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Table SZR-20. Quantities (kg) of crack cocaine seized 1995 to 2009

CountryIncluded in cocaine seizures199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009
Belgium Yes until 1999:::::0.04:::::::::
Bulgaria No::::::::::00000
Czech Republic No:::::::00000000
Denmark Yes:::::::::::::::
Germany No::0.330.822::364585
Estonia No:::::::00000000
Greece No::0.002::::::::::::
Spain No0.
France No9111625112267121811971213
Italy Yes until 2001:::::::0.0030.30.20.710.928
Cyprus No:::::::0.1::00000
Latvia No::::::::::::000
Lithuania No::::::00000000:
Luxembourg Yes until 2000::::::0000::000
Hungary Yes:::::::::::::::
Malta No::::::::::00:::
Netherlands Yes:::::::::::::::
Austria No0000000000.0200.20.00100.001
Poland No::::::::0000000
Portugal Yes until 2000::::::0.7:4000.004000.0004
Romania No:::::::::00000:
Slovenia No::::::::::::000
Slovakia No:00000::::00000
Finland No:::::0::::00000
Sweden Yes:::::::::::0000
United Kingdom(2)No1983325162656542531405160373359
Turkey No::::::::::00000
Norway No::::::0.00030.00060.40::0.500


 Numbers are rounded to the nearest kg except for quantities less than 1 kg where more precise information is provided when available.                                   

 (1) Crack seizures are reported as cocaine seizures as the Forensic Science Laboratory identifies them as cocaine. Crack is not listed as a scheduled substance under the law.           

 (2) Since 2007 data for Scotland are not available, see Table SZR-00 part (ii)         


 Reitox national focal points. See Table SZR-00 part (i) and Table SZR-00 part (ii)   

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Page last updated: Wednesday, 22 June 2011