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Table SZR-10. Quantities (kg) of cocaine seized 1995 to 2009

CountryCrack included199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009
BelgiumYes until 19995768393321208817621652:3946644352292283946247038524605
Czech RepublicNo:::::::63310538813
Denmark Yes11032584424362614104325776885672
Germany No1846137317211133197991312882136100996910791717187810691707
Estonia No:003000.1423154311345
Ireland Yes226421133386185321081672431951752167118
Spain Yes until 20036897137421841811687181106165336811761749279331354842949650377842798125349
France No86517428441051368713112096365141724484518610166657982155212
Italy Yes until 2001266323871650216329732368181340423539358943804638392941314070
Cyprus No30.0040.020.025580.12101172182
Latvia No0.
Lithuania No:23100.320.10.70.213131416
Luxembourg Yes until 20000.513960.30.48211414361
Malta No::::::3540.1534:2116
NetherlandsYes485192221149589981036164728389796817560ca 12000146001060010500::
Austria No55738799632010837587624562787853
Portugal(3)Yes until 200021168123163625823307555743140301774231808334477736348782697
Slovakia No::101030.
Finland No0.070.070223970.41117433
United Kingdom(7)No67212192350296229603948284135667773466138483280347129402669
Turkey No::::::28312681781169489
Norway No42459360122336314117841957661


 A fuller historical series, back to 1985 for reporting countries, is available in the Supplementary tables section of this Statistical bulletin     

 Numbers are rounded to the nearest kg except for quantities less than 1 kg where more precise information is provided when available.     

 (1) 0,947 kg of coca leaves were also seized in 2006 and 0.336 kg in 2007; 0.596 kg Coca tea, 0.060 kg Coca leaves, 20000 kg Coca paste in 2008 and 3.638 kg coca leaves in 2009.   

 (2) 0.112 kg of coca leaves were also seized in 2007.     

 (3) In 1997 and 1998, coca leaves were also seized. Cocaine liquid was also seized in 1999. Since 2007 quatity of coca leaves seized is included in the total quatity of cocaine seized (17.9 kg in 2007 and 0.28 kg in 2008).   

 (4) 11.26 kg of coca leaves and 0.8 l of liquid cocaine were also seized in 2009.                                   

 (5) 1.1 ml of liquid cocaine was also seized in 2008 and 2.4 ml in 2009.     

 (6) Cocaine and crack are reported together (however, there are usually very few, if any, seizures of crack).     

 (7) Since 2007 data for Scotland are not available, see Table SZR-00 part (ii)         


 Reitox national focal points. See Table SZR-00 part (i) and Table SZR-00 part (ii)     

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Page last updated: Wednesday, 22 June 2011