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Table SZR-13. Number of ecstasy seizures 1995 to 2009

Czech Republic(2):::::::3733524129301813
Denmark 984110143197444331340322505461540397251200
Germany :25182368198628834681429034172571346332382382249526981761
Estonia 118161632421031261842431722702819745
Ireland 57140534746610641864148510271083806688858117373090
Spain 1630224219991375199537501194791804694192033714032343227151525
France 587644628608649140915891782186421351937924935781:
Cyprus :::::::::26343419:1
Latvia :::::206080379013110318511819
Lithuania :::::11139729892851149488
Luxembourg 252612221015162681414971610
Hungary :::::::304362122636614515218633
Malta ::::::8:36877244:7237
Austria 153254253135215330352308276286295248250181131
Romania :::::::::::9416821030
Slovenia :::::12714811968653654374016
Slovakia ::1532522392037263447535
Finland :527457159393465329316328363297340250190
United Kingdom(8)5513621650984850663797901041083427577657369448595760955713924
Turkey ::::::791543065991893874783569411
Norway 160192242178502827841693405452341411421314168


 A fuller historical series, back to 1985 for reporting countries, is available in the Supplementary tables section of this Statistical bulletin.       

 (1) 1998 data includes both seizures of ecstasy and amphetamine.       

 (2) In 2002 data include 1 seizure of ecstasy powder.       

 (3) Until 2003, data include both ecstasy and amphetamine tablets.        

 (4) Since 2000, data include seizures of tablets of all amphetamine-type products with no differentiation between products (a majority of seizures of tablets being ecstasy-type products); see Table SZR-11 for number of seizures of amphetamine-type products additionally seized in kg.     

 (5) 1997 data include 269 seizures of MDMA and 41 of MDEA. 2000 data include seizures of both ecstasy and amphetamine.       

 (6) 2001 data include 6 seizures of ecstasy measured in kg; 21 in 2002; 21 in 2003; 25 in 2004; 40 in 2005; 50 in 2006, and 9 of crystals and 44 of ground ecstasy in 2007.     

 (7) Before 2001, data include only seizures of MDMA and MDA; whereas since 2001, data include seizures of MDMA, MDA and MDE.       

 (8) Since 2007 data for Scotland are not available, see Table SZR-00 part (ii)       


 Reitox national focal points. See Table SZR-00 part (i) and Table SZR-00 part (ii)       

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Page last updated: Wednesday, 22 June 2011