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Table SZR-9. Number of cocaine seizures 1995 to 2009

CountryCrack included199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009
Belgium Yes until 19991046::804556921108138182528802225935365633454021
Czech RepublicNo:::::::1220101611382426
Estonia No541035262242353555721001226445
Ireland Yes42931571512132063004295667531045150017491310635
Greece No:::::::410482439576594742868791
Spain Yes until 20035035841212276138181800616080261272890321766302823645342424455754639149156
France No14321457154516881865180216502048263631753278313540514538:
Italy Yes until 20012519292231823870::::::64336457706073317317
Cyprus No:::::::::34346174:77
Latvia No:::::13151311282332554644
Lithuania No 221116710612161214223231
Luxembourg Yes until 200048635422565058666911611889878396
Hungary Yes:::::::57959689113134134139
Malta No::::::8:14363227:83102
Netherlands Yes::1005123233912676:::::::::
Austria No42152565153151955476886312711475150710441087936984
Portugal(1)Yes until 2000872116212341377169111811100973987104713741399136914371420
Romania No:::::::::::366291103
Slovenia No:::::::10980145139190199231254
Slovakia No:1915182922273215121825163326
Finland No:151624494055454965798292107102
United Kingdom(3)No22102821383752095858601069806662770783661268017195217512500421811
Turkey No::::::374856110461205357367428
Norway No5475144206309390495577504464685726909853804


 A fuller historical series, back to 1985 for reporting countries, is available in the Supplementary tables section of this Statistical bulletin       

 (1) 1998 data include 1 seizure of coca leaves; in 1999 include 1 seizure of liquid cocaine; in 2000 include 2 seizures of base cocaine; in 2002 include 1 seizure of coca leaves; in 2003 include 1 seizure of base cocaine; in 2004 include 1 seizure of coca leaves; in 2005 include 1 seizure of coca leaves and in 2007 data include 3 seizures of coca leaves.       

 (2) Cocaine and crack are reported together (however, there are usually very few, if any, seizures of crack).       

 (3) Since 2007 data for Scotland are not available, see Table SZR-00 part (ii)         


 Reitox national focal points. See Table SZR-00 part (i) and Table SZR-00 part (ii)       

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Page last updated: Wednesday, 22 June 2011