoni R, Bracchi U, Bombarda G, Volpicelli A, Bellelli E, Anticorpi verso componenti strutturali e non strutturali dell’HCV in tossicodipendenti e. (Antibodies against the structural and nonstructural and components of HCV in i.v. drug abusers). V Ann Ig 1994 ; 6(1) :13-17. | |
14 | Mele A, Biancolilli V, D’Argenio P, Sagliocca L, Considerations on markers of hepatitis B, C and HIV as indicators of risk behaviour in intravenous drug users [letter]. J Public Health Med 1993; 15(1):112. | |
15 | De Mercato R, Cantiello JP, Celentano U et al. Hepatitis C virus in prisoners. Minerva Med 1995;86:89-91. | |
16 | Guadagnino V, Zimatore G, Izzi A et al. Revelance of intravenous cocaine use in relation to prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and C virus markers among intravenous drug abusers in southern Italy. J Clin Laboratory Immunol 1995:47 (1): 1-9. | |
17 | Patti AM, Santi AL, Pompa MG et al. Viral hepatitis and drugs: a continuing problem. Int J Epidemiol 1993; 22:135-139. | |
18 | Giornali Mall Infett Parassit 1993 ; 45 : 859-861. | |
19 | Microbiologica 1993 ; 16 : 35-42 | |
20 | Francisci D, Baldelli F, Papili R, Stagni G, Pauluzzi S. Prevalence of HBV, HDV and HCV hepatitis markers in HIV-positive patients. Eur J Epidemiol. 1995 Apr;11(2):123-6. | |
21 | Giornali Mall Infett Parassit 1993; 45: 863-865. | |
22 | Giornali Mall Infett Parassit 1994; 46 ; 91-94. | |
23 | Giornali Mall Infett Parassit 1993 ; 45 : 861-863. | |
24 | Lanciani P, Taborchi M, Ceralli F. Viral infections in a sample of intravenous drug abuser prisoners. Panminerva Med. 1992;34:185-6. | |
25 | Clin Terapeutica 1994; 145: 41-48. | |
26 | Giuliani M, Caprilli F, Gentili G, Maini A, Lepri AC, Prignano G, Palamara G, GiglioA, Crescimbeni E, Rezza G. Incidence and determinants of hepatitis C virus infection among individuals at risk of sexually transmitted diseases attending a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 testing program. Sex Transm Dis. 1997 Oct;24(9):533-7 | |
29 | Suligoi B, Magliochetti N, Nicoletti G, Pezzotti P, Rezza G. Trends in HIV prevalence among drug-users attending public drug-treatment centres in Italy: 1990-2000. J Med Virol 2004, in press. | |
30 | Tossicodipendenze: Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia 2004. DNPA, Roma. 2005 | |
31 | Addiction - Annual Report to the Italian Parliament 2005 | |
32 | Addiction - Annual Report to the Italian Parliament 2006 | |
33 | Bargagli AM, Faggiano F, Amato L, Salamina G, Davoli M, Mathis F, Cuomo L, Schifano P, Burroni P, Perucci CA for the VEdeTTE Study Group. VEdeTTE, a Longitudinal Study on Effectiveness of Treatments for Heroin Addiction in Italy: Study Protocol and Characteristic of Study Population. Substance Use & Misuse. 2006; 41:1861-1879. | |
34 | Schifano P, Bargagli AM, Belleudi V, Amato L, Davoli M, Diecidue R, Versino E, Vigna-Taglianti F, Faggiano F, Perucci CA, for the VEdeTTE Study Group. Methadone treatment in clinical practice in Italy: need for improvement. European Addiction Research. 2006; 12: 121-127. | |
35 | Bargagli AM, Schifano P, Davoli M, Faggiano F, Perucci CA, The VEdeTTE Study Group. Determinants of methadone treatment assignment among heroin addicts on first admission to public treatment centres in Italy. Drug & Alcohol Dependence 2005, 79(2):191-9. | |
36 | Salamina G, Diecidue R, Vigna-Taglianti F, Jarre P, Schifano P, Bargagli AM, Davoli M, Amato L, Perucci CA, Faggiano F, and the VEdeTTE Study Group. Effectiveness of therapies for heroin addiction in retaining patients in treatment: results from the VEdeTTE Study. Substance Use & Misuse. In print. | |
37 | Davoli M, Bargagli AM, Perucci CA, Schifano P, Belleudi V, Hickman M, Salamina G, Diecidue R, Vigna-Taglianti F, Faggiano F, for the VEdeTTE Study Group. Risk of fatal overdose during and after specialist drug treatment: the VEdeTTE Study, a national multisite prospective cohort study. Addiction. In print. | |
38 | Bargagli AM, Piras G, Cuomo L, Faggiano F, Versino E. Studio VEdeTTE - Monografia Nº 1 – Protocollo e stato dell’arte – Ottobre 2000 (VEdeTTE Study – Monograph Nº 1 – Protocol and state of things – October 2000). November 2000. | |
39 | Mathis F, Bargagli AM, Scarmozzino A, Davoli M, Versino E, Piras G, Faggiano F, Pani PP, Martini C, Cauda V. Studio VEdeTTE - Monografia Nº 2 – Studio Pilota VEdeTTE 1 (VEdeTTE Study – Monograph Nº 2 – VEdeTTE1 Pilot Study). AGAT editrice, May 2005. | |
40 | Diecidue R, Iannaccone A, Lampis F, Mathis F, Davoli M, Bargagli AM, Faggiano F. Studio VEdeTTE - Monografia Nº 3 – Studio Pilota VEdeTTE2 (VEdeTTE Study – Monograph Nº 3 – VEdeTTE2 Pilot Study). AGAT editrice, May 2005. | |
41 | Versino E, Bargagli AM, Salamina G, Amato L, Mathis F, Piras G, Cuomo L, Schifano P, Faggiano F, Davoli M. Studio VEdeTTE - Monografia Nº 4 – Analisi descrittiva della coorte arruolata nei primi 18 mesi dello studio (VEdeTTE Study – Monograph Nº 4 – Descriptive analysis of the cohort enrolled in the first 18 months of study). AGAT editrice, May 2005. | |
42 | Vigna-Taglianti F, Bargagli AM, Mathis F, Schifano P, Diecidue R, Amato L, Salamina G, Piras G, Cuomo L, Davoli M, Faggiano F, Belleudi V. Studio VEdeTTE - Monografia Nº 5 – Analisi dei trattamenti dei primi 18 mesi dello studio (VEdeTTE Study – Monograph Nº 5 – Analysis of treatments of 18 months of study). May 2005. | |
43 | Burroni P, Faggiano F. Studio VEdeTTE - Monografia Nº 6 – Risultati della coorte piemontese (VEdeTTE Study – Monograph Nº 6 – Results in the cohort of Piedmonte Region). Dal Fare Al Dire 2006; 1 (Suppl.). | |
44 | Burroni P, Vigna-Taglianti F, Versino E, Beccaria F, Garneri M, Mathis F, Picciolini A, Rotelli M, Bargagli AM. Studio VEdeTTE - Monografia Nº 7 – Differenze di genere nello Studio VEdeTTE (VEdeTTE Study – Monograph Nº 7 – Gender differences in the VEdeTTE Study). April 2007. | |
45 | Bargagli AM, Belleudi V, Cuomo GL, Davoli M, Diecidue R, Faggiano F, Ferri M, Mathis F, Piras G, Salamina G, Schifano P, Vigna-Taglianti F. Studio VEdeTTE - Monografia Nº 8 – Analisi della mortalità nella coorte VEdeTTE (VEdeTTE Study – Monograph Nº 8 – Analysis of mortality in the VEdeTTE cohort). June 2007. | |
46 | Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo stato delle tossicodipendenze in Italia 2007. Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Roma, 2007 | |
Cyprus | 1 | Infectious Diseases Indicator network, 2005. Minutes of the meetings held February 17 and March 9, 2005, unpublished, |
2 | Cyprus NFP, 2006, 2006 Annual Report of EKTEPN, published. | |
3 | Cyprus NFP (2007): unpublished results | |
4 | Cyprus NFP (2007): Skiagrafisi no 10 | |
5 | Cyprus NFP (2007): 2007 Annual Report of EKTEPN, published. | |
6 | Cyprus NFP (2008): unpublished results | |
7 | Cyprus NFP (2008): Skiagrafisi no 18 | |
Latvia | 1 | Narcology Centre, Riga (2001),unpublished data |
2 | EMCDDA. (2003) The state of the drugs problem in the acceding and candidate countries to the European Union. | |
4 | AIDS Prevention Centre (2003). | |
5 | EuroHIV (2004). | |
6 | Selakova L, Upmace I, Dievberna I. (2003) Large fall in new HIV diagnoses in Latvia in 2002.” Euro Surveill. 2003;7(6):pii=2159. [online] Available: [accessed 5 May 2011]. | |
7 | Ferdats A, Upmace I, Dievberna I, Selakova L, Brokere I. (2003) Development of the response to HIV epidemic among injecting drug users in Latvia.3rd Baltic Region conference. Together against AIDS, Riga, September 2003 [Abstract p.35]: | |
7a | Trapencieris M. et al. (2007),Drug use trends and patterns in Latvia: cohort study of drug users in the third phase. [Narkotiku lietosanas tendences un paradumi Latvija: kohortas otra posma rezultatu analize ].Sabiedribas veselibas agentura, Riga. (in Latvian) | |
10 | Csohan, A., Dudas, M., Gyori, Z., Minarovits, J., Rusvai, E. (2008): Official report of the examination on prevalence regarding infections related to IV drug use in 2006-2007. unpublished report. | |
Lithuania | 1 | Griškevicius A. Lietuvos AIDS centras, Vilnius, Lithuania. (unpublished data) |
2 | See International 2 | |
3 | See International 3 | |
5 | Vilnius Center for Addictive Disorders. Data not published | |
6 | Lithuanian AIDS centre, data not published. | |
7 | Klaipeda centre for Addictive disorders. Data not published | |
8 | Data unpublished | |
10 | I.Caplinskiene, D.Samitov. "Evaluating sexual behaviour among intravenious drug users", abstract No P12, the 23rd IUSTI-EUROPE Conference of sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS, Croatia, Dubrovnik 2007 | |
11 | I.Caplinskiene. "Comparison of the sociodemographic characteristics and risky behaviour of active HIV(+) and HIV(-) injecting drug users (IDUs)", abstract No9156, XVII International AIDS Conference, MexicoCity, 2008 (in press) | |
12 | Lietuvos Aids centras prie SAM. Epidemiologinis skyrius. Signalinis epidemiologinis tyrimas "Rizikos veiksniu paplitimas tarp svirksciamuju narkotiku vartotoju". 2006/2007 | |
13 | I.Caplinskiene, D.Samitov. "Evaluating sexual behaviour among intravenious drug users", abstract No P12, the 23rd IUSTI-EUROPE Conference of sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS, Croatia, Dubrovnik 2007 | |
Luxembourg | 1a | Origer A., Rapport national sur l'état de la situation du phénomène de la drogue - RELIS 2000, PFN, AST, Direction de la Santé, Luxembourg, 2000 |
1b | Réseau Luxembourgeois d'Information sur les Stupéfiants et les Toxicomanies (RELIS-LINDDA), Luxembourg (unpublished data). | |
1c | Origer A. (in press), Rapport national sur l'état de la situation du phénomène de la drogue - RELIS 2002, PFN, Centre de Recherche Public - Santé, Luxembourg. | |
1e | Origer, A. (2005) Rapport national sur l'Etat du Phénomène des Drogues et des Toxicomanies au Grand Duché du Luxembourg 2004 (RELIS), PF OEDT/CES CRP-SANTE, Luxembourg. | |
2 | Laboratorie de Retrovirologie – CRP-Santé, 1999 (unpublished data). | |
4 | Schlink J., Etude épidémiologique des infections HIV et à l'hépatite virale C dans les prisons luxembourgeoises, CPL, Luxembourg, 2000. | |
5 | Origer A. (2006). National report on the state of the drugs problem - RELIS2005, NFP - CES/CRP-Sante, Luxembourg | |
6 | N. Removille, A. Origer. Prevalence and spreading of viral hepatitis A,B,C and of HIV in the population of problematic users of illicitly acquired drugs. Early detection, vaccination against HAV and HBV, referral and reduction of risks and damages. National Focal Point Luxemburg EMCDDA-CES of CRP-Santé. In press. | |
7 | Origer, A. (2008). National report on the state of the drugs problem - RELIS 2007, NFP-CES/CRP-sante, Luxembourg | |
Hungary | 1 | Csohán Á. National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology, Budapest. (personal comm.) |
2 | Ujhelyi E, et al. Sentinel surveillance of infectious diseases among IDUs in Hungary 1997-2003 (unpublished data) | |
3 | See International 3 | |
4 | Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A, Feher B, et al. HIV prevalence and syringe sharing among young drug injectors in Budapest, Hungary. 14th International Conference on AIDS. Barcelona, July 2002 [Abstract MoPeC3407]. | |
5 | Annual report on activity of county centres of NPHMOS 2005, National Public Health and Medical Officer Service Budapest 2006, Unpublished data | |
7 | Annual report on activity, 2006 Baranya, Bács-Kiskun, Békés, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Csongrád, Hajdú-Bihar, Heves, Veszprém Institutes of National Public Health Medical Office Service | |
8 | Csohán Ágnes, Dudás Mária, Győri Zoltán, Minárovits János, Rusvai Erzsébet: Prevalence data on communicable diseases related to IV drug usage (HIV, HBV, HCV) in Hungary, in 2006-2007 (Annual report on activity in 2006) | |
9 | Judd A., Parry J., Hickman M., Mc Donald T., Jordan L., Lewis K., Contreras M., Dusheiko G., Foster G., Gill N., Kemp K., Main J., Murray-Lyon I., and Nelson M. Evaluation of a modified commercial assay in detecting antibody to hepatitis C virus in oral fluids and dried blot spots. Journal of Medical Virology 71: 49-55 (2003) | |
12 | Csohan, A., Dudas, M., Gyori, Z., Minarovits, J., Rusvai, E. (2008): Official report of the examination on prevalence regarding infections related to IV drug use in 2006-2007. unpublished report. | |
15 | National Centre fo Epidemiology: Dudas, M., Rusvai, E., Gyori, Z., Csohan, A., Minarovits, J. (2009). " Official report on prevalence of infections related to injecting drug use in 2008". unpublished report. | |
16 | Nyír o Gyula Hospital Specialised Outpatient Treatment Centre. Budapest. 2008. (unpublished results) | |
17 | Gyarmathy, V.A., Neaigus A., Mitchell M. M., Ujhelyi E. (2008). "The association of syringe type and syringe cleaning with HCV infection among IDUs in Budapest, Hungary. ", Drug Alcohol Dependence. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2008.10.014 | |
18 | National Center for Epidemiology. Budapest. 2009. unpublished results. | |
Malta | 1 | SEDQA, Bimonthly Reports, 2003 |
2 | SEDQA, substance misuse outpatients unit 2004 data file | |
3 | Sedqa Substance Misuse Outpatient Unit (SMOPU) database 2005 | |
Netherlands | 1 | Beuker RJ, Berns MPH, Rozendaal CM van, Snijders BM, Ameijden EJC van, Houweling H and Laar MJW van de. Surveillance of HIV-infection among injecting drug users in The Netherlands: results Amsterdam 1998. [in Dutch] Report 441100011. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven, 2000. |
2 | Berns MPH, Snijders BM, Rozendaal CM van, Schat Y, Houweling H and Laar MJW van de. HIV-surveillance among injecting drug users in Arnhem 1997. [in Dutch] Report 441100008. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven, 1999. | |
3 | Berns MPH, Snijders BM, Rozendaal CM van, Hoek AFM van, Laar MJW van de. Surveillance of HIV-infection among injecting drug users in The Netherlands: Eindhoven/Helmond/’s-Hertogenbosch 1999 [in Dutch]. RIVM Report no. 441100.012. Bilthoven, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, May 2000. | |
4 | Berns MPH, Snijders B.M., Rozendaal C.M. van, Have J. van der, Houweling H., Laar M.J.W. van de. Surveillance of HIV-infection among injecting drug users in the Netherlands: Groningen 1997/1998 [in Dutch]. RIVM Report no. 441100.009. Bilthoven, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, September 1999. | |
5 | Berns MPH, Rozendaal CM van, Toet J, Snijders BM and Houweling H. HIV-surveillance among injecting drug users in the Netherlands: survey Rotterdam 1997 [in Dutch] Report 441100007, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven, 1998 | |
6 | Beuker RJ, Berns MPH, Rozendaal CM van, Snijders BM, Jansen M, Hoebe CJPA, Laar MJW van de. Surveillance of HIV infection among injecting drug users in the Netherlands: Heerlen/Maastricht 1998/1999 (in Dutch). RIVM Report no. 441100 014. Bilthoven, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, 2001. | |
7 | Wiessing LG, Scheepens JMFA, van Rozendaal CM, Diepersloot FB, Dorigo-Zetsma JW, Sprenger MJW, Houweling H. Surveillance of HIV-infection among intravenous drug users in the Netherlands: Utrecht 1996 (in Dutch). RIVM Report no. 441100.004. Bilthoven, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, November 1996. | |
8 | Haks K, Berns MPH, Snijders BM, Watzeels JCM, Regteren AJ van, Laar MJW van de. Surveillance of HIV infection among injecting drug users in the Netherlands: results Almelo/Enschede/-Hengelo 2000. RIVM Report 441100 016. Bilthoven: National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, 2001. | |
9 | Beuker RJ, Berns MPH, Watzeels JCM, Hendriks VM, Coster EJM de, Tonino-van der Marel E, Laar MJW van de. Surveillance of HIV infection among injecting drug users in the Netherlands: results The Hague 2000. RIVM Report 441100 015. Bilthoven: National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, 2001. | |
10 | Wiessing LG, Toet J, Houweling H, Koedijk PM, Akker R van den and Sprenger MJW. Prevalence and risk factors of HIV infection among drug users in Rotterdam. Report 213220001. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven, 1995. | |
11 | Carsauw, HHC, Rozendaal CM van, Scheepens JMFA, Hoebe CJPA, Meulders WAJ, Jansen M, Dorigo-Zetsma JW and Houweling H. Infections with HIV, HBV and HCV among injecting drug users in Heerlen/Maastricht (in the Netherlands). [in Dutch] Report 441100006. Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven, 1997. | |
12 | Wiessing LG, Houweling H, van de Akker R, Katchaki JN, Servaas JHJ, van Rossum JMA. HIV infection and risk behaviour among drug users in Arnhem. [in Dutch] RIVM report nr. 528910003. Bilthoven, The Netherlands: National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM), 1993. | |
13 | Wiessing LG, van Rozendaal CM, Scheepens JMFA, Schat Y, Dorigo-Zetsma JW, Sprenger MJW, Houweling H. Surveillance of HIV-infection among intravenous drug users in the Netherlands; results Arnhem 1995 [in Dutch] RIVM report nr. 441100002 Bilthoven, National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM), 1996. | |
14a | Wiessing LG, Houweling H, Meulders WAJ, Cerdá E, Jansen M, van Loon AM, Sprenger MJW. Prevalence of HIV infections among drug users in Southern Netherlands. [In Dutch]. RIVM report nr. 214230001. Bilthoven, The Netherlands: National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM), 1995. | |
14b | Wiessing LG, Houweling H, Meulders WAJ, Cerdá E, Jansen M, van Loon AM, Sprenger MJW. Prevalence of HIV infections among drug users in Southern Netherlands. [Prevalence of HIV infections among drug users in South Limburg] Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd 1995;139,1936-40. | |
15 | Wiessing LG, van Rozendaal CM, Scheepens JMFA, Fennema JSA, Dorigo-Zetsma JW, Houweling H. HIV-surveillance among intravenous drug users and hard-drug users of Surinamese/Antillian origin in Amsterdam 1996 [in Dutch] RIVM report nr. 441100005. Bilthoven, National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM), 1997 | |
16 | Wiessing LG, Vondewinkel B, Houweling H, Spruit IP, van de Goor LAM. Surveillance of HIV infections among drug users: a pilot study in Deventer. [in Dutch] RIVM report nr. 441002001. Bilthoven, The Netherlands: National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM), 1992 | |
17 | National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). (unpublished data from study ref. 10) | |
18 | National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). (unpublished data from study ref. 12) | |
21 | National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven. (unpublished data). | |
22 | van den Hoek JA, van Haastrecht HJ, Goudsmit J, de Wolf F, Coutinho RA. Prevalence, incidence, and risk factors of hepatitis C virus infection among drug users in Amsterdam. J Infect Dis 1990;162:823-6. | |
27 | Van Santen, G. and De Wit, M. (2004). Serologie screening: drugsverslaafden in methadonbehandeling: Lues, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV: ervaringen in polikliniek Zuidoost. Amsterdam: GG&GD Amsterdam | |
Austria | 1 | Federal Ministry for Health, Special Register for Drug related Deaths (unpublished data). |
2 | Inpatient Treatment Center Lukasfeld, Vorarlberg (unpublished data). | |
3 | Verein Wiener Sozialprojekte, low threshold facility Ganslwirt, Vienna (unpublished data). | |
4 | Inpatient Treatment Center Anton Proksch Institut Mödling, Vienna (unpublished data). | |
5 | Low threshold facility Marienambulanz, Graz (unpublished data) | |
6 | Österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen (2006): Statistik der suchtgiftbezogenen Todesfälle 2005. Österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen. Wien | |
9 | Addiction Clinic - Medical University Vienna/ General Hospital Vienna (unpublished data) | |
12 | Gesundheit Österreich GmbH/ Österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen - GÖG/ÖBIG (unpublished data) | |
Poland | 1 | Szata, W. (2003) [AIDS i zakazenia HIV w roku 2001] [HIV and AIDS in Poland in 2001]. Przeglad Epidemiologiczny, No. 1-2/2003. |
1a | Rosinska, M. (2004) [AIDS i zakazenia HIV w roku 2002] [HIV and AIDS in Poland in 2002]. Przeglad Epidemiologiczny, No. 1-2/2004 | |
1b | Szata, W. (2003) [AIDS i zakazenia HIV w roku 2001] [HIV and AIDS in Poland in 2001]. Przeglad Epidemiologiczny, No. 1-2/2003 | |
1c | Szata, W. (2002) [AIDS i zakazenia HIV w roku 2000] [HIV and AIDS in Poland in 2002]. Przeglad Epidemiologiczny, No. 1-2/2002 | |
2 | Bielak, A. , Zielinski, A. (2002) [Wystepowanie chorób zakaznych (wzw typu B i C, HIV) wsród narkomanów przyjmujacych dozylne srodki odurzajace] [Infectious diseases (HBV, HCV and HIV) among injecting drug users] National Institute of Hygiene. Warsaw, Poland (unpublished data). | |
4 | Rosinska, M. (2005) [AIDS i zakazenia HIV w roku 2003] [HIV and AIDS in Poland in 2003] Przeglad Epidemiologiczny, No. 1-2/2005 | |
4b | Szata, W. (2003) [AIDS i zakazenia HIV w roku 2001] [HIV and AIDS in Poland in 2001] Przeglad Epidemiologiczny, No. 1/2003. | |
5 | Rosinska, M. (2004) Report The incidence estimation of infectious diseases (HBV, HCV, HIV) among IDUs in the cities with diffrent range of harm reduction programmes” National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland. | |
6 | Rosinska, M. (2005) Report The incidence estimation of infectious diseases (HBV, HCV, HIV) among IDUs”, National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland. | |
7 | National Focal Point (unpublished data) | |
9 | National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene - Department of Epidemiology, Chief Sanitary Inspectorate - Department of Communicable Diseases Control. (2008) Infectious diseases and poisonings in Poland in 2007. Warsaw. Available: [accessed 21.11.2008] | |
Portugal | 1 | Centros de Atendimento a Toxicodependentes (CAT), Serviço de Prevenção e Tratamento da Toxicodependência (SPTT), Xabregas Lisbon, (unpublished data). |
2 | Monteiro Carvalho C. - Centros de Atendimento a Toxicodependentes (CAT), Serviço de Prevenção e Tratamento da Toxicodependência (SPTT), DR Centro Coimbra (unpublished data). | |
3 | Centros de Atendimento a Toxicodependentes (CAT), Serviço de Prevenção e Tratamento da Toxicodependência (SPTT), DRN Norte Porto, (unpublished data). | |
4 | Valle, H, Rodrigues L, Coutinho R, Leitao E and Paixao MT. HIV, HCV and HBV infection in a group of drug addicts from Lisbon. Seventh European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV-Infection. Lisbon, 1999. [abstract 866]. | |
5 | Felix da Costa N, Correia J and Felix da Costa N, Correia J and Freire S. Tratamento da Toxicodependencia; estudo sagital de 1995. Toxicodependencia 1997; 3: 65-78. | |
6 | Direcção Regional do Alentejo (unpublished data). | |
7 | Direcção Regional de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (CAT de Sintra) (unpublished data). | |
8 | Viegas E. - Drug treatment Centre CAT Boavista– SPTT, Porto (unpublished data). | |
9 | Marinho RT, Moura MC, Giria JA, Ferrinho P. Epidemiological aspects of hepatitis C in Portugal. J Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2001; 16: 1076-9. | |
10 | Maia A. – SPTT . Lisboa. (unpublished data). | |
10a | IDT (2004). A Situação do País em Matéria de Droga e de Toxicodependência. Relatório Anual - 2003 (Vol. I). Lisboa: IDT.E2 | |
11 | Direcção Regional do Algarve do SPTT. Pina, António P.B. - Toxicodependentes em tratamento no Algarve - Revista Toxicodependências, Edição SPTT, Vol. 6, N° 1, Ano 2000, pp.37-48. | |
12 | Pina, António P.B. - Toxicodependentes em tratamento no Algarve - Revista Toxicodependências, Edição SPTT, Vol. 6, N° 1, Ano 2000, pp.37-48. Direcção Regional do Algarve do SPTT | |
13 | Viana L. - DRNorte – SPTT. (unpublished data). | |
14 | Santos Silva - DRNorte – SPTT. (unpublished data). | |
15a | See International 1a | |
15b | See International 1b | |
16a | Félix da Costa N, Viana L, Correia J, Dois Dias de Consultas de Toxicodependências em Portugal – resultados de 1994, Toxicodependências, 1, 3 - 20, 1996. | |
16b | Félix da Costa N, Correia J, Ferraz de Oliveira, F, Tratamento da Toxicodependência – Estudo Sagital de 1995”, Toxicodependências, 3, 39 – 53, 1996. | |
16c | Félix da Costa N, Correia J, Freire S, Tratamento da Toxicodependência – Estudo Sagital de 1996”, Toxicodependências, 3, 39 – 53, 1997. | |
16d | Félix da Costa N, Toxicodependentes em Tratamento – Estudo Sagital de 1997”, 1, 35 – 48, 1999. | |
17a | Godinho J, Costa H, Padre-Santo D, Rato C, Infecção pelo HIV, Hepatite C e Hepatite B. Dados Epidemiológicos, Características Sócio-Demográficas e Factores de Risco”, Toxicodependências, 3, 55 – 60, 1999. and Godinho J, 1999, op. cit.; CAT Coimbra, 2000, op. cit.; CAT Xabregas, 2000, op. cit.; CAT Taipas, 2000, op. cit.; CAT Cedofeita, 2000, op. cit. | |
17c | Godinho J, Costa H, Costa C, Comportamentos de Risco de Doenças Infecciosas”, Toxicodependências, 3, 55 – 60, 1996. | |
18 | Portuguese National Report to EMCDDA, IPDT 2000. | |
19 | Padre-Santo D, Banza R, Silva A, Costa H, Godinho J, Estudo Evolutivo do Programa de Substituição Opiácea no CAT de Setúbal”, Toxicodependências, 3, 61 – 68, 1999. | |
20 | Silva E, Experiência de Apoios a Toxicodependentes de Rua”, Colectânea de textos das Taipas”, Vol XII, 90 – 97, 2000. | |
21 | Viegas E, Viana L, Estudo dos Doentes em Tratamento com Metadona no CAT da Boavista; Análise da Regularidade na Frequência à Consulta e Resultados dos Metabolitos Urinários”, Toxicodependências, 1, 49 – 60, | |
22 | ODT/IDT (unpublished data). | |
23 | IDT (2005). A situação do País em Matéria de Droga e de Toxicodependência. Relatório Anual - 2004 | |
24 | IDT/ODT/NE - Relatório Interno - Unidades de Desabituação Públicas dados de 2004 e 2005, IDT 2005. | |
25 | Negreiros J. Drug related risk behaviors in IDU's and plans for IDU prevalence estimation in Portugal. Presentation at EMCDDA expert meeting on drug related infectious diseases, 20 October 2005, Lisbon, EMCDDA. | |
26 | Fernandes SB, Martins HC, Trigo H, Leitao E, Coutinho R, Paixao MT. [Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 seroincidence estimate among a group of drug users: a new approach] Acta Med Port. 2005 Jan-Feb;18(1):37-44. Epub 2005 Mar 11. Portuguese. | |
27 | IDT (2007). A Situação do País em Matéria de Droga e de Toxicodependência Relatório Anual -2006 | |
28 | IDT (2008). A Situação do País em Matéria de Droga e de Toxicodependência Relatório Anual - 2007 | |
Romania | 1 | see International 2 |
2 | Drug related infectious disease indicator | |
3 | Romanian Monitoring Centers for Drugs and Drug Addiction data - published in the National Report 2008 | |
Slovenia | 1 | Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana. |
2 | Klavs I, Poljak M. Unlinked anonymous monitoring of human immunodeficiency virus prevalence in high- and low-risk groups in Slovenia, 1993-2002. Croat Med J 2003, 44:545-549. | |
3 | Lovrecic, M., editor (2008). Report on the Drug Situation 2008 of the Republic of Slovenia, pp 68-69. Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana. | |
4 | Klavs, I., Bergant, N., Kustec, T., Kastelic, Z. (2008). Oku‘ba z HIV v Sloveniji. Letno porocilo 2007 [online]. Institute of Public Health of Republic of Slovenia. Available: [accessed 20.2.2009]. Page 12. | |
Slovakia | 2 | Okruhlica, L. Surveillance of Drug Related Infectious Diseases in IDUs Utilizing Drug Treatment. EMCDDA EU expert meeting on drug related infectious diseases, Lisbon 20-21 October 2003. Meeting Report. EMCDDA 2004. |
3 | Data provided by EuroHIV, 2004: [Office of Public Health of Slovak Republic, Bratislava] | |
4 | Okruhlica, L., Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies. Bratislava. | |
6 | Okruhlica, L., Klempova, D.: Incidence of HCV among the IDUs at the Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies in Bratislava in the period: 1997-2000. (unpublished data) | |
10 | Internal study of Institute for Drug Dependencies which is the organisational part of Treatment Centre (Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies) in Bratislava. | |
Finland | 1a | Holmström P. National Public Health Institute (KTL) Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology (unpublished data). |
1b | Liitsola. K., Ristola. M., Holmström. O., Salminen. M. O., Brummer-Korvenkontio. H., Simola, S., Suni, J. & Leinikki, P. 2000. An outbreak of the circulating recombinant form AECM240 HIV-1 in the Finnish IDU population. Aids. (Letter) 14:2613-2629. | |
2 | Needle exchange data, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES), Helsinki (unpublished data). | |
3 | Ovaska A, Holopainen A and Annala T. Final Report on the activities in the health information service experiment on 4 April – 31 December 1997. Helsinki, Terveysneuvontapiste Vinkki, Helsinki, 1998. | |
4 | National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES). Private practioner and heroin addicts: A case study on the impact of medical outpatient care on criminal activities. STAKES. Helsinki, 1998 | |
6 | Brummer Korvenkontio H. National Public Health Institute (KTL) Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology (unpublished data). | |
7 | National Focal Point, unpublished data | |
Sweden | 1 | Kall, K., Thorstensson, R., Low HIV seroprevalence in spite of high-risk behaviour in nine Swedish prisons. 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva, 1998. [abstract 23552]. |
2 | Krook, A, Albert J, Andersson S, Biberfeld G, Blomberg J, Eklund I, Engstrom A, Julander I, Kall K, Martin C, Stendahl P, Struve J and Sonnerborg A. Prevalence and risk factors for HTLV-II infection in 913 injecting drug users in Stockholm, 1994. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes & Human Retrovirology 1997; 15: 381-386 | |
5a | See International 1a | |
5b | See International 1b | |
6 | Mansson AS, Moestrup T, Nordenfelt E, Widdel A. Continued transmission of hepatitis B and C viruses, but no intravenous drug users participating in a syringe/needle exchange program. Scand J Infect Dis 2000;32 (3): 253-258. | |
7 | See International 3 | |
8 | Käll K I, Olin R G. HIV status and changes in risk behaviour among intravenous drug users in Stockholm 1987-1988. AIDS 1990, 4:153-157 | |
9 | Risk factors for Hepatitis C; sharing injection eguipment, the first year of injection and being a woman. Manuscript, Nordén Lillebil, Lidman Christer. | |
10 | Professor Sven Britton, MedS, Karolinska University Hospital, 171 76 Stockholm, Sweden. | |
United Kingdom | 1 | Unlinked Anonymous Surveys Steering Group. Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis infections in the United Kingdom. London: Department of Health, 2000. |
2 | Judd A, Stimson GV, Hickman M, Hunter GM, Jones S, Parry JV, Madden P. Prevalence of HIV infection in a multi-site sample of injecting drug users not in contact with treatment services in England. AIDS. 2000; 14: 2413-5. | |
3 | Hope VD, Judd A, Hickman M, Lamagni T, Hunter G, Stimson GV, Jones S, Donovan L, Parry JV, Gill ON. Prevalence of hepatitis C virus in current injecting drug users in England and Wales: is harm reduction working? Am J Public Health 2001; 91: 38-42. | |
4 | Weild AR, Gill ON, Bennett D, Livingstone SJM, Parry JV, Curran L. Prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C antibodies in prisoners in England and Wales: a national survey. Communicable Disease & Public Health 2000; 3: 121-6. | |
5 | National Laboratory Surveillance of persons having a named HIV-antibody test in Scotland (denominator Study). Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health (SCIEH), Glasgow (unpublished data). | |
6 | Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health (SCIEH), Glasgow (unpublished data). | |
7 | Judd A, Hunter GM, Maconochie N, Hickman M, Parry JV, Renton AM, Stimson GV. HIV prevalence and risk behaviour among female injecting drug users in London, 1990 to 1996. AIDS 1999, 13;833-837. | |
8 | A Taylor, D Goldberg, S Hutchinson et al. Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among injecting drug users in Glasgow 1990-1996: are current harm reduction strategies working. Data from 1999 study unpublished. A Judd, S Hutchinson, S Wadd et al. Prevalence of, and risk factors for, hepatitis C infection among recent initiates to injecting in London and Glasgow: Cross sectional analysis. (submitted to JViralHep) | |
9 | Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health, 2002. (unpublished data). | |
10 | Lamden KH, Kennedy N, Beeching NJ et al. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infections: risk factors among drug users in Northwest England. J Infect 1998; 37: 260-269. | |
11 | Ramsay ME, Balogun MA, Collins M, Balraj V. Laboratory surveillance of hepatitis C virus infection in England and Wales : 1992 to 1996. Commun Dis Public Health 1998; 1: 89-94. | |
12 | Edeh J, Spalding P. Screening for HIV, HBV and HCV markers among drug users in treatment in rural south-east England. J Public Health Med 2000; 22: 531-539. | |
13 | Goldberg D, Cameron S, McMenamim J. Hepatitis C vírus antibody prevalence among injecting drug users in Glasgow has fallen but remains high. Commun Dis Public Health 1998; 1: 95-97 | |
14 | McCruden EA, Hillan KJ, McKay IC, Cassidy MT, Clark JC. Hepatitis virus infection and liver disease in injecting drug users who died suddenly. J Clin Pathol 1996;49: 552-5. | |
15 | Majid A, Holmes R, Desselberger U, Simmonds P, McKee TA. Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection amongst intravenous drug users in rural communities. J Med Virol. 1995; 46:48-51. | |
16 | Gore SM, Bird AG, Cameron SO, Hutchinson SJ, Burns SM, Goldberg DJ. Prevalence of hepatitis C in prisons: WASH-C surveillance linked to self-reported risk behaviours. QJM. 1999 Jan;92(1):25-32. | |
17 | Kennedy N, Tong CY, Beeching NJ, Lamden K, Williams H, Mutton KJ, Hart CA. Hepatitis G virus infection in drug users in Liverpool. J Infect 1998; 37: 140-7. | |
18 | Haw S, Higgins K. A comparison of the prevalence of HIV infection and injecting risk behaviour in urban and rural samples in Scotland. Addiction. 1998; 93: 855-63. | |
19 | Goldberg et al Scand J Infect Dis 2001; 33: 457-461 | |
20 | UK 20 Shooting Up: Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2003. Health Protection Agency, SCIEH, National Public Health Service for Wales, CDSC Northern Ireland, CRDHB, and the UASSG. London: Health Protection Agency, October 2004. ISBN 0 901144 64 9. | |
21 | Data from 1999 community-wide survey unpublished | |
29 | | |
30 | Judd A, Hickman M, Jones S, McDonald T, Parry JV, Stimson GV, Hall AJ. Incidence of hepatitis C virus and HIV among new injecting drug users in London - prospective cohort study. BMJ 2005; 330: 24-25. | |
31 | Health Protection Agency, SCIEH, National Public Health Service for Wales, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety. Imperial College London. Shooting Up. Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2003. London: Health Protection Agency: October 2004. | |
32 | A Taylor, D Goldberg, S Hutchinson et al. Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among injecting drug users in Glasgow 1990-1996: are current harm reduction strategies working? Journal of Infection 2000; 40: 176-183. A Judd, S Hutchinson, S Wadd et al. Prevalence of, and risk factors for, hepatitis C infection among recent initiates to injecting in London and Glasgow: Cross sectional analysis. J Viral Hep (in press) Data from 1999 and 2004 studies unpublished. | |
33 | Hutchinson SJ, et al. Prevalence of hepatitis C among injectors in Scotland 1989-2000: declining trends among young injectors halt in the late 1990s. Epidemiology and Infection 2002; 128: 473-477. Data from 2002/03 unpublished. | |
35 | HPA, HPS, National Public Health Service for Wales, CDSC Northern Ireland, & CRDHB. Shooting Up: Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2004. London: Health Protection Agency, October 2005. ISBN 0 901144 76 2 | |
36 | HPA & HPS. Supplementary data tables of the Unlinked Anonymous Prevalence Monitoring Programme: data to the end of 2004. Surveillance Update: 2005. London: Health Protection Agency, November 2005. | |
37 | HIV prevalence among non-IDU heterosexuals, IDUs, and Men who have Sex with Men who undergo named HIV testing in Scotland: 2004 Update; HPS Weekly Report, 2 August 2005; Vol 39 No. 2005/30: pg 169-170 | |
38 | Goldberg DJ, Emslie JA, Smyth W, Reid D: A system for surveillance of voluntary HIV testing: results of the first 2 years, 1989-1990; AIDS, 1992 May:6(5):495-500 | |
39 | HPA, HPS, National Public Health Service for Wales, CDSC Northern Ireland, & CRDHB. Shooting Up: Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2005. London: Health Protection Agency, October 2006. ISBN 0 901144 86 X | |
40 | HPA & HPS. Supplementary data tables of the Unlinked Anonymous Prevalence Monitoring Programme: data to the end of 2005. Surveillance Update: 2006. London: Health Protection Agency, November 2006. | |
43 | HPA, HPS, National Public Health Service for Wales, CDSC Northern Ireland, & CRDHB. Shooting Up: Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2006. London: Health Protection Agency, October 2007. ISBN 978 0 901144 95 9 | |
44 | HPA & HPS. Supplementary data tables of the Unlinked Anonymous Prevalence Monitoring Programme: data to the end of 2006. Surveillance Update: 2007. London: Health Protection Agency, November 2007. | |
45 | HPA, HPS, National Public Health Service for Wales, CDSC Northern Ireland, & CRDHB. Shooting Up: Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2007. London: Health Protection Agency, October 2008. ISBN 978-0-901144-69-0 | |
46 | HPA & HPS. Supplementary data tables of the Unlinked Anonymous Prevalence Monitoring Programme: data to the end of 2007. Surveillance Update: 2008. London: Health Protection Agency, November 2008. | |
Croatia | 1 | Croatian Institute for Public Heatlh, Zagreb, 2008 (unpublished data) |
Turkey | 1 | AMATEM Standart Data Collection System - Ministry of Helath - Annual Report |
Norway | 1 | Konør H, MARIO – Methadone assisted rehabilitation in Oslo, unpublished data. |
2 | MSIS-rapport 2004; 32:51 . Norwegian Institute of Public Health 2004. (in Norwegian only) | |
2a | National Institute of Public Health (2001) Reference: Table 7.7 in Alcohol and Drugs in Norway, unpublished data. | |
2b | Steen T., Oslo Municipality, Oslo, unpublished data. | |
6 | Melberg HO, Lauritzen G, Ravndal E. Hvilken nytte, for hvem og til hvilken kostnad? Oslo: Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS), 2003. Report no. 4/2003. | |
8 | Skaug K, Samdal IS et al. Bloodborne infections among drug users in Norway. MSIS-rapport; 33: 50 (in norwgian only) | |
9 | Report: SKR rapport 1/2006 .LAR i Norge. Statusrapport 2006 (in Norwegain only) | |
10 | Report: SKR rapport 1/2007 .LAR i Norge. Statusrapport 2007 (in Norwegain only) | |
11 | Skaug K, Nilsen O, Holberg Petersen M, Nilsen FL. HIV infection among intravenous drug users. MSIS-rapport; 36: 6 (in norwgian only) | |
12 | Report: SERAF rapport 1/2008 .LAR i Norge. Statusrapport 2007 (in Norwegain only). University of Oslo 2008 | |
B. References for notifications data | ||
International | 0 | no bibliographic reference is existing for this particular study |
99 | National Focal Point, unpublished data | |
Belgium | 26 | Ducoffre G. (2008). Surveillance des Maladies Infectieuses par un Réseau de Laboratoires de Microbiologie 2007. Tendances Epidémiologiques 1983 - 2006. Institut Scientifique de Santé Publique, Section Epidémiologie.Available : |
Bulgaria | 1 | Tomov N. National Centre for Addictions. |
1b | Annual Report of the NFP on the state of drug related problems in Bulgaria - 2005, National Focal Point, Sofia, 2005 | |
Czech Republic | 6 | Beneš, J. and Cástková, J. (2004) Viral Hepatits 1995 – 2003 – EPIDAT. Prague: National Institute of Public Health.) |
9 | Mravcik,V. et. al. (2005), Annual Report: The Czech Republic-2004 Drug Situation, Prague: Office of he Government of the Czech Republic. | |
11 | Mravcík, V., Petrošová, B., Zábranský, T., Coufalová, M. and Rehák, V. (2006) Výskyt VHC u injekcních uivatelu drog. Praha: Úrad vlády CR. | |
15 | Epidat, The Reporting Systém of Notifiable Disease, 2006, NIPH, Czech Republic, Prague | |
16 | Benes, J. (2008) Viral Hepatits 1996 - 2007 - EPIDAT. Prague: National Institute of Public Health. Unpublished | |
17 | Epidat, The Reporting System of Notifiable Diseases, 2008, NIPH, Czech Republic, Prague | |
18 | Epidat, The Reporting System of Notifiable Disease, 2007, NIPH, Czech Republic, Prague | |
Denmark | 4 | E. Smith. Statens Serum Institut. |
5 | Susan Cowan, Department of Epidemiology, Statens Serum Institut, 2003. (unpublished data). | |
6 | Unpublished data from Statens Serum Institut [the State Serum Institute]. The 2004 data have been complied as at 24 August 2005. | |
9 | National surveillance system | |
10 | Susan Cowan, Depertment of Epidemiology, Statens Serum Institute, 2008 (unpublished data) | |
11 | Unpublished data from Statens Serum Institute. The 2007-data have been complied in maj 2008 | |
Germany | 20 | Die Hepatitiden B und C bei drogenabhängigen Patienten: eine epidemiologische Studie. Suchttherapie, Supp. 2002; 3:51-52 / personal information |
21 | Robert-Koch-Institut (Hrsg.) Gesundheitsberichterstattung de Bundes, Heft 15. Hepatitis C. // Bulletin 16.1.2004 | |
27 | Robert Koch-Institut (2005b). Infektionsepidemiologisches Jahrbuch meldepflichtiger Krankheiten für 2004. Datenstand 1.März 2005. Berlin. | |
29 | Robert Koch-Institut (2006). Infektionsepidemiologisches Jahrbuch meldepflichtiger Krankheiten für 2005. Berlin: RKI.. | |
32 | Robert Koch Institute [SurvStat@RKI]. (2008). Reported Hepatitis C cases 2001-2008, Germany, 15th.October 2008 [online]. Available: | |
33 | Robert Koch Institute (2008). Yearbook of infectious disease epidemiology for 2007, Berlin | |
34 | Robert Koch Institute (2007). Yearbook of infectious disease epidemiology for 2006, Berlin | |
Estonia | 1 | Kutsar K, Health Protection Inspectorate, Tallinn. |
Ireland | 13 | Smyth B, O'Connor JJ, Barry J, Keenan E. Retrospective cohort study examining incidence of HIV and Hepatitis C infection among injecting drug users in Dublin. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2003;57:310-311. |
France | 20 | Lucidarme D, Bruandet A, Ilef D, Harbonnier J, Jacob C, Decoster A, Delamare C, Cyran C, Van Hoenacker AF, Fremaux D, Josse P, Emmanuelli J, Le Strat Y, Desenclos JC, Filoche B.: Incidence and risk factors of HCV and HIV infections in a cohort of intravenous drug users in the North and East of France. Epidemiol Infect. 2004 Aug;132(4):699-708. |
Italy | 28 | Istituto Superior di Sanità, Sistema epidemiologico integrata dell’epatite virale acuta (SEIEVA) |
Latvia | 3 | Perevoscikovs J. (2003). State Public Health Agency. Epidemiologijas biletens [Bulletin of Epidemiology] [in Latvian], 84 (720) |
8 | Bormane A., Lucenko I., Perevoscikovs J. (2004). Communicable disease surveillance, prevention and control in Latvia”, Euro Surveill. 2004;8(25):pii=2487 [online]. Available: [accessed 5 May 2011] | |
9 | Public Health Agency (2008), unpublished data. | |
Lithuania | 4 | Bagdonaite J., Centre for Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, Vilnius, Lithuania (unpublished data) |
9 | Centre for Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control (unpublished data) | |
Luxembourg | 1d | Origer A., Ministry of Health – Luxembourg |
5 | Origer A. (2006). National report on the state of the drugs problem - RELIS2005, NFP - CES/CRP-Sante, Luxembourg | |
Hungary | 1 | Csohán Á. National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology, Budapest. (personal comm.) |
6 | National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology, Budapest 2006 Csohán, Ágnes (unpublished data) | |
10 | Csohán Á. National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology, Budapest (personal comm.) | |
11 | Agnes Csohan MD. National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology. Budapest. 2008.(unpublished results) | |
12 | Csohan, A., Dudas, M., Gyori, Z., Minarovits, J., Rusvai, E. (2008): Official report of the examination on prevalence regarding infections related to IV drug use in 2006-2007. unpublished report. | |
13 | Agnes Csohan MD. National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology. Budapest. 2008.(unpublished results) | |
14 | Agnes Csohan MD. National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology. Budapest. 2009.(unpublished results) | |
Malta | 4 | 2005 notifications to the Disease Surveillance Unit. |
6 | 2006 Disease Surveillance Unit Notifications | |
Netherlands | 19 | Op de Coul E., National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven. (unpublished data). |
20 | Op de Coul E., Bosman A., van de Laar M. Aangiftesysteem voor HCV moet beter. Surveillance van hepatitis C in Nederland, 1992-2002. Infectieziekten Bulletin 2003, 14(9): 323-328. | |
23 | Koedijk, F., Op de Coul, E.L.M., Van de Laar, M. Aangifte acute HBV in 2003 (in progress, Infectieziekten Bulletin 2004); Koedijk, F., Op de Coul, E.L.M., Van de Laar, M. Chronische hepatitis B infecties in Nederland, 2001-2003 (in progress, Infectieziekten Bulletin 2004) | |
24 | Health Inspectorate/RIVM | |
25 | F. Koedijk, E.L.M. Op de Coul, M. van de Laar. Aangifte acute HBV in 2004 (in progress, Infectieziekten Bulletin 2005) | |
26 | GGD Amsterdam 2006 (unpublished data). | |
28 | Koedijk FDH, Op de Coul, ELM, Van der Sande MAB, Hahné S. Aangifte acute hepatitis B in 2006: Aantal nieuwe infecties daalt met 20%. Infectieziekten Bulletin (In Press) | |
29 | Koedijk FDM et al. (2008). Incidentie en moleculaire epidemiologie hepatitis B in Nederland, 2004-2007. RIVM, Bilthoven. | |
30 | Van den Broek IVF, Koedijk FDH, Van Veen MG, OP de Coul ELM, Van Sighem N, Van der Sande MAB (2008). Sexually transmitted infection, including HIV, in the Netherlands in 2007. RIVM, Bilthoven. | |
31 | National Focal Point, unpublished data | |
Poland | 3 | National Focal Point, pers. comm. 2004. |
8 | National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene (2008) Warsaw, Poland (unpublished results). | |
Slovenia | 1 | Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana. |
Slovakia | 1 | Okruhlica, L., Klempova, D.: Hodnocení programu vakcinace proti hepatitide typu B u uivatelú drog v Bratislave (Evaluation of a Hepatitis B Vaccination Programme among Drug Users in Bratislava), Adiktologie, 2002, 2, p.11-18. |
4 | Okruhlica, L., Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies. Bratislava. | |
5 | Okruhlica, L., Gazdik, F., Klempova, D.: Hepatitída C a aktuálne súvislosti s odborom drogových závislostí, Alkoholizmus a drogové závislosti (Protialkoholický obzor), 2003, 38, p.75-82. | |
8 | Annual reports of epidemiology departements from Regional offices of public health in Slovakia | |
9 | National Focal Point, unpublished data (source charged to collect data: Regional Authority of Public Health) | |
Finland | 1a | Holmström P. National Public Health Institute (KTL) Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology (unpublished data). |
4 | National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES). Private practioner and heroin addicts: A case study on the impact of medical outpatient care on criminal activities. STAKES. Helsinki, 1998 | |
5 | National Focal Point, pers. comm. 2004. | |
6 | Brummer Korvenkontio H. National Public Health Institute (KTL) Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology (unpublished data). | |
Sweden | 3 | Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control |
United Kingdom | 22 | Surveillance of known hepatitis C antibody cases in Scotland: Results to 30th June 2002. SCIEH Weekly Report 2003; 37(15): 96-101. |
Norway | 4 | Marte Ødegård Lund, SIRUS – Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, unpublished data. |
7 | Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology. Oslo. | |
13 | Surveillance system for Communicable Diseases (MSIS(online). Norwegian Institute of Public Health Available: (accessed 22.09.2008) | |
14 | Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Surveillance of Communicable Diseases and Nosocomial Infections in Norway 2006. Available:,2369:1:0:0:::0:0 (accessed 22.09.2008) |
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Page last updated: Monday, 04 July 2011