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Table SZR-4. Quantities (kg) of herbal cannabis seized, 1995 to 2009

Belgium 381045679139072246329162170:26466131943854505845631275948914486
Czech Republic :::::::10178169103108122393172
Denmark ::::::::2453413045:171366
Estonia ::::::205129111178227
Ireland 78235456620895905600202104151315763929572
Greece 1138254012819175101416714908116531394371534752801112373691046017320
Italy :::397252142426013366731638515339349124854985455124007483
Cyprus 136391293029389562318135148357156
Latvia ::::::194768266184218
Lithuania ::::::16530161067216014482
Luxembourg :1635548131817231762132115
Malta :::::00.020.1325221:0.2458
Netherlands(4):::::10330224479958:ca 9000440066005470::
Austria ::::34215622824505535065041392887530776
Romania ::::::::729034711172115209199
Finland :::::141432452643333656100
United Kingdom(9)138723430431120217301588525490267413501229412215552065225859201633361218162
Turkey ::::::97465538700775711133922228255463122241940
Norway ::::::351054834443276151122


 ca = circa.       

 Numbers are rounded to the nearest kg except for quantities less than 1 kg where more precise information is provided when available.   

 (1) 2005 data include seizures of seeds and other cannabis products except resin and plants.       

 (2) In 2002 and 2003, seizures of cannabis products cannot be broken down by product; 57115 kg of cannabis were seized in 2002 and 82515 kg in 2003.       

 (3) 2000 to 2003 data include both seizures of herbal cannabis and cannabis plants.       

 (4) In 2000 and 2001, data include both marihuana and Dutch-grown weed; in 2002, data include marihuana only.        

 (5) Data include cannabis seeds, leaves and other cannabis products except resin, pollen and plants. In 2009 6.4 kg of cannabis leaves; 1.1 kg of cannabis seeds; 2095 cannabis seeds were also seized.       

 (6) In 2003, seizures of cannabis resin and herbal cannabis cannot be broken down by product; 220.16 kg of herb and resin were seized in 2003.       

 (7) Data before 2000 include total of herbal and plants.       

 (8) Data include cannabis plants.       

 (9) Since 2007 data for Scotland are not available, see Table SZR-00 part (ii)       


 Reitox national focal points. See Table SZR-00 part (i) and Table SZR-00 part (ii)       

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Page last updated: Wednesday, 22 June 2011