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Table PPP-1. Price of cannabis products at retail level [see all tables in this series...]

Part (iii) Geographical coverage / Methodology

CountryGeographical coverage / Methodology
Belgium-ANational / information regarding prices is provided by drug users and drug dealers during interrogation by police officers during a calendar year.
Belgium-BLocal (13 partner associations: 4 in Brussels, 3 in Liège, 2 in Luxembourg, 3 in Namur and 1 in Hainaut) / EUROTOX required each partner association to fill in a questionnaire based on ST16, for 20% of public met in street or syringes exchange desks, once per year in the last 2 months of spring. Information regarding prices is provided by drug users.
Bulgaria-ANational / information regarding estimated prices is provided by Police. Price per gram based on real weight. Data collected once per year.
Bulgaria-BLocal (16 cities – the number of cities providing data could vary from year to year) / information regarding prices is provided by Police and field workers. Price per gram based on real weight. Data collected twice per year.
Czech RepublicNational (all 76 police districts) / information regarding estimated prices is provided by Police (National Drug Headquarters). Price per gram based on non-weighed smaller amounts of drugs for sale (e.g. 1 street dose "letter" of heroin is estimated as 0.2 g ). Data collected twice per year.
DenmarkNational (all 12 police districts) / information regarding prices is provided by drug users and drug dealers to the police. Data collected twice per year.
GermanyNational (police internal database) / information regarding estimated prices provided by Police, based mainly on estimates of retail prices at street level. Data collected within the routine police work, especially interrogation, and extracted upon request for the REITOX report.
EstoniaNational / information regarding prices provided by informants and arrestees during interrogation to Police, as well as from eavesdropping (wiretaps) and operational intelligence material, data collected once per year. Prices are based on estimates of prices for substances sold by gram at street level.
GreeceNational (police monitoring) / information regarding prices provided by drug users and Police purchase. Price per gram based on real weight.
SpainNational (police monitoring) / information regarding prices provided by arrestees during interrogation, as well as from operational intelligence material, data collected twice per year. Prices per gram are based on real weight.
France-ALocal (routine information system organized around a network of local coordination points in seven French cities spread over the national metropolitan territory -Bordeaux, Lille, Marseille, Metz, Paris, Rennes, Toulouse-) / information regarding prices at street level provided by social street workers, people involved in techno events, students, volunteers in charities dealing with prevention and harm reduction, nurses and doctors working in needle exchange programs.
France-BNational (police monitoring) / information regarding estimated prices provided by police departments. Price per gram based on real weight.
ItalyNational (prices survey in sample cities: Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Naples, Bologna, Venice, Florence, Trieste, Turin, Rome, Genoa, Milan, Verona) / information regarding estimated prices provided by police. Price per gram based on real weight.
Cyprus-ANational (routine monitoring) / information regarding prices provided by arrestees/user's. Price per gram based on real weight. Data collected quarterly.
Cyprus-BNational (routine monitoring) / information regarding estimated prices provided by police; purchase made during undercover operations. Prices per gram based on real weight. Data collected quarterly.
LatviaNational / information regarding prices provided by arrestees during interrogation, as well as from informers and dealers; police estimates. Prices per gram determined on weighted amounts. Data collected each four months.
LithuaniaNational (police monitoring) / information regarding estimated prices provided by police. Price per gram based on real weight.
LuxembourgNational (routine monitoring) / information regarding prices provided by users during a weekend in Tox-in (Low-threshold centre); prices per gram based on real weight. Data collected once per year.
HungaryNational (study in 7 cities: capital and other 6 main cities) / information regarding prices provided by drug users at the local outpatient drug treatment centres in the given cities (20 records per city); prices per gram based on real weight. Data collected once a year during December.
MaltaNational / information regarding estimated prices provided by police Drug Squad inspectors. Price per gram estimated from non weighed smaller amounts reported by arrestee. Data collected quarterly and sent once a year to NFP.
NetherlandsNational (routine monitoring) / samples purchased anonymously at coffeeshops retail, not at the street level, twice per year
AustriaNational (routine analysis of seizures) / information regarding price provided by police; prices per gram are determined by examinations of offenders, investigations of undercover agents and virtual purchases.
PolandNational (routine monitoring) / information regarding prices provided by police from different sources.
PortugalNational (routine analysis of seizures) / information regarding price of acquisition of quantity seized provided by traffickers and traffickers-users; no information at retail/street level is available.
RomaniaNational (routine monitoring) / information regarding estimated prices provided by Police once per year.
SloveniaNational (11 police directorates) / information regarding prices provided by police, from operational intelligence material, repeated survey once per year.
SlovakiaNational (routine monitoring system of drug scene) / information regarding prices provided by perpetrators and users and police test purchase. Prices per gram are based on real weight for cocaine and converted price for heroin, methamphetamine and cannabis.
FinlandNational (including main cities) / information regarding prices provided by arrestees during interrogation by police and customs officers. Prices are based in LE officers estimates. Data collected once per year (ad-hoc survey) by the NBI. Most frequent (typical) price refer to Helsinki only.
SwedenNational (42 police informants) / information regarding estimated prices provided by police based on experience and intelligence, reported in standardised questionnaires. Prices are estimated from non-weighed typical street doses converted into gram by the reporting police officer. Data collected twice per year (repeated survey). Informants not able to report price for a specific drug have either stated that the drug is non-existent in their region (county) or that no price information is available.
United KingdomNational (55 Police Forces within the United Kingdom) / information regarding estimated prices provided by Police Forces based on their information derived from a number of sources including interviews with prisoners, CHIS (covert human intelligence sources or informants), test purchases and sensitive and non sensitive record. Police Forces provide a mode figure, which is then calculated to achieve the statistical mean provided; this figure is essentially a mean of the modes. Data collected once per year (repeated survey).
CroatiaNational (routine analysis of seizures) / information regarding price of acquisition of small quantities seized provided by informants.
TurkeyNational (routine monitoring National Police and Gendarme) / information regarding estimated prices provided by Police Forces based on investigations, undercover investigations and suspect statements. Data collected by NFP twice per year.

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Page last updated: Wednesday, 22 June 2011