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Table PDU-1. Estimates of prevalence of problem drug use at national level: Summary Table, 2004–2009, rate per 1000 aged 15–64 [see all tables in this series...]

Part (i) Overall problem drug use

CountryNotesYearCentral rate/1000 ages 15–64Lower and Upper rates/1000 ages 15-64 [1]Estimated number of usersLower and upper bound of prevalence estimates [1]Target group, data sources and estimation methodsReference
Czech Republic120095.044.5-5.63740033300-41500Problem opioid and stimulant users. Low-threshold facilities. Treatment Multiplier.7
Denmark120099.128.6-9.73307431151-34997The target population are clients admitted to treatment for their drug problems over all. The National Patient Register. National Register of Drug Abusers Undergoing Treatment. Capture-recapture.8
Germany22008n.a.3.6-4.3:196836-233743Problem opioid and stimolant users. National extrapolation from treatment data. Treatment Multiplier.28;29
Greece120093.22.8-3.62409721362-27272Problem drug users. Drug treatment data. Capture-recapture.3
Spain120081.31.2-1.34001537904-42730Problem opioid users. Drug treatement and surveys data. Treatment Multiplier.3
France1 ; 72008n.a.3.7-9.5:144000-367000Problem drug users. Health and socio-economic indicators Drug Treatment, Surveys, Criminal justice system, Emergency services, General practitioners, Low-threshold services, Hospitals, Social services, Methadone programmes. Multivariate indicator method, Treatment and Police multiplier.7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10
Italy1200910.09.7-10.2393490382500-404500Problem Stimulant and opiate users. Treatment data. Treatment multiplier.27
Cyprus120092.52.1-3.013981182-1688Long term/ regular opioid and/ or cocaine users. Treatment data. Truncated Poisson.8
Latvia2006n.a.3.1-6.2:4794-9588Problem drug users. Treatment data. Treatment Multiplier.4
Luxembourg20077.76.5-9.924702089-3199Problem drug users. Drug-related deaths, criminal justice system, drug treatment, infectious diseases registries and methadone programmes. Multi-methods: Treament multiplier, Police multiplier, mortality multiplier, Capture-recapture and Truncated Poisson.4
Hungary220053.52.8-4.22420419333-29075Problem drug users. Data from drug treatment and police records. Capture-recapture.2
Malta1 ; 520065.45.1-5.616061541-1685Problem drug users defined as daily heroin users. Treatment data. Capture-recapture.3
Austria120094.64.4-4.72577724867-26687(Poly-) drug use including opiates. Treatment and Police data. Capture-recapture.9 ; 10 ; 11
Poland2 ; 620054.23.7-4.7112500100000-125000Problem drug users. General population survey and Treatment data. Benchmark method.9
Portugal2 ; 72005n.a.4.3-7.4:30833-53240Problem drug users. Treatment and mortality data. Treatment multiplier and Outreach work teams multiplier.5
Slovenia20047.86.6-9.2106549078-12593Problem opioid and stimulant users. Treatment and police data. Capture-recapture.1
Slovakia120082.72.1-8.5105198182-33489Problem drug users. Low-threshold agencies. Multiplier method.7
Finland1 ; 420054.84.2-5.51660014500-19100Problem stimulant and opiate users. Hospital data, Criminal Justice, Infectious Diseases data. Capture-recapture. 7
Sweden220074.9n.a.29513n.a.Problem drug users. In-patient treatment centres (hospitals, emergency services), Swedish Prison and Probation Service. Truncated Poisson with Chao's estimator2
United Kingdom12004-0710.19.9-10.8404884396267-431120Problem drug users. Treatment, population density, prison, drug-related deaths, drug offences, police, probation. Capture-recapture, multivariate indicator method.17;19; 21; 23
Turkey20080.50.5:1.12585321573-51456Problem opiod users. Drug related deaths. Mortality multiplier.1 ; 2


 n.a. = not available.                                 

 1 - Interval is a 95 % confidence interval.                                 

 2 - Confidence Interval not known.                                 

 3 - Interval is based on a sensitivity analysis.                                 

 4 - Finland: the original age range of study was 15–54, the rate was adjusted to ages 15–64.                                 

 5 - Malta: the original age range of the study is 12 to 64 years old.                                 

 6 - Poland: the original age range of the study refers to all ages.                                 

 7- France and Portugal reported more than one estimate for the most recent year. The lowest confidence bound and the highest confidence bound are reported as an indication of the range of possible values. For full details see Table PDU-102  

 For further details on methods and data sources/comments see Table PDU-102 and Table PDU-103.   

 See also ‘General notes for interpreting data’ on the Explanatory notes and help page                                 


 For bibliographic references see Table PDU-0                                 

 2010 REITOX National Reports - Fonte PDU template                                 

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Page last updated: Wednesday, 20 July 2011