Please note that this page is a static copy of a previously published web page and is no longer actively maintained.
Be aware that the information contained here may be out-of-date.
For the most recent information, we recommend visiting the main website of the EMCDDA.
Country | Data source: name of institution and name of monitoring system/study | |
Belgium | Federal Police | |
Bulgaria | National Service for Combating Organized Crime (NACOC) separately or in combination with other units within the Ministry of Interior, CDCOC (Chief Directorate "Combating Organized Crime"), Chief Directorate "Combating Crime, Protection of Public Order, and Crime Prevention", Border Policy and National Customs Agency. | |
Czech Republic | Police Forces and General Directorate of Customs | |
Denmark | National Commissioner of Police | |
Germany | Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). Bundeskriminalamt (2010). Rauschgiftkriminalitaet - Bundeslagebild 2009 - Tabellenanhang. Bundeskriminalamt, Wiesbaden. | |
Estonia | Forensic Service Centre (Both Police and Customs Data). | |
Ireland | Forensic Science Laboratory: An Garda Síochána and Revenue Commissioners - Customs. | |
Greece | Hellenic Police and Customs and Financial and Economic Crimes Office | |
Spain | Centro de Inteligencia Contra el Crimen Organizado (CICO) (Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad- Ministerio del Interior): National Policia Corps, Civil Guard and Customs (Direccion Adjunta de Vigilancia Aduanera). SENDA monitoring System. | |
France | Office central de la répression du trafic illicite de stupéfiants (OCRTIS) | |
Italy | Central Directorate for Anti-Drug Services, Ministry of the Interior- Both Police and Border Guard Data | |
Cyprus | Drug Law Enforcement Unit - Cyprus Police | |
Latvia | State Police Forensic research department / electronic (LUPA PRO) - Both Police and Customs Data | |
Lithuania | Criminal Police Bureau and Customs Criminal Service | |
Luxembourg | Special Drug Unit of Judicial Police and RELIS Monitoring System - Both Police and Customs Data | |
Hungary | Institute for Forensic Sciences - Both Police and Customs Data | |
Malta | Police Drug Squad (including Customs data) | |
Netherlands | Police Forces and Royal Military Police; Customs and Fiscal Information and Investigation Service | |
Austria | Federal Ministry of the Interior | |
Poland | Police Headquarter and Custom Service over the period 2001-2004; and Border Guard since 2005 onwards | |
Portugal | IDT-I.P.-DMFRI. - Both Police and Customs Data | |
Romania | General Directorate for countering Organized crime and Anti-Drug. | |
Slovenia | Criminal Police Directorate - Both Police and Customs Data | |
Slovakia | Forensic Expertise Institute of the Police Corps (KEÚ PZ:) - Both Police and Customs Data | |
Finland | National Bureau of Investigation, national narcotics seizure statistics based on seizure minutes and laboratory data - Both Police and Customs Data | |
Sweden | National Police Board, Beslags- och analysregistret "BAR" - Seizure and Analysis Register and National Customs, TMJ register. | |
United Kingdom | Home Office, Scottish Crime & Drug Enforcement Agency, Police Service for Northern Ireland and H M Revenue & Customs | |
Croatia | National Police (including Customs data) | |
Turkey | National Police, Gendarmerie and Customs | |
Norway | National Bureau of Crime Investigation - Both Police and Customs Data |
(see the help page for information about formats etc.)
Page last updated: Wednesday, 22 June 2011